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UNEP is undertaking regional marine assessment through the regional seas programme. Final results of marine biodiversity assessments and related indicators will be presented during CBD COP 10. During this session, results of work undertaken on marine biodiversity assessments and indicators will ...
The history of the conservation of the once disappeared Crested Ibises in Japan, and the history and current status of their reintroduction.
This event will provide training and information to participants on the recent development of economic valuation of land resources, and global study on ecosystem services.
Presentation by IIED, UNEP-WCMC and the African Wildlife Foundation of the findings of the April 2010 Symposium held at the Zoological Society of London, including the AWF paper on Lessons Learned from Conservation Enterprise.
2010 is the United Nations' International Year of Biodiversity. It represents a milestone for preserving the diversity of life on earth. What is biological diversity? Why is it important? What are ecosystem services ? Why do we keep losing species, genes and ecosystems at unprecedented speed? W ...
This event will introduce recommendations from regional workshops on the preparation of the fourth national report, organized with support of Japan, UNEP and other donors. A few countries will be invited to share their experiences and lessons learned from the preparation of the fourth national r ...
This event will provide training and information to participants on the recent development on payment for ecosystem services and climate change funding
This event will provide training and information to participants on a green development mechansim and global consideration of innovative financial mechanisms.
Business has a central role to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss. Some business and biodiversity initiatives have been fundamental in promoting greater private sector engagement and more biodiversity-friendly business practices such as BioTrade. This session will focus on presenting practic ...
This event is to share and inform delegates attending the WGRI on UNEP's past and ongoing work on biodiversity that are intended to support the implementation of some of the work of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Since 2008 UNU-IAS has been undertaking an assessment of the preparation, content, adequacy and effectiveness of national biodiversity strategies and action plans. One of the objectives of this project is to provide COP, Parties and others with an assessment of the extent to which objectives 3.1 ...
The 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership draws on the outputs and experiences of over 40 partner organizations, as well as a range of Parties, MEA bodies and the private sector in understanding the challenges faced in monitoring progress towards a global biodiversity target. In support of th ...
This event will be organized jointly by the Global Legislators Organisation (GLOBE International) and the CBD Secretariat. Our objectives for this event are to: Introduce the Parties the idea of the COP-10 Nagoya event “Parliamentarians and Biodiversity” and encourage Parties to send Parliamen ...
Presentation and discussion on the Work of the UN Environment Management Group (EMG in preparation of a UN system wide report on post 2010 biodiversty targets
Considering the importance of including ABS related issues within the new CBD Strategic Plan, this event will present the outcomes of an expert consultation on the issue of designing appropriate targets and indicators on ABS within the new CBD Strategic Plan.
Objectives: Recognize the dimensions of gender and biodiversity; Implementation of target 3 of the delivery sphere of the CBD Gender Plan of Action Identify, develop/improve and promote gender-biodiversity implementation tools and methodologies as approved in COP Decision IX/24 and to provide to ...
This side event discusses ways through which it could be possible to support and, as needed, revitalize the human-influenced natural environment (or socio-ecological production landscapes) that can provide human well-being while conserving biodiversity, and introduces the so-called Satoyama Init ...
This event will provide training and information to participants on the recent development on biodiversity offsets and its relevance under CBD.
"....to achieve by 2010 a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national level as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on Earth” has become to be known as the 2010 Biodiversity Target. Yet, the Working Group on ...