Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

ID 5486
Submitting Entity Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Submitted for Fifth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 5)
Main Information
Title The Act of the financing of sustainable forestry and the development of forest certification in Finland
Description The study discusses the design of a national forest certification scheme in Finland and the effects on sustainable forestry practices there. The Finnish regulatory framework for forestry management has been entirely reformed in recent years, from encouraging intensification (through for example, subsidies to production and exports) to encouraging environmentally sustainable production. These changes were brought about under the 1994 
Environmental Programme for Forestry and the new Forest Act and special Financing of Sustainable Forestry Act in 1997. In addition to removing some of the adverse subsidies, the Financing of Sustainable Forestry Act also provides for the discretionary payment of environmental subsidies to landowners where necessary. A broad-based group formed in 1996 designed a voluntary forest certification scheme (to be operational from 1998) that was 
compatible with international schemes but reflected the particular circumstances found in Finland.
Web Link /doc/case-studies/inc/cs-inc-oecd-15-en.pdf
Additional Information
Source Study prepared for and summarized in the 1999 OECD Handbook on Incentive Measures for Biodiversity: Design and Implementation. Oganization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris.
Countries Finland
Ecosystems Forest Biodiversity
Regions Western Europe and Others
Incentive Measures Indirect Incentives (property rights, market creation)
Positive Incentives (subsidies, tax breaks, ...)
Reform of Perverse Incentives
Keywords Conservation payments
Eco-labelling and certification
Subsidy reform
Support payment
Ecosystem approach
Ecosystem Services