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  • Side Events (42)


  • SBSTTA 16 (42)


Aichi Targets


Side Event

Naturally Healthy Children: mutual benefits for children and biodiversity from children’s contact with nature

Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), in partnership with its host government, University of Quebec in Montreal, in collaboration with the Quebec Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks (MDDEP) and Centre de recherche Fernand Seguin (CRFS) affiliated with Université de Montréal

Date and Time
2 May 2012 13:15 - 14:45

Sixteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

There is increasing evidence showing that children in contact with nature are more focused and disciplined, that their sensitivity, reasoning and observational skills are sharper and their imagination is more stimulated. On the contrary, in the absence of regular contact with nature, optimal development of children could be impaired and their willingness to behave as adults in a way that benefits biodiversity may be more limited. In line with Aichi Targets 1, 14 and 19 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, the side event will present preliminary results of a review that is underway to: 1)Establish the current state of knowledge on the on the various benefits for children’s health and development through contact with nature; 2)Understand the benefits for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity than can be associated with various experiences in/contact with nature by children; 3)Explore ‘reciprocity’ including ways in which children can act for biodiversity. The side-event provides an opportunity to learn about the research finding, provide constructive comments to the research team and assist in identifying good practice ‘case studies’ in developed and developing countries which illustrate the value and mutual health benefits for biodiversity and for children. Final outputs of the project will be presented in various CBD foras and will form the basis for a future CBD Technical Series on Health, Children and Biodiversity