Country Profiles

Thailand - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
Target 1 By 2016, national, provincial and local agencies understand and are aware of values and importance of biodiversity.
Target 2 By 2016, every sector of society, particularly local communities and their networks, significantly increase their participation in the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Target 3 By 2016, guidelines are in place for reduction and elimination of harmful incentives for biodiversity and for promoting positive incentives for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in relevant sectors.
Target 4 By 2016, the rate of habitat loss, including forestlands, is reduced.
Target 5 By 2016, protected areas and ecosystems are effectively managed to ensure their ecosystem services.
Target 6 By 2016, conservation status of threatened species and endemic species as well as the management of these species are improved.
Target 7 By 2016, the threats from anthropogenic activities to species and habitats, particularly the coral reefs and other vulnerable ecosystem impacted by climate change are minimized.
Target 8 By 2016, guidance is in place for mainstreaming biodiversity in relevant standards and criteria.
Target 9 By 2016, effectiveness in managing wetlands is increased at all levels.
Target 10 By 2016, invasive alien species and their major pathways are identified and registered.
Target 11 By 2016, laws and regulations for controlling modern biotechnologies and preventing their adverse impacts to biodiversity are enforced.
Target 12 By 2016, responsible agencies have mechanisms and regulations for access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources in order to meet the obligations under the Nagoya Protocol.
Target 13 By 2016, laws related access and benefit-sharing are developed for genetic resources and traditional knowledge of relevance.
Target 14 By 2016, biodiversity-based competitiveness is increased.
Target 15 By 2016, scientific knowledge is managed in the manner that contributes to the formulation of biodiversity policies and plans.
Target 16 By 2016, mechanisms are in place to integrate and link biodiversity databases and therefore enable effective use of their resources.
Target 17 By 2016, a focal point for mobilizing and utilizing resources of exiting databases for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity is identified or established.
Target 18 By 2016, national records and registers on local knowledge and traditional wisdoms supportive to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity are established.
Target 1 By 2020, every sector of society, particularly the public and local communities, has basic knowledge on biodiversity and are aware of the importance of the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Target 2 By 2020, biodiversity is integrated in relevant policies or plans at all levels.
Target 3 By 2020, financial mechanisms are in place for mobilizing the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Target 4 By 2020, the rate of habitat loss, including forestlands, is reduced by 50%.
Target 5 By 2020, conservation status of threatened species and endemic species as well as the management of these species are improved with measures for conservation and protection of their habitats.
Target 6 By 2020, pollutants are kept at the levels that would not damage ecosystem functioning and biodiversity.
Target 7 By 2020, tools/mechanisms/ guidance for sustainable use of biodiversity are applied in every relevant sector.
Target 8 By 2020, measures for managing priority invasive alien species and major pathways of the species are in place.
Target 9 By 2020, mechanisms are in place to ensure contribution scientific knowledge to the formulation of biodiversity policies and plans.
Target 1 By 2021, biodiversity is included in curriculums of institutions for learning and education at all levels.
Target 2 By 2021, biodiversity management is mobilized with participation at all levels.
Target 3 By 2021, regulations and laws that obstruct participation in biodiversity management are revised.
Target 4 By 2021, protected areas are connected by networks, provide adequate ecological representation and have measures for managing critical habitats, biodiversity hotspots and areas of significant importance for ecosystem services.
Target 5 By 2021, mechanisms and measures are in place for the management as well as policy and legal actions for conservation and protection of the national genetic resources.
Target 6 By 2021, the loss of wetland ecosystem is significantly reduced in order to enable ecosystem services and facilitate ecosystem-based adaption to climate change.
Target 7 By 2021, regulations based on the pre-cautionary principle for supervising biosafety are in place and adopted by relevant agencies for improvement of rules and mechanisms for transboundary movement of living modified organisms in accordance to the provisions of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
Target 8 By 2021, research community and local communities formulate their mechanisms and regulations for access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources.
Target 9 By 2021, measures and mechanisms are in place for returning economic benefits from biological products to their origins in order to support the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Target 10 By 2021, specific databases are created for priority biodiversity issues.
Target 11 By 2021, clearing-house mechanisms of every relevant agency are connected in an ever expanding network.
Target 12 By 2021, every municipality systematically collected information on their urban biodiversity.
Target 13 By 2021, specific databases on local knowledge related to biodiversity are created to provide resources for protection of the country’s and the communities’ right over the knowledge.