
Decision COP VII/31


Multi-year programme of work of the Conference of the Parties up to 2010

The Conference of the Parties
Operational Active
1.Decides that when undertaking in-depth reviews of the existing thematic areas and cross-cutting issues, items identified as priorities by the World Summit on Sustainable Development, should be considered in relation to the existing programmes of work*; including the use, as appropriate, of relevant indicators at the national, regional and global level;
Operational Active
2.  Also decides that the Conference of the Parties identifies, for each upcoming meeting, appropriate ways to address, including within the Ministerial Segment, issues of overarching importance, particularly the relevant socio-economic issues identified by the World Summit on Sustainable Development;
Operational Retired Superseded OTHERS
3.Further decides that, at each of its meetings until 2010, the Conference of the Parties, possibly including its Ministerial Segment, should assess, as an explicit agenda item, the state of progress, including obstacles, in achieving the goals of the Strategic Plan and progress towards the achievement of the Convention’s 2010 target and relevant Millennium Development Goals and that, when considering progress in achievement, it shall also review the effectiveness of the Convention processes in facilitating this achievement;
Operational Active
4.Decides that, to the extent feasible, a maximum of six items for in-depth review should be considered at any meeting of the Conference of the Parties and that cross-cutting issues are dealt with in coherent manner taking into account the different requirements and characteristics of the issues;
Operational Active
5.Agrees that: 
(a)In its reviews of the programmes of work it will focus on:
(i)Assessing the implementation and effectiveness of the programme of work;
(ii)Updating the programme of work if necessary, by retiring or replacing activities and by making adjustments to reflect changes in the international context;
(iii)Providing practical support for national and regional implementation;
(b) In agenda items on strategic issues, one or more priority themes will be selected for each meeting of the Conference of the Parties , taking into account the importance of that theme for enhancing the implementation of the Strategic Plan and National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans;
Operational Active
6.Also decides that some flexibility in the multi-year programme of work should be retained in order to accommodate urgent emerging issues;
Operational Retired Implemented
7.Adopts the multi-year programme of work annexed to the present decision;
Operational Retired Implemented
8.Requests the Executive Secretary to develop a preparatory process for the work of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and Technological Advice on island biodiversity which:
(a)Includes, inter alia, electronic forums, an Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group in mid-2004, and a liaison group held immediately after the Mauritius meeting in August/September 2004
(b)Allows input from the widest possible range of Parties, countries, and relevant organizations, stakeholders and indigenous and local communities, and particularly from small island developing States;
(c)Will provide technical advice for use by Parties on key issues facing island biodiversity managers as well as a draft programme of work and related draft recommendations;
(d)Will draw on the outcome of the international meeting of the small island developing States for the review of the Barbados Programme of Action, which will take place in Mauritius in August/September 2004.
Conference of the Parties (COP)

Seventh Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
9 - 20 February, 2004
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Decision document
Multi-year programme of work of the Conference of the Parties up to 2010
Proposals on the Retirement of Decisions Taken by the Conference of the Parties at Its Seventh Meeting
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