Country Profiles

Serbia - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
Objective 1.1 Enable the Republic of Serbia’s extinction threatened species and ecological communities to survive and thrive in their natural habitats and retain their genetic diversity and potential for evolutionary development. Restore biological diversity in degraded areas. Complement in-situ conservation measures by maintaining ex-situ facilities and conducting ex-situ conservation measures
Objective 1.2 Monitor, regulate and minimize processes and activities that have, or are likely to have, significant adverse impacts on biological diversity.
Objective 2.1 Establish and manage a comprehensive, adequate and representative system of protected areas covering the Republic of Serbia’s biological diversity
Objective 2.2 Ensure the availability of sufficient financial resources for maintenance and expansion of the PA system of the Republic of Serbia, while enhancing the long-term financial sustainability of the system
Objective 3.1 Develop new, and strengthen existing, mechanisms to ensure the sustainable use of the Republic of Serbia’s biological diversity. Promote these mechanisms widely within public and private sectors
Objective 3.2 Ensure that social and economic benefits of the use of genetic resources and other products and services originating from the Republic of Serbia’s biological diversity are accrued by the Republic of Serbia.
Objective 3.3. Increase national awareness and use of economic valuation of biodiversity techniques as a mechanism for more accurately assessing and accounting for economic trade-offs between biodiversity protection and human activities that may result in biodiversity loss
Objective 4.1 Strengthen and expand the policy framework for biodiversity conservation
Objective 4.2 Strengthen the legal framework for biodiversity conservation and ensure enforcement and compliance of biodiversity related legislation
Objective 4.3 Strengthen the institutional framework for biodiversity conservation
Objective 4.4 Strengthen and expand financing for biodiversity conservation and provide incentives for biodiversity conservation within all sectors
Objective 5.1 Develop and implement national integrated policies for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity
Objective 5.2 Improve the integration of biodiversity concerns into all relevant sectors
Objective 6.1 Collect, review and synthesize available data and information on biological diversity to provide a basis for assessing the status of, monitoring, conserving and sustainably using biological diversity
Objective 6.2 Establish a national programme to identify and monitor priority species, habitats, and genetic components of biodiversity, as well as the effects of activities and processes that threaten biodiversity components and their causes
Objective 6.3 Support aimed at understanding and maintaining biological diversity in the Republic of Serbia
Objective 7.1 Build and strengthen capacities within all relevant public and private institutions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use
Objective 7.2 Develop necessary infrastructure and provide essential equipment for biodiversity monitoring, conservation and sustainable use within relevant institutions
Objective 8.1 Generate a greater understanding of the importance of biodiversity and develop skills for studying and protecting biodiversity through the integration of information on biodiversity in formal academic curricula
Objective 8.2 Foster public understanding, support and action for biodiversity conservation through integration of biodiversity information in formal academic curricula
Objective 8.3 Involve local residents and communities in planning, decision-making and implementation related to biodiversity conservation
Objective 9.1 Ensure coherency and coordination between this strategy and other international biodiversity-related commitments and agreements
Objective 9.2 Ensure continued and effective international cooperation for the protection of biodiversity
Objective 10.1 Develop national strategies and mechanisms to understand, plan for and minimize the potential impacts of climate change on biological diversity
Objective 10.2 Increase capacity among relevant institutions to monitor and predict impacts of climate change on biodiversity and evaluate the effectiveness of adaptation strategies and actions
Objective 10.3 Increase awareness of climate change impacts and adaptation strategies among all sectors and the general public
Objective 11.1 Ensure a diverse portfolio of sources and strategies for the long-term funding of the Strategy. Ensure that the costs of biological diversity conservation are shared equitably among institutions and stakeholders so that they reflect contributions to degradation and benefits from protection or use
Objective 11.2 Establish appropriate mechanisms and develop necessary capacities to implement, monitor and refine the Strategy