Welcome to COP 9

COP 9 - Information for Participants

Full version (This revision is issued to to reflect the name and coordinates of the newly designated focal person for NGOs.)

22. List of Focal Points

In order to enhance relations between representatives of major groups and other stakeholders and the CBD Secretariat, the following focal points have been designated:

  • Focal point for Indigenous and local communities
    Mr. John Scott
    Programme Officer – Traditional knowledge
    Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
    World Trade Centre
    413 St. Jacques Street, Suite 800
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y IN9
    Telephone (Direct line): +1 514 287 7042
    Fax: + 1 514 288 65 88
    E- mail: john.scott@cbd.int

  • Focal point for non-governmental organizations
    Mr. Neil Pratt
    Senior Environmental Affairs Officer
    Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
    World Trade Centre
    413 St. Jacques Street, Suite 800
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y IN9
    Telephone: +1 514 287 7007
    Fax: + 1 514 288 65 88
    E- mail: neil.pratt@cbd.int

  • Gender focal point
    Ms. Marie Aminata Khan
    Information Officer and Gender Focal Point
    Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
    World Trade Centre
    413 St. Jacques Street, Suite 800
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y IN9
    Telephone: +1 514 287 8701
    Fax: + 1 514 288 65 88
    E- mail: marie.khan@cbd.int

  • Focal point for children and youth
    Ms. Christine Gibb
    Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
    World Trade Centre
    413 St. Jacques Street, Suite 800
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y IN9
    Telephone: +1 514 288 22 20 (ext. 298)
    Fax: + 1 514 288 65 88
    E- mail: Christine.gibb@cbd.int

  • Focal point for business
    Mr. Nicolas Bertrand
    Programme Officer
    Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
    World Trade Centre
    413 St. Jacques Street, Suite 800
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y IN9
    Telephone (Direct line): +1 514 287 7048
    Fax: + 1 514 288 65 88
    E- mail: nicolas.bertrand@cbd.int

  • Focal point for local authorities, parliamentarians and cities
    Mr. Oliver Hillel
    Programme officer, Sustainable Use/Tourism/Islands
    Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
    413 St. Jacques St., Suite 800
    Montreal, Quebec
    H2Y 1N9 Canada
    Telephone: + 1 514-287-7009
    Fax: + 1 514 288-6588
    Email: oliver.hillel@cbd.int

  • Focal point for United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations
    Mr. David Cooper
    Senior Programme Officer
    Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
    World Trade Centre
    413 St. Jacques Street, Suite 800
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y IN9
    Telephone (Direct line): +1 514-287-8709
    Fax: + 1 514-288-6588
    E- mail: david.cooper@cbd.int

  • Focal points for exhibition
    Mr. David Ainsworth
    Programme Officer,
    Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
    World Trade Centre
    413 St. Jacques Street, Suite 800
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y IN9
    Telephone (Direct line): +1 514-287-7025
    Fax: + 1 514-288-6588
    E- mail: david.ainsworth@cbd.int

  • Focal point for security related issues
    Mr. Sassan Rahimi
    United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV)
    Vienna International Centre
    PO Box 500
    A 1400 Vienna, Austria
    Tephone: + 43 126060-5175
    E-mail: sassan.rahimi@unvienna.org