Biodiversity and Health


4-6 May 2020

Second Meeting of the Interagency Liaison Group on Biodiversity and Health
The World Health Organization and CBD Secretariat are co-convening the second meeting of the Interagency Liaison Group on Biodiversity and Health from 4-6 May 2020. Originally scheduled to be held at WHO Headquarters, the meeting will now be held online over a three day period, on 4-6 May 2020. It will focus on three key themes: 1) New WHO Guidance on mainstreaming biodiversity for nutrition and health; 2) Aligning the narrative on biodiversity and health in the context of COVID-19; 3) Draft Global Plan of Action on Biodiversity and Health to be presented to the forthcoming scientific body of the CBD (SBSTTA 24). Further information on the Interagency Liaison Group on Biodiversity and Health are available here

17-29 November 2018

Biodiversity and Health Events at the 14th Conference of the Parties (COP 14)
The UN Biodiversity Convention Secretariat, World Health Organization (WHO), and several partners of the Biodiversity Convention's joint work programme with the WHO are co-hosting Health Day at the Rio Conventions Pavilion on 24 November 2018 and several side events throughout the 14th Conference of the Parties to be held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt from 17-29 November 2018.
Visit the new NEW Health Day Website.

These events will focus on multiple dimensions of biodiversity and human health, drawing and building on the findings of the State of Knowledge Review Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health.

A new partnership with the Healthy Urban Microbiome Initiative will also be launched on Health Day. Updates on the new partnership with HUMI and 2020 Challenge can be accessed here. Additional details are available on the COP 14 Website on biodiversity and health .

Learn more about HUMI on the HUMI Website

See the full list of side events on biodiversity and health co-organized in collaboration with the UN Biodiversity Convention Secretariat and several of its partners under the Joint Work Programme on biodiversity and health.

5-7 November 2018

Regional capacity-building workshop on biodiversity and health for the ASEAN Region
A Regional capacity-building workshop on biodiversity and human health for the ASEAN region will be jointly convened by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, and will be held from 5 to 7 November 2018, in Manila, Philippines. This cross-sectoral workshop aims to strengthen collaboration, engagement and policy coherence between national agencies responsible for biodiversity and those responsible for health to contribute to enhanced national implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, as well as related Sustainable Development Goals. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Department of Health of the Philippines. Workshop participants will be funded by the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity and the European Union. The WHO Regional Office for Western Pacific and WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia will also provide technical input. Further information about the regional workshop in the ASEAN region is available here.

21-26 May 2018

Biodiversity and Health at the 71st World Health Assembly
Biodiversity and human health will be discussed as a standalone issue for the first time at the 71st meeting of the World health Assembly to be held from 21-26 May 2018. In line with a decision of the Executive Board, the Director-General will submit a report on the actions taken on the interlinkages between human health and biodiversity bearing in mind the state of knowledge review on biodiversity and human health, Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health jointly led by WHO and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. This report will seek guidance from Member States with a view to preparing WHO’s contribution to the Convention’s fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties due to be held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from 17 - 29 November 2018. The WHO report by the Director-General to the World Health Assembly is available here.

26 January 2018

WHO Executive Board adopts decision on biodiversity and health
At the 142nd session of the World health Organization's Executive Board, a decision was adopted by Executive Board members calling for a report on biodiversity and human health to be submitted to the World health Assembly at its 71st session in May 2018. In line with a decision of the Executive Board, the Director-General is requested to prepare a report on the actions taken on the interlinkages between human health and biodiversity bearing in mind the findings of the State of Knowledge Review, Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health, jointly led by WHO and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, with a view to preparing the WHO’s contribution to the Convention’s fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to be held in November 2018. The decision of the WHO Executive Board is available here.

2-5 November 2017

Biodiversity and Health at SBSTTA 21
Biodiversity and human health discussed as agenda item 6 during the twenty-first meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA21).
A summary of activities carries out under the CBD-WHO joint work programme on biodiversity and health was submitted to the twenty-first meeting of the SBSTTA for its consideration. The documents can be accessed on the SBSTTA 21 website at: CBD/SBSTTA/21/4. A Guidance on integrating biodiversity considerations into One Health approaches was also submitted for consideration by the scientific body. The biodiversity-inclusive One Health Guidance can also be accessed here. Moreover, biodiversity and health was also considered under the agenda item on mainstreaming into key sectors. The document on mainstreaming is available here.

The SBSTTA welcomed the biodiversity-inclusive One Health Guidance and issued a comprehensive recommendation on biodiversity and health adopted by consensus for the consideration of the Conference of the Parties at its fourteenth meeting (COP 14). COP 14 will be held from 17 - 29 November 2018 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. The SBSTTA recommendation on health and biodiversity can be downloaded here. The recommendation on biodiversity mainstreaming into key sectors can also be downloaded here.

26 October 2017

Regional capacity-building workshop on biodiversity and health for the European Region
A Regional capacity-building workshop on biodiversity and human health for the WHO Europe region was jointly convened by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the World Health Organization (WHO) from 23 to 25 October 2017, in Helsinki, Finland. This cross-sectoral workshop aimed to strengthen collaboration, engagement and policy coherence between national agencies responsible for biodiversity and those responsible for health to contribute to enhanced national implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Biodiversity Targets, as well as related Sustainable Development Goals. The workshop was convened in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland, with financial support from the European Commission and the Government of Finland. The WHO Regional Office for Europe also provided technical input and support through the European Centre for Environment and Health. The workshop presentations and documents are available here.

26 May 2017

Health working session at Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) held its fifth session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) from 22-26 May 2017 in Cancun, Mexico. Among others, the UN Biodiversity Convention Secretariat participated in a session convened by UNISDR in collaboration with other partners aimed at sensitizing and mobilizing stakeholders working in health, disaster risk reduction and development to identify ways and commit to working together to realize the objectives of the Sendai Framework at national and local levels and contribute to the achievement of the Sendai Framework targets, particularly Target (e) on developing comprehensive disaster risk reduction strategies and plans. The session focused on sharing progress, challenges and lessons learned in applying the health aspects of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the Bangkok Principles. The need to strengthen collaboration with other sector including ecosystem approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation arose as a cross-cutting theme. For further details on this session, please visit the UNISDR Event website or the new website of the Toward a Safer World Initiative.

5 May 2017

First Meeting of the Interagency Liaison Group on Biodiversity and Health
The UN Biodiversity Convention Secretariat and World Health Organization co-convened the first meeting of the Interagency Liaison Group on Biodiversity and Health at WHO headquarters in Geneva. The meeting was held over a two day period, on 4-5 May, to strengthen collaboration with key international institutions and experts as a to contribution to the implementation of decision XIII/6 on biodiversity and health. Further information on collaborative activities under the CBD-WHO joint work programme on biodiversity and health are available here. Updates on the first meeting of the Interagency Liaison Group on Biodiversity and Health will soon be made on the Interagency Liaison Group webpage of the health and biodiversity website

7 April 2017

Message by the Executive Secretary on the occasion of World Health Day 2017
On the occasion of World Health Day 2016, Dr. Cristiana Paşca Palmer, UN Assistant Secretary General, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, reflects on the relevance of exposure to biodiversity and green spaces as a contribution to improved mental health outcomes.
This year's theme for World Health Day is “Depression: Let's Talk”; an issue which has emerged as a major health threat, affecting over 300 million people worldwide every year.
The full statement can be accessed at: Statement for World Health Day 2017.

4 April 2017

Nature is Good Medicine Event at the World Congress on Public Health (WCPH)

The CBD Secretariat in collaboration with WHO, IUCN and other partners participated in the World Leadership Forum at the 15th World Congress on Public Health to highlight the benefits of exposure to nature and biodiversity to human health. The plenary session organized by Parks Victoria, Australia was preceded by a workshop session featuring presentations and discussions with stakeholders. The sessions were held on 4 April 2017. View the Session Summary and panelists for the Global Leadership Forum Nature is Good Medicine More information on the World Congress on Public Health 2017 is also available here. A press release from the Salzburg Global Seminar is also available here.

4-17 December 2016

Biodiversity and Health Side Events at the 13th Conference of the Parties (COP 13)
The UN Biodiversity Convention Secretariat, World Health Organization (WHO), and several partners of the Biodiversity Convention's joint work programme with the WHO are co-hosting several side events throughout the 13th Conference of the Parties to be held in Cancun, Mexico from 4-17 December 2016.
These events will focus on multiple dimensions of biodiversity and human health, drawing and building on the findings of the State of Knowledge Review Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health. Thematic areas addressed will include, among others, agriculturual biodiversity, food security and nutrition; infectious disease emergence; wildlife monitoring; strengthening the science-policy interface for biodiversity and health; nature for all; and Planetary Health.
See the full list of side events on biodiversity and health co-organized in collaboration with the UN Biodiversity Convention Secretariat and several of its partners under the Joint Work Programme on biodiversity and health.

22 May 2016

Biodiversity and Health Event on International Day for Biodiversity Event at the United Nations Environment Asembly (UNEA)
The CBD Executive Secretary, UN Environment, World Health Organization and United Nations University contributed to a dialogue session on biodiversity and human health at the margins of the United Nations Environment Assembly on 22 May 2016.
The event discussed ways forward for the implementation of more coherent strategies at the intersection of biodiversity and human health by drawing on the findings of the CBD and WHO-led State of Knowledge Review, Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health launched in 2015, as well as The Rockefeller Foundation - Lancet Commission Report on Planetary Health and the UNEP Report, Healthy Environment, Healthy People, launched on the occasion of UNEA. It also featured examples, presented by United Nations University, on how to strengthen implementation and synergies for the integration of biodiversity and health strategies on the ground. Initial statements by high level panelists from these organizations was followed by an open dialogue session with participants. The event was part of celebrations held at UNEA on the occasion of the International Day for Biodiversity 2016. Video statements by UNEP, CBD and WHO for IDB 2016 can be accessed here.

4-6 May 2016

High-level panel on armed conflict and impacts on ecosystems and human health
The CBD Executive Secretary contributed to a high-level leadership panel during a three day conference on Armed Conflict, Ecosystem Degradation and Human Health convened by the Loyola Sustainability Research Centre (LSRC) in collaboration with the CBD Secretariat, Doctors without Borders, Future Earth, Amnesty International, the Montreal Institute for Genocide Studies, Ecohealth Alliance and other collaborators from academia and civil society.
At the margins of the three day conference, a two day expert workshop was also held for more in depth discussions of challenges and the identification of ways forward. Further updates and outcomes will soon be made available on the LSRC website.

26 April 2016

Side event on Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Human Health at SBSTTA 20
Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Agriculture for Nutrition, Human Health and Well-Being in the context of Sustainable Development is discussed at a side event at the margins of the twentieth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA20).
The summary of the event can be accessed on the SBSTTA 20 side event website at: side event on health and biodiversity . The event was jointly organized by the CBD Secretariat, United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, UNEP, Biodiversity International and University of California, Los Angeles.

7 April 2016

Message by the Executive Secretary on the occasion of World Health Day 2016
On the occasion of World Health Day 2016, CBD Executive Secretary Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias discusses the importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, forests and other terrestrial ecosystems, seascapes and freshwater systems as a contribution to dietary diversity and to reducing the rising global health threat posed by diabetes and diet-related diseases through its potential contributions to healthier diets and food choices. This year's theme for for World Health Day is “Step Up: Beat Diabetes”.
The full statement can be accessed at: Statement for World Health Day 2016.

2 - 5 November 2015

Biodiversity and Human Health at SBSTTA 19
Biodiversity and human health discussed as agenda item 4.1 during the nineteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA19).
The documents can be accessed on the SBSTTA 19 website at: UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/19/6 and UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/19/6/ADD1 . The SBSTTA recommendation can be downloaded here. A summary of relevant side events on biodiversity and human health, co-organized by the CBD Secretariat in collaboration with relevant partners, can also be accessed here

16 July 2015

Launch of report: "Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch"

See the Press Release Here

See the ES Statement Here

4 June 2015

Official Launch of the full volume of the State of Knowledge Review, Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health now available!
Healthy communities rely on well-functioning ecosystems. They provide clean air, fresh water, medicines and food security. They also limit disease and stabilize the climate. But biodiversity loss is happening at unprecedented rates, impacting human health worldwide, according to a new state of knowledge review of the Convention on Biological Diversity and World Health Organization. The report, Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health, was launched today in Brussels at Green Week 2015.

13 February 2015

Official Launch of the SUMMARY of the State of Knowledge Review, Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health now available!
The official launch of the Summary of the State of Knowledge Review took place at the 14th World Congress on Public Health, in Kolkata, India.

See the Press Release Here

Access the Summary Report of the State of Knowledege Review Here

20 November 2014

WHO highlights the importance of biodiversity and ecosystems for human health and well-being in a videostatement for IUCN World Parks Congress 2014

Watch the video here!

11 November 2014

Final consultation for Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health, A State of Knowledge Review held at the IUCN World Parks Congress from 12-19 November in Sydney, Australia.

The briefing note for the State of Knowledge Review is available here!

5 October 2014

Join us for biodiversity and human health side events at the CBD twelfth Conference of the Parties

See COP 12 decision on biodiversity and human health here

The summary of side events is available here!

Go to our COP 12 information page on biodiversity and human health activities here

18 August 2014

Peer Review of the State of Knowledge Review on the Interlinkages between Biodiversity and Human Health
- now until 24 September 2014!
The draft thematic chapters of the State of Knowledge Review on the Interlinkages between Biodiversity and Human Health to be are now available for peer review.
The official notification for the peer review process is available here.
The extended deadline to submit reviewer comments is September 24, 2014!
All draft chapters made available for peer review can be accessed on the CBD health and biodiversity website at: /health/stateofknowledge/default.shtml
The template for peer review of draft thematic chapters can be downloaded here.
The advance draft of the State of knowldege review will be launched at the twelfth Conference of the Parties in Pyeongchang, Korea on 6-18 October, 2014

18 June 2014

Peer Review of Emerging Key Messages on Biodiversity and Human Health
The document containing Emerging key messages for the State of Knowledge Review on the Interlinkages between Biodiversity and Human Health was submitted for peer review for the Eighteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA18).
The deadline to submit comments is July 10, 2014.
The full document containing emerging key messages can be accessed on the SBSTTA 18 website at: The template for comments of emerging key messages can be downloaded here.

24 April 2014

Biodiversity and Human Health at SBSTTA 18
A summary of activities carried out or planned in response to decisions X/20 and XI/29 on biodiversity and health was submitted to the Eighteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice. The document reports on work carried out to assess and share knowledge on the interlinkages between biodiversity and human health; work on capacity-building to promote biodiversity and health co-benefits and work on strengthening collaboration and partnerships. Emerging key messages for the State of Knowledge review on the interlinkages between biodiversity and human health will soon be made available. The full report, UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/18/17 is also available in all official UN languages at the SBSTTA 18 website.

20 January 2014

Joint CBD-WHO Meeting for the State of knowledge Review of the Interlinkages between Biodiversity and Human Health
The SCBD in collaboration with the World Health Organization convened a meeting from 15-16 January 2014 at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland to initiate discussions for the preparation of a joint study on the interlinkages between biodiversity and human health, together with key partners. The overall goal of the publication is to provide a State of knowledge review of the vital linkages between health, biodiversity and the life supporting services it provides, in the context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. It is also expected that the publication will contribute to the implementation of the UN-wide strategy for biodiversity, the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011 – 2020 and its 20 Aichi Targets, and thus further strengthen and sustain collaboration between WHO and CBD and other key partners working in the health and conservation sectors. Additional information can be found here.

8 April 2013

The regional workshop on the inter-linkages between biodiversity and human health for Africa was held in Maputo, Mozambique from 2 to 5 April 2013. The workshop was co-hosted by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the World Health Organization (WHO), with the generous financial support of the Government of Japan and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). The meeting was opened by the Permanent Secretary of Mozambique on 2 April 2013. In total, 56 participants attended including government-nominated experts from 24 African countries representing Ministries of Environment and Ministries of Health. Several experts from national, regional and international organizations also contributed to the great success of the workshop.

8 February 2013

The World Health Organization (WHO) and SCBD welcome proposals from interested experts working in the WHO region in Africa to deliver a presentation at a Regional Workshop on Interlinkages between Biodiversity and Health for Africa to be held from 2-5 April 2013 in Maputo, Mozambique. Interested experts are invited to submit an abstract of 250-400 words covering one or more of the following themes of the Workshop, no later than 22 February 2013:
  1. Zoonotic and vector-borne diseases
  2. Traditional medicine and indigenous knowledge
  3. Gender health and natural resource management as it pertains to water and food systems
Abstracts should sent to Marina Maiero at the WHO ( and Cristina Romanelli at the CBD Secretariat ( Additional information can be found here

25 January 2013

The 2013 Prince Mahidol Awards Conference (PMAC) will be held from 28 January to 2 February 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. PMAC is an annual conference that highlights how infectious diseases continue to threaten the health and well-being of the world, and the opportunity we have to more successfully counter these threats in the future through a more strategic approach to global health preparedness.
The SCBD’s Dr. David Coates will be a panelist in a parallel event on “Ecosystems, Wildlife and One Health” which was dedicated to broadening the discussion around One Health and creating an opportunity to hear perspectives from ecologists, biologists, and the conservation or natural resource management community, as well as gaining further insights from the food security and biomedical perspective. The session served as an opportunity for the biomedical One Health community to share with ecologists and the natural resource community, how their contributions can significantly improve efforts to address infectious disease management and prevention. The full program is available here.

28 December 2012

The regional workshop on the inter-linkages between biodiversity and human health for Africa will be held in Maputo, Mozambique from 2-5 April 2013. The workshop will be co-hosted by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, World Health Organization (WHO), The WHO regional Office for Africa (WHO/AFRO) with the generous financial support of the Government of Japan and the the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). More information on the workshop is available on the regional workshop portion of the health website.
This workshop will provide a forum for Parties and experts from the health and biodiversity sectors to (i) discuss the implementation of the Strategic Plan, in particular as it relates to health issues (ii) discuss regional best practices in terms of incorporating biodiversity and health considerations in national and regional biodiversity conservation programmes (iii) strengthen capacity and identify further capacity needs for the implementation of the Strategic Plan (iv) identify possible joint activities to achieve health and biodiversity co-benefits for consideration in national biodiversity strategies and action plans, and (v) promote transboundary/regional cooperation and support networks on health and biodiversity issues and strategies.

17 October 2012

The International Association for Ecology and Health (IAEH) held its 4th Biennial Conference in Kunming City, China on 15-18 October 2012. The EcoHealth 2012 Conference addressed global, regional and local landscapes and human health under the theme “Sustaining Ecosystems, Supporting Health." On 17 October 2012, Ms. Cristina Romanelli from the SCBD connected live from the CBD eleventh Conference of the Parties meeting in Hyderabad, India to the EcoHealth 2012 international discussion forum entitled “Global Processes Linking Ecology and Health – What Role for EcoHealth?” Discussions notably highlighted Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the importance of connecting social and natural sciences, the relevance of the One Health approach, and the role of students in EcoHealth. It was also noted that each of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 goals and many of the Aichi Targets can be achieved by actions that focus on both the health of people and an ecosystem approach to biodiversity conservation. Additionally, the forum featured a broad range of WHO-CBD collaborative projects including the first Regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Human Health and Biodiversity and the recent report Our Planet, Our Health, Our Future launched by Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization, at the Rio+20 Conference in June 2012. This forum will also contribute to the development of both the IAEH and the EcoHealth 2012 Conference Position Statements. The full program for the EcoHealth 2012 conference is available here, and additional information is available on the EcoHealth website.

15 October 2012

The Cities and Biodiversity Outlook (CBO), launched 15 October 2012 at COP 11 in Hyderabad, India, is a global assessment of the links between urbanization, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Combining science and policy, scientists from around the world have analyzed how urbanization and urban growth impacts biodiversity and ecosystems, delivering key messages on the conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources to decision-makers. Cities, local authorities and sub-national governments have showcased their practices on sustainability and biodiversity, and have the opportunity to learn from existing experiences how to incorporate those topics in their agendas and policies. Key Message 4 deals specifically with health, stating that "Maintaining functioning urban ecosystems can significantly improve human health and well-being." Please consult the CBO website for additional information.

10 October 2012

The new Healthy Planet, Healthy People Guide explores the links between human health and biodiversity in the context of development and poverty reduction, and compliments a range of resources that are available in the Biodiversity for Development Toolbox. The Healthy Planet, Healthy People Guide was launched in Hyderbad, India at COP 11 on 10 October 2012. This Guide aims to raise awareness of the interdependence between biodiversity and human health, as well as highlight a range of case studies and offer key messages. A wide range of topics are covered in the Guide, including climate change, disease, natural and synthetic medicines, mental health, nutrition and water management. Additional resources are also made available on these topics and more throughout the Guide.

4 -6 September 2012

The first regional workshop on the inter-linkages between biodiversity and human health for the Americas was held in Manaus, Brazil from 4-6 September 2012. The workshop was co-hosted by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), with the generous financial support of the Government of Japan, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) and the Ministry of Health of Brazil. In total 52 participants from 26 countries participated in this first regional workshop. More information is available on the workshop from both the regional workshop portion of this website and from PAHO (in Portuguese).

22 June 2012

Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), launched the report, Our Planet, Our Health, Our Future. Human Health and the Rio Conventions: Biological Diversity, Climate Change and Desertification, on 21 June at the Rio+20 conference. The report reviews the scientific evidence for the linkages between health and biodiversity, climate change and desertification, the representation of health in the corresponding Rio Conventions, and the opportunities for more integrated and effective policy. The WHO report was drafted together with the secretariats of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The CBD press release for the launch of the report is available here.
The Ecohealth IAEH Press release is available here.