Country Profiles

North Macedonia - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
Target 1 Raised public awareness on biological diversity and its values, the services provided by ecosystems and the steps to be taken for the protection and sustainable use of biological diversity. 1
Target 2 The values of biodiversity to be gradually incorporated into economic development policies on national and local level (poverty reduction, accounting systems, national and local development plans, etc.). 2
Target 3 To identify and eliminate incentives, including subsidies harmful to biodiversity and to introduce positive incentives for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity assigned with the Convention and EU obligations. 3
Target 4 To establish management practices in forestry and agriculture that contribute to conservation of biodiversity and maintenance of ecosystem services. 7, 14
Target 5 Pollution, including waste and excess nutrients, to be reduced to levels that are not harmful to biodiversity, ecosystems and the provision of ecosystem services. 8
Target 6 To develop and implement plans for sustainable production and consumption for use of natural resources within safe ecological limits. 4
Target 7 To create and establish appropriate policies for the evidence, control and protection from invasive alien species. 9
Target 8 To integrate measures for adaptation and mitigation of climate change and combating desertification. 15
Target 9 To prevent the loss, degradation and fragmentation of natural habitats of national and European importance. 5
Target 10 To increase the surface of protected areas to 15% including their functional connectivity (ecological network) and establish effective management of protected areas in collaboration with local communities. 11
Target 11 To determine the extent of threat of wild species in order to prevent the extinction of endangered species, and to improve and maintain conservation status, particularly of the species in decline. 12
Target 12 To improve in situ and ex situ protection of genetic resources of native species cultivated plants and domestic animals. 13
Target 13 To establish monitoring of biodiversity and natural processes. 9, 11, 12, 13, 19
Target 14 To promote the protection of species and ecosystems on transboundary level through implementation of joint actions/measures.
Target 15 To improve the status of important ecosystems in terms of providing essential ecosystem services. 14
Target 16 To integrate requirements of Nagoya Protocol into national legislation to 2018. 16
Target 17 To encourage and financially support the research of all components of biodiversity, to establish and update the database on national level to better use and sharing of information on biodiversity. 19
Target 18 To preserve and promote traditional knowledge, innovations and practices in benefit of conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. 18
Target 19 To increase the level of investments and financing sources for biodiversity conservation from the central and local budget and other sources. 20