Aichi-Nagoya International E-Conference on the Post 2010 Biodiversity Target (ANIEC 2010)

ANIEC 2010 - Question 1

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What does biodiversity mean to you?

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Every living thing is Biodiversity [#875]
For me biodiversity is any living thing in our planet, since bio means live and diversity means that there is a lot of something. Joining these two words it means diversity of life and that is from plants to animals, from the woods to the dessert, from the sky to the ground, even underground there is biodiversity. It is very important since many of it depends on each other, every single living thing is esential for us to live.
posted on 2010-04-14 17:59 UTC by Ludovic Eric hirtzmann, Le Figaro
RE: Every living thing is Biodiversity [#931]
for me biodiversity means life. Living things:D
posted on 2010-04-27 18:59 UTC by Anik Venne, Radio-Canada Info