Country Profiles

Greece - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
General Target 1 Increase knowledge for the assessment of biodiversity status 1, 12, 13, 14, 19
Specific Target 1.1 Facilitate access to scientific knowledge (regarding Greek flora and fauna) and fill the gaps in scientific data.
Specific Target 1.2 Facilitate access to information on actions for biodiversity conservation and monitoring, as well as the implementation of the National Strategy.
General Target 2 Conservation of national natural capital and ecosystem restoration 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Specific Target 2.1 Conservation of species and habitat types in Greek terrestrial and marine ecosystems, to promote the goal of sustainability.
Specific Target 2.2 Restoration of important species and habitat types.
General Target 3 Organisation and operation of a National System of Protected Areas and enhancement of benefits from their management 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Specific Target 3.1 Effective organisation of the administration and management of protected areas and implementing preventive measures in protected areas.
Specific Target 3.2 Application of exemplary and innovative practices in the productive sectors and tourism based on the areas management plans for biodiversity conservation and management.
Specific Target 3.3 Design, and possible integration, of ecological corridors of special designation status and their effective management.
General Target 4 Conservation of the genetic resources of Greece – Facilitating access to genetic resources – Fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from their utilisation 16
Specific Target 4.1 Ensuring access to scientific records of genetic resources and filling gaps in scientific data.
Specific Target 4.2 In situ and / or ex situ conservation of Greek genetic resources.
Specific Target 4.3 Facilitating access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilisation of genetic resources.
Specific Target 4.4 Study, prevention and reduction of the impact of Genetically Modified Organisms on biodiversity.
General Target 5 Enhancing the synergies among the main sectoral policies for the conservation of biodiversity. Establishing incentives. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15
Specific Target 5.1 Effective integration of biodiversity conservation at all levels of spatial planning.
Specific Target 5.2 Minimise impacts of large infrastructure projects.
Specific Target 5.3 Ensure the compatibility of residential and industrial development activities (including conventional energy production) with biodiversity conservation.
Specific Target 5.4 Ensure the compatibility of tourist activities with biodiversity conservation.
Specific Target 5.5 Ensure the compatibility of agricultural, fisheries, and forestry activities with biodiversity conservation.
Specific Target 5.6 Ensure the compatibility of energy production activities and infrastructure (including renewable energy) with biodiversity conservation.
Specific Target 5.7 Ensure the compatibility of mining activities with biodiversity conservation.
Specific Target 5.8 Ensure the compatibility of other activities (like hunting, collection of plants or animals) with biodiversity conservation.
General Target 6 Conservation of landscape diversity
Specific Target 6.1 Completion of integration of conservation landscape diversity policy into all sectoral policies.
Specific Target 6.2 Maintaining the diversity of the landscape both inside and outside of protected areas.
Specific Target 6.3 Conservation of unique landscapes.
General Target 7 Prevention and minimisation of the impacts of climate change on biodiversity 3, 15
Specific Target 7.1 Study the effects of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem functions.
Specific Target 7.2 Take action so that the components of biodiversity will be able to adapt to climate change.
Specific Target 7.3 Reduce the impacts of actions established to address climate change on biodiversity.
Specific Target 7.4 Enhance the role of forests in mitigating the effects of climate change.
General Target 8 Protection of biodiversity from invasive alien species 6, 9, 14
Specific Target 8.1 Prevention, early detection, and controlling the introduction and spread of invasive species.
Specific Target 8.2 Taking action to restore the impacts of invasive alien species on biodiversity.
General Target 9 Enhancing international cooperation for biodiversity conservation
Specific Target 9.1 Substantially enhancing the effectiveness of international, regional and transnational cooperation for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Specific Target 9.2 Enhancing transboundary cooperation for biodiversity conservation.
General Target 10 Upgrade the quality and efficiency of public administration on biodiversity conservation
Specific Target 10.1 Improving public administration in organisational issues, scientific issues and decision-making processes for the effective implementation of policies, measures and legislation on biodiversity.
Specific Target 10.2 Ensuring adequate funding for biodiversity conservation.
General Target 11 Integration of biodiversity conservation in the value system of societies 2
Specific Target 11.1 Integrating biodiversity issues in formal and non-formal education and the promotion of the value of biodiversity. 1
Specific Target 11.2 Promoting environmental awareness in biodiversity conservation. 1
General Target 12 Citizen participation in biodiversity conservation 4, 19
Specific Target 12.1 Establishment of cooperation among citizens, scientists and public administration in the decision making process and monitoring of its implementation.
Specific Target 12.2 Promoting the accountability of companies in the context of biodiversity conservation.
General Target 13 Appreciation of ecosystem services and the promotion of the value of Greek biodiversity 2, 20
Specific Target 13.1 Valuation of ecosystem functions and services in social and economic terms.
Specific Target 13.2 Promotion of the value of biodiversity and the services provided by biodiversity and ecosystems.
Specific Target 13.3 Promotion, establishment and maintenance of natural green infrastructure.