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Side Event

Advances in Deep Sea Research and Application to Governance and Management of Marine Biodiversity

UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (lead) / CBD Secretariat

Date and Time
1 January 0001 0:0 - 0:0

Sixteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

This event will showcase key research by the EU funded Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man’s Impact on European Seas (HERMIONE) Consortium, and demonstrate how scientific research can be utilised by decision makers and competent management authorities to aid the governance and management of deep sea marine biodiversity. HERMIONE work contributes towards several of the objectives laid out in CBD COP X/29 Decision on marine and coastal biodiversity including ‘identifying and addressing the underlying drivers of marine and coastal ecosystem loss and destruction’, ‘further enhance globally networked scientific efforts’, and ‘identifying ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs)’. Research has also been undertaken under some global priority areas outlined in item 13 of Decision X/29 including ‘the valuation of marine and coastal biodiversity and ecosystem services’ and ‘carrying out assessments on the status and trends of cold-water coral reef ecosystems, seamounts, and hydrothermal vents’. A synthesis paper demonstrating the relevance of deep sea research to governance and management will be developed under the HERMIONE ‘Socioeconomics, Ocean Governance and Science-Policy Interfaces’ work package and presented at the side event. This is relevant to Decision X/11, ‘science-policy interface on biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being’. Presentations given by HERMIONE research partners will cover all three CBD SBSTTA 16 agenda items relating to marine and coastal biodiversity. Preliminary ideas for presentations include a discussion on how HERMIONE and other research was utilised in the CBD workshop for identifying Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas with OSPAR and NEAFC, and how this resulted in new MPAs and fisheries closures being designated. The side event will also summarise work conducted into human impacts on deep sea ecosystems, including the impacts of deep sea fisheries and ocean acidification which have been proposed under new and emerging issues.