Volume 15 - May 2011
The aim of this e-Newsletter is to inform CBD National Focal Points and CBD partners about biodiversity aspects in relation to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD-plus). To subscribe, please visit http://www.cbd.int/forest/redd/newsletters/.
To unsubscribe, please click here.
The CBD Secretariat launches guide on REDD-plus and Biodiversity
New volume number 59 in the CBD Technical Series aims to inform CBD National Focal Points and other biodiversity experts how to become more involved in REDD-plus design and implementation efforts. More: http://www.cbd.int/ts


The CBD Secretariat invites you to two special events at UNFCCC SBSTA in Bonn, Germany:

At a REDD-plus and Biodiversity 'mini-workshop', 13 June, from 11:00 to 13:00, interested organizations will have an opportunity to present a short update on their relevant activities on REDD-plus biodiversity safeguards (max. 5 minutes, verbal presentation in English, no powerpoint). If you would like to participate, please register via email to Ms. Annie Cung: annie.cung@cbd.int. More: http://www.cbd.int/forest/doc/flyer-2011-June-13-REDD-events.pdf

A side event on 'Biodiversity Safeguards of REDD-plus' on 14 June, 13:15 to 14:45 in collaboration with the UN-REDD Programme, will present updates from the CBD Secretariat, the UN-REDD Programme, indigenous and local communities, and a leading UN REDD country on relevant biodiversity safeguards (Ministry of Transport, Robert-Schumann-Platz 1, TRAM room). More: http://www.cbd.int/forest/doc/flyer-2011-June-13-REDD-events.pdf


Making Biodiversity Safeguards for REDD-plus Work in Practice
UNEP-WCMC, with support from DEFRA (UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), has developed operational guidelines to assist countries in implementing biodiversity safeguards for REDD-plus. These guidelines address both the potential risks to biodiversity presented by REDD-plus, and the many opportunities for REDD-plus to benefit biodiversity conservation. The summary report, containing the operational guidelines, can be found here.

Legislators from Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia and Mexico Launch Initiative to prepare Laws on REDD-plus
Senior legislators from four key forested developing countries met to launch the GLOBE Legislator Forest Initiative to develop complementary legislation to prepare the way for efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). The CBD Secretariat provided a presentation on multiple benefits of forests, and the links between biodiversity and successful REDD-plus efforts. More: http://www.globeinternational.info/2011/globe-legislators-forest-initiative-launched/.

Sharing reforestation best practices to protect migratory birds
Participants from five countries gathered in northern Peru to share reforestation best practices at a workshop held by the American Bird Conservancy and funded by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and Organization of American States. By 2012, over half a million trees will be planted to protect migratory birds and Alliance for Zero Extinction species by the following institutions: ECOAN (Peru), Fundación Jocotoco (Ecuador), Fundación ProAves (Colombia), and El Jaguar (Nicaragua). More: http://www.abcbirds.org/


Establishing Efficient, Equitable, and Environmentally Sound Reference Emissions Levels for REDD-plus: A Stock-Flow Approach
This new paper from TNC details how a 'stock-flow' approach to reference emissions levels for REDD-plus is a simple and workable option for establishing environmentally-sound, efficient, and equitable incentives to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. The approach would provide balanced incentive payments to conserve forests in both historically high- and low-deforestation countries, while maintaining environmental integrity. Available here.

Click here for more information on REDD-plus

How can you publish in this Newsletter?

Your contributions to this Newsletter on issues related to biodiversity aspects of REDD-plus are welcome. Please send your submission to redd@cbd.int. Articles should contain no more than 60 words, and must contain a hyperlink for more information. For more information please see: http://www.cbd.int/forest/redd/newsletters/

Deadline to submit articles for the next issue: 15 August 2011.

This Newsletter is published pursuant to CBD decision IX/5. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Secretariat of the CBD.

Photo credits (from top to bottom): Flickr Creative Commons: GuideEbook and Peter576