Climate Change and Biodiversity

Documents for peer review

1. Draft study on the impacts of climate-related geo-engineering on biological diversity

Draft Study: DOC en

The Executive Summary (key messages) is available in Spanish, French and Russian: DOC es DOC fr DOC ru

Template for submitting comments and views: DOC en DOC es DOC fr

The Secretariat welcomes:

  1. comments on the compilation and synthesis of scientific information;
  2. comments and further inputs to associated social, economic and cultural considerations; and
  3. views and experiences of indigenous and local communities and stakeholders.

Please make use of the template to submit your comments and views to the CBD Secretariat ( at your earliest convenience, but no later than 9 December 2011.

2. Draft study on the regulatory framework of climate-related geo-engineering relevant to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Draft Study: DOC en

Please make use of the template to submit your comments to the CBD Secretariat ( at your earliest convenience, but no later than 28 December 2011.

After the first round of peer review, the studies will be subjected to a second round of peer review at the end of January. The final document will be made available in March for consideration at SBSTTA-16.


List of references on the impacts of climate-related geo-engineering on biological diversity PDF en DOC en-- updated

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