The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing

COP Decisions

Cooperation with other conventions and organizations

  • Decision II/9 annex, paragraph 9
    Forests and biological diversity
  • Decision II/10 paragraph 12
    Conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal biological diversity
  • Decision II/15 paragraph 2 (1)
    FAO global system for the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
  • Decision II/16 annex, paragraphs 8 (h), 9
    Statement to the international technical conference on the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
  • Decision III/5 paragraph 7
    Additional guidance to the financial mechanism
  • Decision II/11 paragraphs 18, 19
    Access to genetic resources
  • Decision III/15 paragraphs 8, 9
    Access to genetic resources
  • Decision IV/6 paragraph 6
    Agricultural biological diversity
  • Decision V/16 paragraph 14
    Article 8(j) and related provisions
  • Decision V/26 A paragraphs 8, 15 (c), (d), (e); part C, paragraph 3
    Access to genetic resources
  • Decision VII/19 B, paragraph 1; C, paragraphs 1 and 2; D, paragraphs 1, 5-8; Annex, section D, paragraph xxiii; Annex,, section E, paragraphs 7,8, 9 and 10; section F, paragraph 2, 3, 4 and 7; Annex (Action Plan), paragraphs 7and 9; Annex (Action Plan), paragraphs 10-12; Annex, Action Plan, Appendix, section C, paragraph 4
    Access and benefit-sharing as related to genetic resources (Article 15)