International Day for Biological Diversity 2011 - Forest Biodiversity



Afrika Green Revolution (AGREE)
Afrika Green Revolution (AGREE) Embarked on rehabilitation campaign to rehabilitate the much degraded Nyeri hill forest adjoined to Chania River Line. Nyeri hill is a culturally and strategically important land mark in Nyeri county .This is where all communication and broadcasting bodies have erected their transmission Masts. The first weather station serving the central Kenya region from the colonial era was situated at the top of Nyeri Hill. Read more.

Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative (KSEI)
Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative (KSEI) celebrated the International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May 2011 with a mural painting and rehabilitation project. During this year, KSEI and our partners will continue to rehabilitate, conserve and educate the local community about the International Year of Forests. Report

See also:

  Report of mural painted in Ndugamano primary school in Nyeri, central Kenya

UNEP features the mural on its website, see how art plays a role in fighting climate change: slideshowphotos