National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)

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The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or separate submissions and provide examples of national targets established by Parties that contribute to the implementation of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

In addition, national biodiversity targets (primarily quantitative), and other relevant targets, for 2010 and beyond 2010, based on the information provided in the fourth national reports and other related information published by countries, are available here. Although these targets have not been specifically established within the framework of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, certain national targets can nevertheless be linked to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the 2020 implementation framework.

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Results 1 to 50 of 139 results found
Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
Preliminary Target 3 Genetic diversity of crops, livestock and of harvested species of trees, fish and wildlife and other valuable species conserved, and associated indigenous and local knowledge maintained 13
Objectif 13 Atténuer l’extinction d’espèces menacées et améliorer leur conservation par des mesures adéquates, notamment en valorisant l’utilisation durable des espèces locales pour maintenir leur diversité génétique, et réguler l’introduction des espèces exotiques et envahissantes. 12, 13
Objetivo 2 Gestionar la biodiversidad de Andorra y garantizar los servicios de los ecosistemas 2, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Objetivo 3 Fomentar la conservación de la biodiversidad en las políticas sectoriales nacionales y locales 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14
Antigua and Barbuda
Target 13 By 2020, maintain genetic diversity of local plants by storing germ stocks for re-population should current stocks become contaminated. Maintain stocks of deer in Barbuda to ensure no mixing of breeds. 13
Objective Maximise the number of species secured in nature 6, 12, 13
Target 7 To protect at least 60% of remaining desert ecosystems and wildlife 12, 13, 16, 19
Target 9 Revive agricultural land systems including Palm groves by 25% 7, 9, 13, 15, 16, 19
National Target 10 By 2020, the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and of wild relatives, including other socio-economically as well as culturally valuable species, is maintained, and strategies have been developed and implemented for minimizing genetic erosion and safeguarding their genetic diversity. 13
Target 10 To ensure the maintenance of genetic diversity of natural flora and fauna, cultivated crops, farmed and domesticated animals. Creation and replenishment of the data bank of genetic resources of humans, fauna, flora, microorganisms of the Republic of Belarus, to create conditions for implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization. 13, 16
Op. obj. 4c.5 Promote the sustainable use of genetic resources for food, and agriculture 13
TARGET C5 By 2020, Belize is implementing a biosafety policy that safeguards against large-scale loss of biological integrity. 13
National Target 13 By 2020, the genetic diversity of key cultivated plants and domesticated animals, including that of crop wild relatives are documented and conserved. 13
National Target 13 By 2025, the genetic resources of traditional agricultural species and their wild relatives are protected, and strategies for minimizing genetic erosion and safeguarding their genetic diversity have been implemented. 13
National Target 13 By 2020, the genetic diversity of microorganisms, cultivated plants, farmed and domesticated animals and of wild relatives, including socio-economically as well as culturally valuable species, is maintained, and strategies have been developed and implemented for minimizing the loss of genetic diversity. 13
Cabo Verde
National Target 8 By 2025, get to know and improve the genetic heritage of cultivated plants and domesticated animals with economic and cultural value. 13
Target 20 By 2020, the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals, as well as the genetic diversity of their wild relatives is protected and conserved in-situ and ex-situ. 13
Target 12 By 2020, the genetic diversity of cultivated plants, domesticated animals, and their threatened wild relatives, including culturally valuable species, should be maintained and valorised. 13
Meta nacional Al 2030 se habrá reducido la tasa de pérdida de ecosistemas y especies en un 75% y será cercano a cero donde sea priorizado. 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
National Target By 2020, biodiversity loss will be basically contained, and a system of nature reserves with reasonable layouts and comprehensive functions will be established, with main targets of protection effectively protected. 13
National Target National List of Protection of Livestock Genetic Resources will be revised so as to accord key protection to rare and endangered livestock genetic resources in the list and ensure that protected varieties will not be lost and their economic values will not be decreased. 13
Cook Islands
Theme A Endangered Species Management 12, 13
Specific objective 1.2 Design and establish a representative and functional network of areas significant for nature conservation 5, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19
Specific objective 2.4 Protect genetic diversity and sustainably use genetic resources 12, 13, 16
Meta 13 Se mantiene y salvaguarda la diversidad genética de las especies autóctonas y las de valor socioeconómico. 13
National Target 1.2 Public administration 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13
National Target 1.3 Private Sector 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16
National Target 2.1 Genetic diversity 13
National Target 3.6 Sustainable use of genetic resources 13, 16
Meta 15.1 Para el 2021 se ha consolidado el Banco Nacional de Germoplasma de especies nativas para la alimentación y agricultura y especies silvestres asociadas. 13
Meta 15.2 En el 2021 se ha implementado el Banco Nacional de Semillas certificado y actualizado que incluye todas las especies consideradas útiles en ese momento. 13
Meta 15.3 Hasta 2017 se ha implementado dos (2) Centros de Bioconocimiento (CBDA) en provincias seleccionadas para la conservación de la agrobiodiversidad local. 13
Meta 15.4 Hasta el 2017 se han incrementado un 10% los sistemas de producción agrobiodiversos, que integran y potencian el conocimiento y experiencias de las mujeres y hombres de los pueblos y nacionalidades. 13
National Target 11 By 2020, Effective operational biosafety and ABS mechanism (measures and legislation) in place, in accordance with national laws and relevant international obligations and serving as national priorities relating to biodiversity. 13, 16
Target 8 By 2020, ex situ conservation of agro-biodiversity, wild plants, animals and microbes; with special emphasis on endemic, endangered, economically or ecologically important species and breeds is increased and standards of the existing ex situ conservation are improved. 12, 13
Target 9 By 2020, in situ conservation sites for important species and breeds are increased and the standards of the existing in situ conservation are improved. 12, 13
Focus Area 3 Species Management (SM) 12, 13
Target 4 Preserve species and their diversity 12, 13
Target 13 By 2020, 35% of the genetic diversity of cultivated plants, farmed and domesticated animals and of wild relatives is maintained. 13
National Target C.5. By 2020, the genetic diversity of farmed and domesticated animals, cultivated plants and of their wild relatives, including other socioeconomically as well as culturally valuable species, is maintained; strategies have been developed and implemented for safeguarding their genetic diversity 13
Action Plan 13 Maintaining the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and of wild relatives (Aichi Target 13) 13
General Target 1 Increase knowledge for the assessment of biodiversity status 1, 12, 13, 14, 19
General Target 2 Conservation of national natural capital and ecosystem restoration 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
General Target 3 Organisation and operation of a National System of Protected Areas and enhancement of benefits from their management 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Objectif 13 De 2011 à 2020 au plus tard, la diversité des plantes cultivées, des animaux d’élevage et domestiques et des parents pauvres, y compris celle d’autres espèces qui ont une valeur socio-économique ou culturelle, est préservée, et des stratégies sont élaborées et mises en oeuvre pour réduire au minimum l’érosion génétique et sauvegarder leur diversité génétique. 13
Meta nacional 2 Se complementan los marcos jurídicos e institucionales armonizados e incluyentes que garanticen criterios de conservación y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad en políticas sectoriales 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20
Meta nacional 4 Los esfuerzos nacionales de la conservación in situ de la biodiversidad se consolidan mediante el fortalecimiento de las redes de áreas protegidas del país y otros sitios de interés para la conservación. 2, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15
Meta nacional 10 Desarrollar y fortalecer las regulaciones para el acceso a los recursos genéticos de la biodiversidad y la participación justa y equitativa de los beneficios que de ellos se derive. 13, 16
Meta nacional 11 Se respetan los derechos de las comunidades locales, pueblos indígenas y afrohondureños en su inclusión y participación en los procesos de gestión de la biodiversidad. 11, 13, 14, 18
National Biodiversity Target 7 By 2020, genetic diversity of cultivated plants, farm livestock and their wild relatives, including other socioeconomically as well as culturally valuable species, is maintained, and strategies have been developed and implemented for minimizing genetic erosion and safeguarding their genetic diversity. 13