Invasive Alien Species

Discussion forum on development of IAS management tools and guidance

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Discussion forum on development of IAS management tools and guidance

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Additional conments on our project. [#1411]
The project worked with 29 species at 60 working sites with a national scope and participated more than 30 national institutions, and more than 200 specialist and technitian alomg the country. This project was coordinated by National Centre for Protected Areas.We designed and implemented three main systems: An Information System for IAS Management; A Monitoring System and an Early warning System and Rapid Response. The project had a hihg capacity building component;reserch and monitoring; elaboration of several methodological documents, on Environmental Impact Assessment; Risk analysis; Economical Assessment; Assessment of Managment Progam Effectivity,and others, and we worked on the Assessment of Climate Change Effects on IAS  Dispersion at 6 selected sites. We have elaborated a Nation Program, as an strategic document on prevention, control and management with a general Plan of Action, including some specific plan of Actions, for main productive sectors.
posted on 2019-05-28 14:26 UTC by Dalia-Maria Salabarria-Fernandez, Cuba
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