Communication, Education & Public Awareness

Biodiversity Day Around the World


A radio address was broadcasted on the local radio station on issues related to biodiversity including: the importance of preserving it, specific threats affecting the biodiversity of Pakistan and enhancing the role of community participation.

A film festival was organized by the Minister of Environment, Local Government and Rural Development on 21-23 May. A panel of experts was on hand to discuss different aspects of biodiversity and answer questions related to promoting environmental awareness.

A joint meeting of the Forest Department in collaboration with IUCN, WWF, and AKRSP was held. Banners were displayed at different venues promoting the day. Speeches on Forest Biodiversity were given in schools explaining the importance of saving the forests, and what the students can do to help protect the environment.

Biodiversity related articles were published in the Local and National newspapers promoting the International Day for Biodiversity.