Communication, Education & Public Awareness

2004 Biodiversity Day Around the World

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

As a prelude to the celebration of International Biodiversity Day, on 15 April 2004, President Khatami of the Islamic Republic of Iran presided over the opening ceremony of the Biodiversity Museum in Tehran's Pardisan Eco-Park and addressed the invited guests. Dr. Masoumeh Ebtekar, the head of the Department of the Environment also delivered an address at the opening ceremony. A description of the new museum may be found at

Ashtidaily Iran Biodiversity Museum Poster (Arabic, pdf)

The Islamic Republic of Iran has planned an array of activities for the International Day of Biological Diversity. These include:

  1. Opening of the "Biodiversity Museum of Iran" to the public (
  2. Launch of the national Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM)web site (
  3. Launch of the Persian Biodiversity web site (
  4. Publication of several new brochures introducing different aspects of Biodiversity
  5. Reprinting of the Persian-English poster of "22 May, International Day for Biodiversity" with the logos of CBD, UNDP, GEF, IUCN and Department of the Environment
  6. Production of a new poster on IDB (launched at the Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties in Kuala Lumpur by Mrs. Ebtekar and Mr. Zedan)
  7. TV and Radio addresses on Tehran and National radio stations on issues related to biodiversity
  8. Convening of the national Seminar on Natural History and Science Museums
  9. Free admission for visits to the natural history museums (
  10. Promotional billboards in the field of biodiversity alongside highways
  11. The first national Digital Photography Festival of nature (
  12. Holding of a Biodiversity Festival for children.

Open the DOE Poster for IBD 2004