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MOP Decision

. Programme budget for the costs of the secretariat services for and the biosafety work programme of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety for the biennium 2009 2010

BS-IV/7. Programme budget for the costs of the secretariat services for and the biosafety work programme of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety for the biennium 2009 2010

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

1. Welcomes the annual contribution of US$ 1,040,400, to be increased by 2 per cent per year, from the host country Canada and the Province of Quebec to the operation of the Secretariat, of which 16.5 per cent has been allocated per annum to offset contributions from the Parties to the Protocol for the biennium 2009-2010;

2. Approves a core programme budget (BG) of US$ 2,611,800 for the year 2009 and of US$ 2,880,900 for the year 2010, for the purposes set out in table 1 below;

3. Approves a drawing of US$ 740,000 from unspent balances or contributions (carry over) from previous financial periods which was US$ 1,497,777 as of the end of 2005-2006 biennium to cover part of the 2009–2010 core programme budget;

4. Authorises the Executive Secretary to enter into commitments up to the level of the approved budget, drawing on available cash resources, including unspent balances, contributions from previous financial periods and miscellaneous income;

5. Approves Secretariat staffing as set out in table 2 below, and requests that all vacant staff positions be filled expeditiously;

6. Agrees to share the costs for secretariat services between those that are common to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Protocol on an 85:15 ratio for the biennium 2009-2010;

7. Adopts the scale of assessments for the apportionment of the costs under the Protocol for 2009 and 2010 set out in table 5 below;

8. Decides to set the working capital reserve at a level of 5 per cent of the core programme budget (BG) expenditure, including programme support costs;

9. Invites all Parties to the Protocol to note that contributions to the core programme budget (BG) are due on 1 January of the year in which these contributions have been budgeted for, and to pay them promptly, and urges Parties in a position to do so, to pay by 1 October of the year 2008 for the calendar year 2009 and by 1 October 2009 for the calendar year 2010, the contributions set out in table 5 and in this regard requests Parties be notified of the amount of their contributions by 1 August of the year preceding the year in which the contributions are due;

10. Notes with concern that a number of Parties have not paid their contributions to the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for 2007 and prior years;

11. Urges Parties that have still not paid their contributions to the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for 2007 and prior years; to do so without delay and requests the Executive Secretary to publish and regularly update information on the status of contributions to the Protocol's Trust Funds (BG, BH and BI);

12. Decides that with regard to contributions due from 1 January 2005 onwards, Parties whose contributions are in arrears for two (2) or more years will not be eligible to become a member of the bureau of the Protocol; this will only apply in the case of Parties that are not least developed countries or small island developing states;

13. Authorizes the Executive Secretary to enter into arrangements with any Party whose contributions are in arrears for two or more years to mutually agree on a 'schedule of payments' for such a Party, to clear all outstanding arrears, within six years depending on the financial circumstances of the Party in arrears and pay future contributions by the due date, and report on the implementation of any such arrangement to the next meeting of the Bureau and to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety;

14. Decides that a Party with an agreed arrangement in accordance with paragraph 13 above and that is fully respecting the provisions of that arrangement will not be subject to the provisions of paragraph 12 above;

15. Takes note of the funding estimates for activities under the Protocol to be financed from:

(a) The Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BH) for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities for the biennium 2009-2010, as specified by the Executive Secretary (see resource requirements in table 3 );

(b) The Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BI) for Facilitating Participation of the Developing Country Parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, and Parties with Economies in Transition, for the biennium 2009-2010, as specified by the Executive Secretary (see resource requirements in table 4 ); and urges Parties to make contributions to these funds;

16. Requests the Secretariat to remind the Parties on the need for contributions to the BI Trust Fund at least six month prior to the meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol reflecting on the financial need and urges Parties in the position to do so to ensure that the contributions are paid at least three months before the meeting;

17. Invites all States not Parties to the Protocol, as well as governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and other sources, to contribute to the trust funds for the Protocol (BH, BI) to enable the Secretariat to implement approved activities in a timely manner especially capacity-building priorities and activities identified by developing countries and small island developing States, and Parties with economies in transition in respect of risk assessment and risk management and the effective operation of the Biosafety Clearing-House;

18. Reaffirms the importance of full and active participation of the developing country parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, as well as Parties with Economies in Transition in the activities of the Protocol and, with the aim of improving the legitimacy of Protocol decisions, authorises the Executive Secretary in agreement with the Bureau to draw upon the savings and or surplus of the BG Trust Fund up to a maximum of US$ 150,000 to cover the costs incurred with the facilitation of the participation in the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol of the developing country Parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, and Parties with economies in transition, if there are not sufficient funds available in the BI Trust Fund three months before the meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol; 19. Decides that the trust funds for the Protocol (BG, BH, BI) shall be extended for a period of two years, beginning 1 January 2010 and ending 31 December 2011;

20. Requests the Executive Secretary to prepare and submit a programme budget for secretariat services and the biosafety work programme of the Protocol for the biennium 2011-2012 to the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, and to provide 3 alternatives for the budget based on:

(a) The Executive Secretary will make assessment of the required rate of growth for the programme budget;

(b) Increasing the core programme budget (BG Trust Fund) from the 2009 – 2010 level by 10 per cent in nominal terms;

(c) Maintaining the core programme budget (BG Trust Fund) from the 2009 – 2010 level in nominal terms;

21. Requests the Executive Secretary to report on income and budget performance, unspent balances and the status of surplus and carry-overs, including the status of implementation of paragraph 19 as well as any adjustments made to the Protocol budget for the biennium 2009-2010 and to provide to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol and biosafety focal points all financial information regarding the budget for the Convention on Biological Diversity at the same time as it is provided to Parties to the Convention;

22. Requests the Executive Secretary, in presenting the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2011-2012 to the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, to use the modality and tracking mechanism to review the ratio specified in paragraph 6 above;

23. Reconfirms the importance of applying the procedure set out in annex I of decision VIII/10 of the Conference of the Parties to priority setting to guide the allocation of financial resources by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, but agrees that the mid-meeting report to the plenary of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol should be made available after the initial consideration of draft decisions by working groups;

24. Requests the Executive Secretary drawing on, inter alia, the Joint Inspection Unit recommendations contained in General Assembly document A/45/130, the experience of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the work done by the Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention in response to decisions RC 3/7 and RC 1/17 paragraph 23, to explore the advantages and disadvantages of using the host country currency or the US$ as the currency of the account and budget of the Protocol and to report and if appropriate make proposals for decision at the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol;

25. Notes with appreciation the decision of the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to finance the post of Fund Management Officer of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety through the programme support costs and requests the Executive Secretary to negotiate with the Executive Director additional support to the Protocol for the 2009-2010 biennium from this source and to report to the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety;

26. Invites the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to report to the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety on the use of the programme support cost (PSC) in support of the functioning of the Secretariat;

27. Welcomes the efforts of the Executive Secretary in greening activities by the Secretariat such as the carbon-offsetting of travel of staff and funded participants to the meetings under the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Table 1. Biosafety Protocol resource requirements from the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for the biennium 2009-2010



(US$ thousands)


(US$ thousands)


(US$ thousands)

A Staff costs* 1,541.5 1,587.3 3,128.8
B Biosafety Bureau meetings 50.0 60.0 110.0
C COP-MOP 0.0 400.0 400.0
D Consultants/subcontracts 25.0 25.0 50.0
E Travel on official business 60.0 60.0 120.0
F Liaison Group meetings on Capacity Building 35.0 35.0 70.0
G Biosafety Clearing House advisory meetings 40.0 40.0 80.0
H Compliance committee meetings (1/year) 47.5 47.5 95.0
I AHTEG- risk assessment 90.0 0.0 90.0
J Temporary assistance/Overtime 20.0 20.0 40.0
K General operating expenses 248.1 254.6 502.8
L Translation of BCH website 20.0 20.0 40.0
M Meeting of Friends of the Co-Chairs on Liability and Redress 100.0 0.0 100.0
  Sub-total (I) 2,277.1 2,549.50.0 100.0
II Programme support charge 13% 296.0 331.4 627.5
III Working capital reserve** 38.6   38.6
  GRAND TOTAL (I + II + III) 2,611.8 2,880.9 5,492.7
  Less contribution from the host country 175.1 178.6 353.7
  TOTAL (I + II + III) 2,436.7 2,702.3 5,139.0
  Less savings from previous years 470.0 270.0 740.0
  NET TOTAL (amount to be shared by Parties) 1,966.7 2,432.3 4,399.0

* Includes 15% costs for 1P-5, 3 P-4, 6 P-3 and 3 G-S staff funded mainly by the Convention.

Table 2. Biosafety Protocol staffing requirements from the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for the biennium 2009-2010

  2009 2010
A Professional category
P-5 1 1
P-4 3 3
P-3 2 2
P-2 1 1
Total professional category 7 7
B Total General Service category 4 4
  TOTAL (A + B) 11 11

Table 3. Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BH) for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities of the Cartagena Protocol for the biennium 2009-2010

I. Description 2009/2010
Meetings/Workshops (USD Thousands)
Meeting of the Friends of the Co-chairs on Liability and Redress 210.0
Participation in the Green Customs Initiative 120.0
Coordination meetings for Governments and organizations involved in the biosafety capacity building 160.0
AHTEG on Risk Assessment 90.0
Study of users and potential users of the BCH 10.0
Assess the effectiveness of various approaches to capacity-building used and lessons learned 20.0
Prepare a synthesis of different risk assessment methods 15.0
Assessment and Review (Article 35) 25.0
Organize on-line conference on handling, packaging and transport practices (Publication) 20.0
Voluntary Fund for the Roster of Experts 100.0
Develop training modules on risk assessment and risk management of LMOs 584.2
Publication of scientific reviews on risk assessment in the CBD Technical Series 10.0
Public awareness and participation-Information materiel/publications 14.0
Translation of Protocol website into Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish 50.0
Translation of reports on risk assessment and risk management in 5 UN languages 107
Outreach activities for the fifth anniversary of the Protocol and the settings up of exhibits during the International Year of Biodiversity and other events. 50.0
Subtotal I 1,585.2
II Programme support charges (13%) 206.1
Total Cost (I + II) 1,791.3

Table 4. Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BI) for Facilitating Participation of Parties in the Protocol for the biennium 2009-2010

(Thousands of United States dollars)

  Description 2009 2010
I. Meetings    
  Meetings of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol   600.0
  Subtotal I 0.0 600.0
II. Programme support charges (13%)   78.0
  Total Cost (I + II) 0.0 678.0

Table 5. Contributions to the Trust Fund for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety for the biennium 2009-2010

Party UN scale of assessments 2009 (per cent) Scale with 22% ceiling, no LDC paying more than 0.01 % (per cent) Contributions per 1 Jan. 2009 (US$) UN scale of assessments 2009 (per cent) Scale with 22% ceiling, no LDC paying more than 0.01 % (per cent) Contributions per 1 Jan. 2010 (US$) Total contributions 2009-2010 (US$)
Albania 0.006 0.009 167 0.006 0.009 207 374
Algeria 0.085 0.120 2,369 0.085 0.120 2,930 5,299
Antigua and Barbuda 0.002 0.003 56 0.002 0.003 69 125
Armenia 0.002 0.003 56 0.002 0.003 69 125
Austria 0.887 1.257 24,722 0.887 1.257 30,575 55,296
Azerbaijan 0.005 0.007 139 0.005 0.007 172 312
Bahamas 0.016 0.023 446 0.016 0.023 552 997
Bangladesh 0.010 0.010 197 0.010 0.010 243 440
Barbados 0.009 0.013 251 0.009 0.013 310 561
Belarus 0.020 0.028 557 0.020 0.028 689 1,247
Belgium 1.102 1.562 30,714 1.102 1.562 37,986 68,700
Belize 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Benin 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Bhutan 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Bolivia 0.006 0.009 167 0.006 0.009 207 374
Botswana 0.014 0.020 390 0.014 0.020 483 873
Brazil 0.876 1.241 24,415 0.876 1.241 30,196 54,611
Bulgaria 0.020 0.028 557 0.020 0.028 689 1,247
Burkina Faso 0.002 0.003 56 0.002 0.003 69 125
Cambodia 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Cameroon 0.009 0.013 251 0.009 0.013 310 561
Cape Verde 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Chad 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
China 2.667 3.780 74,332 2.667 3.780 91,931 166,263
Colombia 0.105 0.149 2,926 0.105 0.149 3,619 6,546
Congo 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Costa Rica 0.032 0.045 892 0.032 0.045 1,103 1,995
Croatia 0.050 0.071 1,394 0.050 0.071 1,723 3,117
Cuba 0.054 0.077 1,505 0.054 0.077 1,861 3,366
Cyprus 0.044 0.062 1,226 0.044 0.062 1,517 2,743
Czech Republic 0.281 0.398 7,832 0.281 0.398 9,686 17,518
Dem. Republic of Congo 0.003 0.004 84 0.003 0.004 103 187
Denmark 0.739 1.047 20,597 0.739 1.047 25,473 46,070
Djibouti 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Dominica 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Dominican Republic 0.024 0.034 669 0.024 0.034 827 1,496
Ecuador 0.021 0.030 585 0.021 0.030 724 1,309
Egypt 0.088 0.125 2,453 0.088 0.125 3,033 5,486
El Salvador 0.020 0.028 557 0.020 0.028 689 1,247
Eritrea 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Estonia 0.016 0.023 446 0.016 0.023 552 997
Ethiopia 0.003 0.004 84 0.003 0.004 103 187
European Community 2.500 2.500 49,167 2.500 2.500 60,808 109,974
Fiji 0.003 0.004 84 0.003 0.004 103 187
Finland 0.564 0.799 15,719 0.564 0.799 19,441 35,160
France 6.301 8.930 175,615 6.301 8.930 217,195 392,810
Gabon 0.008 0.011 223 0.008 0.011 276 499
Gambia 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Germany 8.577 12.155 239,049 8.577 12.155 295,648 534,698
Ghana 0.004 0.006 111 0.004 0.006 138 249
Greece 0.596 0.845 16,611 0.596 0.845 20,544 37,155
Grenada 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Guatemala 0.032 0.045 892 0.032 0.045 1,103 1,995
Guinea 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Guyana 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Hungary 0.244 0.346 6,801 0.244 0.346 8,411 15,211
India 0.450 0.638 12,542 0.450 0.638 15,511 28,053
Indonesia 0.161 0.228 4,487 0.161 0.228 5,550 10,037
Iran 0.180 0.255 5,017 0.180 0.255 6,205 11,221
Ireland 0.445 0.631 12,403 0.445 0.631 15,339 27,742
Italy 5.079 7.198 141,557 5.079 7.198 175,073 316,629
Japan 16.624 22.000 432,666 16.624 22.000 535,106 967,772
Jordan 0.012 0.017 334 0.012 0.017 414 748
Kenya 0.010 0.014 279 0.010 0.014 345 623
Kiribati 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Korea, Democratic Republic 0.007 0.010 195 0.007 0.010 241 436
Kyrgyzstan 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Lao People's Dem. Rep. 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Latvia 0.018 0.026 502 0.018 0.026 620 1,122
Lesotho 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Liberia 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Libya 0.062 0.088 1,728 0.062 0.088 2,137 3,865
Lithuania 0.031 0.044 864 0.031 0.044 1,069 1,933
Luxembourg 0.085 0.120 2,369 0.085 0.120 2,930 5,299
Madagascar 0.002 0.003 56 0.002 0.003 69 125
Malaysia 0.190 0.269 5,295 0.190 0.269 6,549 11,845
Maldives 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Mali 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Malta 0.017 0.024 474 0.017 0.024 586 1,060
Marshall Islands 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Mauritania 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Mauritius 0.011 0.016 307 0.011 0.016 379 686
Mexico 2.257 3.199 62,905 2.257 3.199 77,799 140,703
Mongolia 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Montenegro 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Mozambique 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Myanmar 0.005 0.007 139 0.005 0.007 172 312
Namibia 0.006 0.009 167 0.006 0.009 207 374
Nauru 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Netherlands 1.873 2.654 52,202 1.873 2.654 64,562 116,764
New Zealand 0.256 0.363 7,135 0.256 0.363 8,824 15,959
Nicaragua 0.002 0.003 56 0.002 0.003 69 125
Niger 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Nigeria 0.048 0.068 1,338 0.048 0.068 1,655 2,992
Niue 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Norway 0.782 1.108 21,795 0.782 1.108 26,955 48,751
Oman 0.073 0.103 2,035 0.073 0.103 2,516 4,551
Palau 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Panama 0.023 0.033 641 0.023 0.033 793 1,434
Papua New Guinea 0.002 0.003 56 0.002 0.003 69 125
Paraguay 0.005 0.007 139 0.005 0.007 172 312
Peru 0.078 0.111 2,174 0.078 0.111 2,689 4,863
Philippines 0.078 0.111 2,174 0.078 0.111 2,689 4,863
Poland 0.501 0.710 13,963 0.501 0.710 17,269 31,233
Portugal 0.527 0.747 14,688 0.527 0.747 18,166 32,854
Qatar 0.085 0.120 2,369 0.085 0.120 2,930 5,299
Republic of Korea 2.173 3.080 60,564 2.173 3.080 74,903 135,467
Republic of Moldova 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Romania 0.070 0.099 1,951 0.070 0.099 2,413 4,364
Rwanda 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Saint Vincent & Gren. 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Samoa 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Saudi Arabia 0.748 1.060 20,847 0.748 1.060 25,783 46,631
Senegal 0.004 0.006 111 0.004 0.006 138 249
Serbia 0.021 0.030 585 0.021 0.030 724 1,309
Seychelles 0.002 0.003 56 0.002 0.003 69 125
Slovakia 0.063 0.089 1,756 0.063 0.089 2,172 3,927
Slovenia 0.096 0.136 2,676 0.096 0.136 3,309 5,985
Solomon Islands 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
South Africa 0.290 0.411 8,083 0.290 0.411 9,996 18,079
Spain 2.968 4.206 82,721 2.968 4.206 102,307 185,028
Sri Lanka 0.016 0.023 446 0.016 0.023 552 997
St. Lucia 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Sudan 0.010 0.010 197 0.010 0.010 243 440
Suriname 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Swaziland 0.002 0.003 56 0.002 0.003 69 125
Sweden 1.071 1.518 29,850 1.071 1.518 36,917 66,767
Switzerland 1.216 1.723 33,891 1.216 1.723 41,915 75,807
Syria 0.016 0.023 446 0.016 0.023 552 997
Tajikistan 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0.005 0.007 139 0.005 0.007 172 312
Thailand 0.186 0.264 5,184 0.186 0.264 6,411 11,595
Togo 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Tonga 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Trinidad and Tobago 0.027 0.038 753 0.027 0.038 931 1,683
Tunisia 0.031 0.044 864 0.031 0.044 1,069 1,933
Turkey 0.381 0.540 10,619 0.381 0.540 13,133 23,752
Uganda 0.003 0.004 84 0.003 0.004 103 187
Ukraine 0.045 0.064 1,254 0.045 0.064 1,551 2,805
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 6.642 9.413 185,119 6.642 9.413 228,949 414,068
United Republic of Tanzania 0.006 0.009 167 0.006 0.009 207 374
Venezuela 0.200 0.283 5,574 0.200 0.283 6,894 12,468
Viet Nam 0.024 0.034 669 0.024 0.034 827 1,496
Yemen 0.007 0.010 195 0.007 0.010 241 436
Zambia 0.001 0.001 28 0.001 0.001 34 62
Zimbabwe 0.008 0.011 223 0.008 0.011 276 499
TOTAL 72.405 100.000 1,966,662 72.405 100.000 2,432,301 4,398,963