COP Decisions

COP Decisions

Financial mechanism and resources

Guidance to the financial mechanism

  • Decision I/2 annex I, paragraph 4 (i)
    Financial resources and mechanism
  • Decision III/5 paragraph 3
    Additional guidance to the financial mechanism
  • Decision IV/8 paragraph 4 (b)
    Access and benefit-sharing
  • Decision IV/10 A, paragraph 3
    Measures for implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity
  • Decision IV/13 paragraph 7, 8 (b)
    Additional guidance to the financial mechanism
  • Decision V/13 paragraph 2 (h)
    Further guidance to the financial mechanism
  • Decision VI/17 paragraph 10 (j)
    Financial mechanism under the Convention
  • Decision VII/5 paragraph 35
    Marine and coastal biological diversity
  • Decision VII/18 paragraphs 5, 10
    Incentive Measures (Article 11)
  • Decision VII/28 Programme element 3.2.5. & 3.4.1
    Protected Areas (Articles 8 (A) to (E))
  • Decision VII/29 paragraph 15 c
    Transfer of technology and technology cooperation (Articles 16 to 19)

Other financial resources

  • Decision V/11 paragraph 16
    Additional financial resources
  • Decision VI/15 paragraph 8
    Incentive measures
  • Decision VI/16 paragraph 7 (b)
    Additional financial resources
  • Decision VIII/13, paragraph 4
    Review of implementation of Article 20 (Financial resources) and Article 21 (Financial mechanism)