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COP Decision

. Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

The Conference of the Parties

1. Decides:

    (a) That the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) shall operate in accordance with the terms of reference as given in Article 25, paragraphs 1 and 2, until further elaborated by the Conference of the Parties;
    (b) That SBSTTA shall report to the Conference of the Parties at each of its ordinary meetings;
    (c) That SBSTTA shall meet sufficiently in advance of each meeting of the Conference of the Parties to enable its report to be considered by Parties in their preparation for the meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
    (d) That, at its first ordinary meeting, SBSTTA shall consider its modus operandi, taking fully into account all views expressed on this matter at the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties and submitted to the Secretariat in writing by the end of February 1995, as well as the need to draw on relevant existing institutional structures;

2. Requests SBSTTA to prepare a proposal for a medium-term programme of work based on the priorities set in the programme of work of the Conference of the Parties and on Article 25 and submit it to the Conference of the Parties at its second meeting;

3. Decides also that it will decide, at each of its meetings, on which topics advice is required for the implementation of the Convention, taking into account its medium-term work programme and SBSTTA's remitasoutlined in Article25;

4. Decides further that the first meeting of SBSTTA shall be held at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris from 4 to 8 September 1995 to consider the attached provisional agenda.



Draft provisional agenda

1. Opening of the meeting.

2. Organizational matters:

    2.1 Election of officers;
    2.2 Adoption of the agenda;
    2.3 Organization of work.

3. Matters related to the modus operandi of SBSTTA.

4. Programme of work of SBSTTA for 1995-1997.

5. Matters on which advice from SBSTTA is required by the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

    5.1 Provision of scientific and technical assessments of the status of biological diversity (Article 25, paragraph 2(a));
      5.1.1 Alternative ways and means in which the Conference of the Parties could start the process of considering the components of biological diversity particularly those under threat and the identification of action which could be taken under the Convention (priority item);
    5.2 Preparation of scientific and technical assessments of the effects of types of measures taken in accordance with the provisions of the Convention (Article 25, paragraph 2(b));
    5.3 Identification of innovative, efficient and state-of-the-art technologies and know-how relating to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and provision of advice on the ways and means of promoting development and/or transferring such technologies (Article 25, paragraph 2(c));
      5.3.1 Ways and means to promote and facilitate access to, and transfer and development of technologies as envisaged in Articles 16 and 18 of the Convention (priority item);
    5.4 Provision of advice on scientific programmes and international cooperation in research and development related to conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity (Article 25, paragraph 2(d));
    5.5 Scientific, technical, technological and methodological questions that the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies may put to the body (Article 25, paragraph 2(e));
      5.5.1 What kind of scientific and technical information should be contained in national reports on measures taken for the implementation of the provisions of the Convention and their effectiveness in meeting the objectives of the Convention? (priority item);
      5.5.2 How can the Convention on Biological Diversity contribute to the preparation for the forthcoming International Technical Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in 1996?
      5.5.3 Provision of advice on the scientific, technical and technological aspects of the conservation and sustainable use of coastal and marine biological diversity (also taking into account the other provisions in Article 25, paragraph 2) (priority item).

6. Draft provisional agenda of the second meeting of SBSTTA.

7. Date and venue of the second meeting.

8. Other matters.

9. Adoption of the report.

10. Closure of the meeting.