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Bio-Bridge Initiative Request for Assistance (BBIAR)

Establishment of the CEE Regional Network of Laboratories for Detection of LMOs and the Centers of Excellence
Sampling, detection and identification of living modified organisms (LMOs) is a cross-cutting and broad reaching activity that supports the implementation of Article 18 of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention of Biological Diversity which objective is to contribute to ensuring an adequate level of protection in the field of the safe transfer, handling and use of living modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology that may have adverse effects on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. The Strategic Plan for implementation of the Cartagena Protocol for the period 2011-2020 sets out operational objectives 1.6 and 2.3 on handling, transport, packaging and identification that request Parties to develop relevant capacities on identification and documentation of requirements for living modified organisms. The COP-MOP-7, in its Decision BS-VII/8, requested Parties to continue to identify transboundary movements of living modified organisms intended for direct use as food, feed or processing and unintentional transboundary movements of LMOs. The countries in the CEE region have different level of laboratory capacity and experience in identification of LMOs. As being the countries with economies in transition, mainly have technical and scientific barriers, limited financial and human resources to ensure laboratory detection and identification of LMOs. The laboratory personnel have insufficient knowledge and skills on specific methods and laboratory procedures for sampling, detection and identification that have to be in line with the international requirements. Established laboratories usually do not have an international accreditation (ISO 17025) to be able to provide legal certification of the investigated biological material and products that may be LMOs or contain LMOs. Poor inter-laboratory communication and poor capacities to exchange of experience and information as well as lack of training programs for LMO detection and identification are the most essential challenges in the CEE region that limit their efficiency to ensure monitoring and control over LMOs. The request of BBI assistance is addressed to establish continuous CEE regional collaboration and communication on LMOs detection, to improve countries national capacities for the analytical detection and identification of LMOs. A number of training workshops are to be organized for laboratory personnel, as well as administrative staff and decision makers from the countries in the region. The Russian language as the language of communication in the region would facilitate communication and training activities. The establishment of a Central and Eastern European (CEE) Regional Network of laboratories and the Centers of Excellence in selected countries will facilitate continuity and regular communication, professional consultation and trainings in the region. A close networking of the laboratories, personnel, information exchange, including database on methods of screening, LMOs identification methods, LMO releases will contribute to the increased efficiency of the countries in the region to provide detection and identification of LMOs in line with the international standards. Belarus and Moldova will be leading the activities that are proposed under this project. Both countries have an important agricultural sector and a long-term cooperation experience in the field of Biosafety. The countries have well developed legislation in the field of biosafety and extensive experience participating in various expert groups and bodies under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, including the Network of Laboratories for the Detection and Identification of Living Modified Organisms. Belarus and Moldova based on their experience and capacities may offer scientific and training support to other countries in the region. In Belarus, the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences is the leading scientific institution of the country, which was entrusted with duties of the National Coordination Biosafety Centre (NCBC). The NCBC is accredited on detection and identification of LMO in accordance to National Standards, main of which is the Standard ISO 17025. The NCBC is equipped with the relevant equipment for laboratory analyses on LMO detection and identification, including the advanced PCR machines as well as qualified laboratory personnel. The Moldovan Biosafety Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment has a long-term experience and involvement in the Biosafety programs and projects, international and regional collaboration, important experience in BCH, public information and participation that would be useful to provide consultancy and exchange of good practices. The increased collaboration that will result from activities held through the establishment of the network will contribute to the improved communication on biosafety-related issues as well as harmonization of laboratory procedures and methods. It will also provide means for the continuous professional development of relevant laboratory personnel through the facilitation of knowledge-sharing and networking. The Project will contribute to early detection and control of LMOs that are subject to import/export, transit and processing that will have a global impact on conservation of biodiversity.
Galina Mozgova
Head, National Coordination Biosafety Centre

Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
27 Akademicheskaya street
220072-BY, Belarus

: g.mozgova@yandex.ru | : g.mozgova@igc.by
: + 375 17 284 02 97 | : + 375 29 778 62 92 |

: +375 17 284 19 17 |
Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (IGC)
27 Akademicheskaya street
220072-BY, Belarus

: office@igc.by
: +375 17 378 18 56 |

: +375 (17) 284-19-17 |

General Information
CBD Regional Groups - Central and Eastern Europe
Republic of Moldova
Equipment, infrastructure, supplies
Training/learning support (workshops, e-learning, webinars, on-job training, mentorship)
Transfer of technology, specialized knowledge and know-how
Describe how Equipment, infrastructure, supplies will facilitate TSC while addressing your problem.
Supplies for LMOs detection - primers, kits for LMO screening and specific LM-crop varieties identification, certified reference materials.
Describe how Training/learning support (workshops, e-learning, webinars, on-job training, mentorship) will facilitate TSC while addressing your problem.
The project will support innovative methodology in the field of detection and identification of LMOs and advanced training for laboratory personnel and administrative staff on specific items, specifically: organization, management and maintenance of laboratory efficiency, biosecurity techniques, validation of methods and certification and accreditation of laboratories for LMO detection. -Three workshops on detection and identification methods, validation of methods, and accreditation of laboratories (duration: 3 days) will be organized in Minsk. -One workshop on the program of work of the CEE Network of Laboratories for Detection and Identification and the Centers of Excellence (duration: 2 days) will be organized in Chisinau.
Describe how Transfer of technology, specialized knowledge and know-how will facilitate TSC while addressing your problem.
Transfer of knowledge and know-how, including technical protocols and guidelines, methodologies, good practices on LMOs detection and identification, will be ensured in collaboration with the invited experts from the relevant EU research laboratories e.g. JRC and ENGL.
The assistance request is linked to the National Strategy of the Republic of Belarus for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity for years 2011-2020 (“On Some Issues in the Area of Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity”) and the “Strategic Plan on the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in the Republic of Belarus”, which covers the period up to 2020. The countries in the CEE region are the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and have developed and approved their NBSAPs that require to improve capacities for LMO detection and identification under the Art.18.
Linkages to CBD Initiatives
Biosafety and Biotechnology
Aichi-T10. Vulnerable ecosystems
Aichi-T13. Agricultural biodiversity
Aichi-T15. Ecosystem resilience
Aichi-T19. Biodiversity knowledge
Detailed Information
Republic of Moldova

Training of laboratory personnel and specialists on LMO detection and identification using the model of the draft training manual for the Detection and Identification of LMOs suggested by the Cartagena Protocol. The trainings will be organized by the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus and the Biosafety Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of Moldova. International experts from JRC and BCH advisers will be invited to provide training assistance and share international and regional experience in this matter.
UNEP/GEF Development of NBFs Projects, Belarus, Moldova, 2002-2004. UNEP/GEF NBFs Implementation Project in Moldova, 2009-2012. CBD/UNEP/Japan Biodiversity Fund - Mainstreaming Biosafety and Biodiversity intro national policies, projects for Belarus, for Moldova. 2016. UNEP/GEF BCH I, II, III projects for Belarus, Moldova. 2011, 2017. GENOK/NORAD (Norway) project on CEE Regional workshop on LMOs Overall Impact Assessment under the Cartagena Protocol. 2014. The requested BBI assistance will complement the past and on-going mentioned initiatives in addresing specific laboratory issues in practice to improve professional skills and laboratory capacities for detection and identification of LMOs through establishment of CEE regional cooperation and trainings, will contibute to establishing of a platform for regional networking and communication that would increase national efficiency to ensure conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.

The overall objective of the project will be to establish regional collaboration and to develop institutional capacities within participating countries to facilitate the detection and identification of LMOs with the view to supporting the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. The Project will focus on the following three specific objectives: • Harmonize the procedural guidelines on detection and identification of LMOs; • Training of administrative and laboratory personnel on the methods and protocols for the detection and identification of LMOs; • Establish Laboratory Network and the Centres of Excellence to ensure sustainable training and consultative activity within the participating countries in the field of LMO detection and identification, public information, BCH and long-term regional collaboration.
The main outcomes of the Project will be the establishment of the Network of Laboratories for LMO Detection and Centres of Excellence in CEE countries, addressed to the needs of the countries. A regional networking would render timely information on and practical support in all aspects of the LMO safety activities and provide long-term cooperation on accreditation of laboratories and in close collaboration with the European Network of GMO Laboratories (ENGL), the European Union Reference Laboratory for GM-food and feed (EURL) at the Joint Research Centre. The main outputs of the Project: • National guidelines and laboratory protocols on detection and identification of LMOs will be developed; • Trainings of administrative and laboratory personnel on the methods and protocols for the detection and identification of LMOs will be held; • Regional Network of Laboratories for LMO Detection will be established; • Centres of Excellence to ensure sustainable training and consultative activity within the participating countries in the field of LMO detection and identification, public information, BCH and CEE Regional networking for long-term regional collaboration will be established. Indicators: • A draft guidelines on LMO detection and identification prepared; • 3 trainings on detection and identification methods, validation of methods, and accreditation of laboratories using the model of the draft training manual suggested by the Cartagena Protocol held; • 1 workshop on the program of work of the Centers of Excellence organized; • Centres of Excellence in participating countries established; • Regional CEE Network of Laboratories for LMO Detection established and registered on the BCH Portal.
Co-financing will be provided as in kind contribution.
In 2016, by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of 12 March 2015, No. 190, the priority directions of scientific research in the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 were established. Biological systems and technologies, ecology and environmental management, as well as human, society and State safety were identified as one of the key priorities of scientific research.