Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Assessment Details

Name Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below Ground Biodiversity, Tranch 2
Description (a)   Overlap with the Alternatives to Slash and Burn (ASB) Project. A limited amount of belowground biodiversity characterization was conducted in Phase 2 of the ASB project but this work has been terminated. This project builds in part on the experience gained in the ASB project particularly in identifying methodological issues, as has been well explained in the UNDP review. Future work on soil biota in the ASB project is targeted at (i) management practices that promote agricultural productivity and (ii) rehabilitation of degraded land for sustainable agriculture. Strong linkages will however be maintained with the ASB Project and the coordinator will sit on the Project Advisory Committee.
Visible Yes
Lead Organization Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of CIAT (TSBF) and UNEP
Programme Areas Agricultural Biodiversity
Project Status Ongoing
Project Start Date 01/01/2004
Project End Date
Regions Africa
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