International Day for Biological Diversity - 22 May 2014 - Islands and Biodiversity




Cameroon, celebrations starts 12 May 2014
Cameroon celebrates the International Day for Biological Diversity 2014 under the selected topic of Island Biodiversity.

Celebrations ran all through the week of 12 May, with a highlight being an exhibition on island biodiversity and the relevant focus within the newly adopted National Biodiversity Targets. The official launch and exhibition took place on 14 May 2014. The celebrations took place earlier than the 22 May because Cameroon celebrates its national date on the 20 May.

Cameroon had a resounding success in the celebration of IDB 2014. The partnership in the exhibition was the most significant factor that contributed to this success story with the participation of IUCN providing a nationwide live coverage of the entire 5 hour event through the IUCN radio, an overwhelming attendance of over 20 media stations/papers, Global Water Partnership, Millennium ecological museum, the World fish Center representative, Cameroon Watershed Organisation, two women’s local groups, students presenting sketches and also experts from the University all presented valuable species from the over 100 islands and settlements in Cameroon's marine environment. Threats from human activities and intervention actions from relevant planning tools to advocacy was addressed in the exhibition.