Further Reading

  • A Biodiversity Communication Handbook, manual prepared for the United States and Canda by the Biodiversity Project, 2000 (pdf)
  • LIFE-Nature: communicating with stakeholders and the general public, best practice examples for Natura 2000, European Commission (pdf)
  • Awards for Improving the Coastal Environment: The example of the Blue Flag, manual to promote sustainable development in the coastal tourism sector, by the Foundation for Environmental Education - FEE (pdf)
  • Strategic Communication for Sustainable Development, a conceptual overview by GTZ in co-operation with IUCN CEC, 2006 (pdf)
  • The role of Communication, chapter 18 from IUCN publication on NBSAPs in Asia (pdf)
  • Communicating about Oceans: results from a national survey - report that talks about research that informs messages for zoos and aquariums in USA on educating about the oceans, The Ocean Project 1999 (pdf)
  • Participatory communication strategy design, a handbook. Second Edition. Prepared by Paolo Mefalopulos and Chris Kamlongera for the SADC Centre of Communication for Development
    in collaboration with the Communication for Development Group Extension, Education and Communication Service Sustainable Development Department, Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations, Rome, 2004 (pdf)
  • The MDG Poster Book, Contributions by local communities to attaining the UN Millennium Development Goals, A new tool for analysing and showcasing development projects (pdf)