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MOP Décision

. Programme budget for the costs of the secretariat services and the biosafety work programme of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety for the biennium 2013-2014

BS-VI/7.Programme budget for the costs of the secretariat services and the biosafety work programme of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety for the biennium 2013-2014

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
1.Welcomes the contribution of US$ 1,126,162 for 2012, to be increased by 2 per cent per year, from the host country Canada and the Province of Quebec to the operation of the Secretariat, of which 16.5 per cent has been allocated per annum to offset contributions from the Parties to the Protocol for the biennium 2013-2014;
2.Approves a core programme budget (BG) of US$ 2,922,100 for the year 2013 and of US$ 2,963,100 for the year 2014, for the purposes set out in table 1 below;
3.Approves the secretariat staffing as set out in table 2 below;
4.Adopts the scale of assessments for the apportionment of the costs under the Protocol for 2013 and 2014 set out in table 5 below;
5.Decides to maintain the working capital reserve at a level of 5 per cent of the core programme budget (BG) expenditure, including programme support costs;
6.Authorizes the Executive Secretary to enter into commitments up to the level of the approved budget, drawing on available cash resources, including unspent balances, contributions from previous financial periods and miscellaneous income;
7.Agrees to share the costs for secretariat services between those that are common to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Protocol on an 85:15 ratio for the biennium 2013-2014;
8.Noting that as a contingency plan and in the event that the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity decides at its eleventh meeting that its twelfth meeting will take place in early 2015 a provisional budget for 2015 to allow for the funding of the seventh meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol and the operations of the Secretariat in 2015 should be agreed upon by the current meeting of the Parties, adopts on a provisional basis the alternative tables 6-7 which will replace tables and figures mentioned above should the Conference of the Parties decide to hold its twelfth meeting in 2015 rather than 2014; *
9.Invites all Parties to the Protocol to note that contributions to the core programme budget (BG) are due on 1 January of the year in which these contributions have been budgeted for, and to pay them promptly, and urges Parties in a position to do so, to pay by 1 December of the year 2012 for the calendar year 2013 and by 1 October 2013 for the calendar year 2014, the contributions set out in table  5 and in this regard requests that Parties be notified of the amount of their contributions for 2014 by 1 August 2013;
10.Notes with concern that a number of Parties have not paid their contributions to the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for 2012 and prior years;
11.Urges Parties that have still not paid their contributions to the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for 2012 and prior years; to do so without delay and requests the Executive Secretary to publish and regularly update information on the status of contributions to the Protocol's Trust Funds (BG, BH and BI);
12.Decides that with regard to contributions due from 1 January 2005 onwards, Parties whose contributions are in arrears for two (2) or more years will not be eligible to become a member of the bureau of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol; this will only apply in the case of Parties that are not least developed countries or small island developing States;
13.Authorizes the Executive Secretary to enter into arrangements with any Party whose contributions are in arrears for two or more years to mutually agree on a 'schedule of payments' for such a Party, to clear all outstanding arrears, within six years depending on the financial circumstances of the Party in arrears and pay future contributions by the due date, and report on the implementation of any such arrangement to the next meeting of the Bureau and to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety;
14.Decides that a Party with an agreed arrangement in accordance with paragraph 13 above and that is fully respecting the provisions of that arrangement will not be subject to the provisions of paragraph 12 above;
15.Requests the Executive Secretary and invites the President of the COP-MOP through a jointly signed letter to notify Parties whose contributions are in arrears and to invite them to take timely action.
16.Agrees with the funding estimates for activities under the Protocol to be financed from:
(a)The Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BH) for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities for the biennium 2013-2014, as specified by the Executive Secretary (see resource requirements in table 3 below);
(b)The Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BI) for Facilitating Participation of the Developing Country Parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, and Parties with Economies in Transition, for the biennium 2013-2014, as specified by the Executive Secretary (see resource requirements in table 4 below);
and urges Parties to make contributions to these funds;
17.Invites all States not Parties to the Protocol, as well as governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and other sources, to contribute to the trust funds for the Protocol (BH, BI) to enable the Secretariat to implement approved activities in a timely manner especially capacity-building priorities and activities identified by developing countries and small island developing States, and Parties with economies in transition in respect of risk assessment and risk management and the effective operation of the Biosafety Clearing-House;
18.Notes with concern and regret that the core programme budget (BG) does not contain adequate finance for all activities identified by the Parties, including the priorities of developing country Parties. This has resulted in finance for technical Expert Groups to be dependent on voluntary funding which could have in particular a deleterious effect on capacity building for developing countries. Therefore agrees that the allocation of funds for the technical Expert Groups from the BH should not become standard practice in future budgets;
19.Reaffirms the importance of full and active participation of the developing country parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, as well as Parties with economies in transition in the activities of the Protocol and requests the Secretariat to remind Parties of the need to contribute to the Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BI) at least six months prior to the ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties, and urges Parties in the position to do so to ensure that the contributions are paid at least three months before the meeting;
20.Noting the low level of contributions to the BI Trust Fund, which facilitates participation in the meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol, and with a view to increasing finance for such participation, requests the Conference of the Parties to explore the possibility of merging the BI special voluntary Trust Fund with the BZ Voluntary Trust Fund, which facilitates participation of Parties in the Convention process, taking into account advice to be provided by the Executive Secretary and the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, and in the event of such a merger, further requests the Executive Secretary to ensure transparency when reporting expenditure for the Protocol and the Convention under the merged Trust Fund;
21.Decides that the trust funds for the Protocol (BG, BH, BI) shall be extended for a period of two years, beginning 1 January 2014 and ending 31 December 2015; and requests the Executive Director of UNEP to seek the approval of the Governing Council of UNEP for their extensions;
22.Requests the Executive Secretary to prepare and submit a programme budget for secretariat services, and the biosafety work programme of the Protocol and the Supplementary Protocol, including terms of reference for any proposals for new staff, and agrees to upgrade a post for the implementation of the Supplementary Protocol for the biennium 2015-2016 to the seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol; and to provide three alternatives for the budget based on:
(a)The Executive Secretary's assessment of the required rate of growth for the programme budget;
(b)Increasing the core programme budget (BG Trust Fund) from the 2013-2014 level by 7.5 per cent in nominal terms;
(c)Maintaining the core programme budget (BG Trust Fund) at the 2013-2014 level in nominal terms;
23.Welcomes the action taken by the Executive Secretary in response to paragraph 25 of decision BS-V/7 on providing all relevant financial information to the MOP, and further requests that the related COP papers are also posted on the MOP document website;
24.Requests the Executive Secretary to seek further operational efficiencies in the biennium 2013-2014 and in the organization of the Convention of the Parties serving as the meeting of Parties to the Cartagena Protocol given that it is held in conjunction with the meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention and to report thereon at the seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol.

* Note by the Secretariat. Following the adoption of this decision, the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, by paragraph 1 of its decision XI/10, decided "to maintain the current periodicity of its meetings until 2020, and that its future meetings will take place in 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020".
Table 1
Biosafety Protocol resource requirements from the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for the biennium 2013-2014
(Thousands of United States dollar)
Description 2013 2014 Total
I. Expenditures
A. Staff costs * 1,875.2 1,916.7 3,791.9
B. Biosafety Bureau meetings 20.0 25.0 45.0
C. COP/MOP 200.0 250.0 450.0
D. Consultants/subcontracts 20.0 20.0 40.0
E. Travel on official business 50.0 50.0 100.0
F. Liaison Group meetings on Capacity-Building 30.0 30.0 60.0
G. Biosafety Clearing-House advisory meetings 55.0 - 55.0
H. Compliance committee meeting 45.0 45.0 90.0
I. AHTEG - Risk Assessment - - -
J. General operating expenses 252.4 255.6 508.0
K. Temporary assistance/Overtime 5.0 5.0 10.0
L. Translation of BCH website 25.0 25.0 50.0
M. AHTEG on Socio-economic considerations - - -
Sub-total (I) 2,577.6 2,622.3 5,199.9
II. Programme support charge (13%) 335.1 340.9 676.0
III. Working capital reserve 9.4 9.4
GRAND TOTAL (I + II + III) 2,922.1 2,963.1 5,885.2
Less contribution from host country 189.5 193.3 382.9
TOTAL 2,732.6 2,769.8 5,502.4
Less savings from previous years 200.0 200.0 400.0
NET TOTAL (amount to be shared by Parties) 2,532.6 2,569.8 5,102.4
* Includes 15% costs for 1 P-5, 1 P-4; 3 P-3 and 2 G-S staff funded mainly by the Convention.
Includes 50% costs for 1 P-4 staff funded by the Convention.
Table 2
Biosafety Protocol staffing requirements from the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for the biennium 2013-2014
Description 2013 2014
I. Professional categories
D-1 1 1
P-4 * 2.5 2.5
P-3 3 3
P-2 1 1
Total Professional categories 7.5 7.5
II. Total General Services category 5 5
TOTAL (I + II) 12.5 12.5
* Includes 50% costs for 1 P-4 staff funded by the Convention
Table 3
Resource requirements from the Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BH) for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities of the Cartagena Protocol for the biennium 2013-2014
(United States dollars)
Description * 2013-2014
I. Expenditures
1. Meetings/Workshops
Agenda item 5: Biosafety Clearing-House 55,000
Agenda item 13: Article 17 (Unintentional) - Regional workshop 120,000
Agenda item 14: Risk assessment and risk management expert meeting 50,000
Agenda item 16: Socio-economic considerations expert meeting 50,000
Agenda item 9: Coordination meetings 60,000
Ongoing Strategic Plan activities 160,000
2. Consultants
Agenda item 5: Activities of the Biosafety Clearing-House 10,000
Agenda item 9: Roster of biosafety experts 200,000
Agenda item 18: Methodological approach to assessment and review 20,000
3. Travel of Staff
Agenda item 7: Cooperation with other organizations, conventions and initiatives 30,000
Agenda item 16: Socio-economic considerations 10,000
4. Publications/Printing costs
Agenda item 13: Article 17 (unintentional) 60,000
On-going Strategic Plan activities 300,000
5. Equipment
Agenda item 5: Biosafety Clearing-House 10,000
6. Activities
Agenda item 5: Translation of the Biosafety Clearing-House 20,000
Agenda item 14: Risk assessment and risk management (translation) 100,000
Sub-total (I) 1,255,000
II. Programme support costs (13%) 163,150
TOTAL COST (I + II) 1,418,150
* COP-MOP 6 agenda items
Table 4
Resource requirements from the Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BI) for Facilitating Participation of Parties in the Protocol for the biennium 2013-2014
(Thousands of United States dollars)
Description 2013 2014
I. Meetings
Meetings of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol 600.0
Sub-total (I) 600.0
II. Programme support costs (13%) 78.0
TOTAL COST (I + II) 678.0
Table 5
Contributions to the Trust Fund for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety for the biennium 2013-2014
Party UN scale of assessments 2012
(per cent)
Scale with 22% ceiling, no LDC paying more than 0.01%
(per cent)
Contributions per 1 Jan. 2013
UN scale of assessments 2012
(per cent)
Scale with 22% ceiling, no LDC paying more than 0.01%
(per cent)
Contributions as per 1 Jan. 2014
Total contributions 2013-2014
Albania 0.010 0.014 357 0.010 0.014 362 719
Algeria 0.128 0.180 4,570 0.128 0.180 4,637 9,208
Angola 0.010 0.010 253 0.010 0.010 257 510
Antigua and Barbuda 0.002 0.003 71 0.002 0.003 72 144
Armenia 0.005 0.007 179 0.005 0.007 181 360
Austria 0.851 1.200 30,385 0.851 1.200 30,832 61,216
Azerbaijan 0.015 0.021 536 0.015 0.021 543 1,079
Bahamas 0.018 0.025 643 0.018 0.025 652 1,295
Bahrain 0.039 0.055 1,392 0.039 0.055 1,413 2,805
Bangladesh 0.010 0.010 253 0.010 0.010 257 510
Barbados 0.008 0.011 286 0.008 0.011 290 575
Belarus 0.042 0.059 1,500 0.042 0.059 1,522 3,021
Belgium 1.075 1.516 38,382 1.075 1.516 38,947 77,330
Belize 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Benin 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
Bhutan 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Bolivia 0.007 0.010 250 0.007 0.010 254 504
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.014 0.020 500 0.014 0.020 507 1,007
Botswana 0.018 0.025 643 0.018 0.025 652 1,295
Brazil 1.611 2.271 57,520 1.611 2.271 58,367 115,887
Bulgaria 0.038 0.054 1,357 0.038 0.054 1,377 2,734
Burkina Faso 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
Burundi 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Cambodia 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
Cameroon 0.011 0.016 393 0.011 0.016 399 791
Cape Verde 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Central African Republic 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Chad 0.002 0.003 71 0.002 0.003 72 144
China 3.189 4.496 113,862 3.189 4.496 115,538 229,400
Colombia 0.144 0.203 5,141 0.144 0.203 5,217 10,359
Comoros 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Congo 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
Costa Rica 0.034 0.048 1,214 0.034 0.048 1,232 2,446
Croatia 0.097 0.137 3,463 0.097 0.137 3,514 6,978
Cuba 0.071 0.100 2,535 0.071 0.100 2,572 5,107
Cyprus 0.046 0.065 1,642 0.046 0.065 1,667 3,309
Czech Republic 0.349 0.492 12,461 0.349 0.492 12,644 25,105
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 0.007 0.010 250 0.007 0.010 254 504
Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
Denmark 0.736 1.038 26,279 0.736 1.038 26,665 52,944
Djibouti 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Dominica 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Dominican Republic 0.042 0.059 1,500 0.042 0.059 1,522 3,021
Ecuador 0.040 0.056 1,428 0.040 0.056 1,449 2,877
Egypt 0.094 0.133 3,356 0.094 0.133 3,406 6,762
El Salvador 0.019 0.027 678 0.019 0.027 688 1,367
Eritrea 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Estonia 0.040 0.056 1,428 0.040 0.056 1,449 2,877
Ethiopia 0.008 0.010 253 0.008 0.010 257 510
European Union 2.500 2.500 63,314 2.500 2.500 64,246 127,560
Fiji 0.004 0.006 143 0.004 0.006 145 288
Finland 0.566 0.798 20,209 0.566 0.798 20,506 40,715
France 6.123 8.632 218,619 6.123 8.632 221,836 440,456
Gabon 0.014 0.020 500 0.014 0.020 507 1,007
Gambia 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Georgia 0.006 0.008 214 0.006 0.008 217 432
Germany 8.018 11.304 286,280 8.018 11.304 290,492 576,772
Ghana 0.006 0.008 214 0.006 0.008 217 432
Greece 0.691 0.974 24,672 0.691 0.974 25,035 49,707
Grenada 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Guatemala 0.028 0.039 1,000 0.028 0.039 1,014 2,014
Guinea 0.002 0.003 71 0.002 0.003 72 144
Guinea-Bissau 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Guyana 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Honduras 0.008 0.011 286 0.008 0.011 290 575
Hungary 0.291 0.410 10,390 0.291 0.410 10,543 20,933
India 0.534 0.753 19,066 0.534 0.753 19,347 38,413
Indonesia 0.238 0.336 8,498 0.238 0.336 8,623 17,120
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.233 0.328 8,319 0.233 0.328 8,442 16,761
Ireland 0.498 0.702 17,781 0.498 0.702 18,043 35,823
Italy 4.999 7.048 178,487 4.999 7.048 181,114 359,601
Jamaica 0.014 0.020 500 0.014 0.020 507 1,007
Japan 12.530 17.665 447,379 12.530 17.665 453,962 901,341
Jordan 0.014 0.020 500 0.014 0.020 507 1,007
Kazakhstan 0.076 0.107 2,714 0.076 0.107 2,753 5,467
Kenya 0.012 0.017 428 0.012 0.017 435 863
Kiribati 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Kyrgyzstan 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Lao People's Democratic Republic 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Latvia 0.038 0.054 1,357 0.038 0.054 1,377 2,734
Lesotho 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Liberia 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Libya 0.129 0.182 4,606 0.129 0.182 4,674 9,280
Lithuania 0.065 0.092 2,321 0.065 0.092 2,355 4,676
Luxembourg 0.090 0.127 3,213 0.090 0.127 3,261 6,474
Madagascar 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
Malawi 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Malaysia 0.253 0.357 9,033 0.253 0.357 9,166 18,199
Maldives 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Mali 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
Malta 0.017 0.024 607 0.017 0.024 616 1,223
Marshall Islands 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Mauritania 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Mauritius 0.011 0.016 393 0.011 0.016 399 791
Mexico 2.356 3.322 84,120 2.356 3.322 85,358 169,478
Mongolia 0.002 0.003 71 0.002 0.003 72 144
Montenegro 0.004 0.006 143 0.004 0.006 145 288
Morocco 0.058 0.082 2,071 0.058 0.082 2,101 4,172
Mozambique 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
Myanmar 0.006 0.008 214 0.006 0.008 217 432
Namibia 0.008 0.011 286 0.008 0.011 290 575
Nauru 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Netherlands 1.855 2.615 66,232 1.855 2.615 67,207 133,439
New Zealand 0.273 0.385 9,747 0.273 0.385 9,891 19,638
Nicaragua 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
Niger 0.002 0.003 71 0.002 0.003 72 144
Nigeria 0.078 0.110 2,785 0.078 0.110 2,826 5,611
Niue 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Norway 0.871 1.228 31,099 0.871 1.228 31,556 62,655
Oman 0.086 0.121 3,071 0.086 0.121 3,116 6,186
Pakistan 0.082 0.116 2,928 0.082 0.116 2,971 5,899
Palau 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Panama 0.022 0.031 786 0.022 0.031 797 1,583
Papua New Guinea 0.002 0.003 71 0.002 0.003 72 144
Paraguay 0.007 0.010 250 0.007 0.010 254 504
Peru 0.090 0.127 3,213 0.090 0.127 3,261 6,474
Philippines 0.090 0.127 3,213 0.090 0.127 3,261 6,474
Poland 0.828 1.167 29,563 0.828 1.167 29,998 59,562
Portugal 0.511 0.720 18,245 0.511 0.720 18,514 36,759
Qatar 0.135 0.190 4,820 0.135 0.190 4,891 9,711
Republic of Korea 2.260 3.186 80,692 2.260 3.186 81,880 162,572
Republic of Moldova 0.002 0.003 71 0.002 0.003 72 144
Romania 0.177 0.250 6,320 0.177 0.250 6,413 12,732
Rwanda 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Saint Lucia 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Samoa 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Saudi Arabia 0.830 1.170 29,635 0.830 1.170 30,071 59,706
Senegal 0.006 0.008 214 0.006 0.008 217 432
Serbia 0.037 0.052 1,321 0.037 0.052 1,341 2,662
Seychelles 0.002 0.003 71 0.002 0.003 72 144
Slovakia 0.142 0.200 5,070 0.142 0.200 5,145 10,215
Slovenia 0.103 0.145 3,678 0.103 0.145 3,732 7,409
Solomon Islands 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Somalia 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
South Africa 0.385 0.543 13,746 0.385 0.543 13,949 27,695
Spain 3.177 4.479 113,434 3.177 4.479 115,103 228,536
Sri Lanka 0.019 0.027 678 0.019 0.027 688 1,367
Sudan 0.010 0.010 253 0.010 0.010 257 510
Suriname 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
Swaziland 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
Sweden 1.064 1.500 37,990 1.064 1.500 38,549 76,538
Switzerland 1.130 1.593 40,346 1.130 1.593 40,940 81,286
Syrian Arab Republic 0.025 0.035 893 0.025 0.035 906 1,798
Tajikistan 0.002 0.003 71 0.002 0.003 72 144
Thailand 0.209 0.295 7,462 0.209 0.295 7,572 15,034
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0.007 0.010 250 0.007 0.010 254 504
Togo 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Tonga 0.001 0.001 36 0.001 0.001 36 72
Trinidad and Tobago 0.044 0.062 1,571 0.044 0.062 1,594 3,165
Tunisia 0.030 0.042 1,071 0.030 0.042 1,087 2,158
Turkey 0.617 0.870 22,030 0.617 0.870 22,354 44,384
Turkmenistan 0.026 0.037 928 0.026 0.037 942 1,870
Uganda 0.006 0.008 214 0.006 0.008 217 432
Ukraine 0.087 0.123 3,106 0.087 0.123 3,152 6,258
United Kingdom 6.604 9.310 235,793 6.604 9.310 239,263 475,056
United Republic of Tanzania 0.008 0.010 253 0.008 0.010 257 510
Uruguay 0.027 0.038 964 0.027 0.038 978 1,942
Venezuela 0.314 0.443 11,211 0.314 0.443 11,376 22,587
Viet Nam 0.033 0.047 1,178 0.033 0.047 1,196 2,374
Yemen 0.010 0.010 253 0.010 0.010 257 510
Zambia 0.004 0.006 143 0.004 0.006 145 288
Zimbabwe 0.003 0.004 107 0.003 0.004 109 216
TOTAL 71.671 100.000 2,532,558 71.671 100.000 2,569,825 5,102,383
Table 6
Biosafety Protocol - Contingency resource requirements from the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for the period 2013-2015
(Thousands of United States dollar)
Description 2013 2014 2015 Total
I. Expenditures
A. Staff costs * 1,875.2 1,916.7 1,959.3 5,751.2
B. Biosafety Bureau meetings 20.0 20.0 25.0 65.0
C. COP/MOP 100.0 200.0 150.0 450.0
D. Consultants/subcontracts 20.0 20.0 20.0 60.0
E. Travel on official business 50.0 50.0 50.0 150.0
F. Liaison Group meetings on Capacity-Building 30.0 30.0 30.0 90.0
G. Biosafety Clearing-House advisory meetings 55.0 - 55.0 110.0
H. Compliance committee meeting 45.0 45.0 45.0 135.0
I. AHTEG - Risk Assessment - - - -
J. General operating expenses 252.4 255.6 255.6 763.7
K. Temporary assistance/Overtime 5.0 5.0 5.0 15.0
L. Translation of BCH website 25.0 25.0 25.0 75.0
M. AHTEG on Socio-economic considerations - - - -
Sub-total (I) 2,477.7 2,567.3 2,620.0 7,665.0
II. Programme support charge (13%) 322.1 333.8 340.6 996.4
III. Working capital reserve 148.7 148.7
GRAND TOTAL (I + II + III) 2,948.4 2,901.1 2,960.6 8,810.1
Less contribution from host country 189.5 193.3 197.2 580.0
TOTAL 2,758.9 2,707.7 2,763.4 8,230.0
Less savings from previous years 200.0 200.0 400.0
NET TOTAL (amount to be shared by Parties) 2,558.9 2,507.7 2,763.4 7,830.0
* Includes 15% costs for 1 P-5, 1 P-4, 3 P-3 and 2 G-S staff funded mainly by the Convention.
Includes 50% costs for 1 P-4 staff funded by the Convention.
Assessed contributions to be based on the applicable UN scale of assessments for 2015.
Table 7
Biosafety Protocol - Contingency staffing requirements from the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for the period 2013-2015
Description 2013 2014 2015
I. Professional categories
D-1 1 1 1
P-4 2.5 2.5 2.5
P-3 3 3 3
P-2 1 1 1
Total Professional categories 7.5 7.5 7.5
II. Total General Services category 5 5 5
TOTAL (I + II) 12.5 12.5 12.5