Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

ID 62798
Submitting Entity Convention on Biological Diversity
Submitted for Eleventh meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 11)
Main Information
Title Incentive measures: an analysis of existing and new instruments that provide positive incentives for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
Description Analysis prepared by the Executive Secretary of the CBD for SBSTTA-11, in 2005.
Web Link /doc/meetings/sbstta/sbstta-11/information/sbstta-11-inf-11-en.pdf
Additional Information
Incentive Measures Positive Incentives (subsidies, tax breaks, ...)
Keywords Voluntary approaches
Tradable permits/use rights
Support payment
Tax exemptions
Strengthening property rights (land tenure, ...)
Revenue sharing with communities
Market creation (organic production, tourism, ...)
Land-use covenants and certification
Land set-aside payments
Environmental funds
Eco-labelling and certification
Compensation for loss of use
Agri-environmental payments