Dry and Sub-humid Lands Biodiversity

Case Study Details

Name of Partnership LADA (Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands)
Organization LADA
Regions Global
Description The LADA project aims to assess causes, status and impact of land degradation in drylands in order to improve decision making for sustainable development in drylands at local, national, subregional and global levels. LADA responds to the needs of all stakeholders concerned by land degradation, and in particular the ones involved in the implementation of the action programmes of the Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
Web Site http://lada.virtualcentre.org/pagedisplay/display.asp
Main Actors Inter-governmental Organizations
Type of Capacity Building Building Partnerships
Keywords Information / Knowledge Sharing
Inter-Agency Collaboration
Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessments
Technology Development / Dessemination