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The Side event will be discussion panel and interaction platform on Implementation framework for Global Taxonomy Initiative and protective measures form invasive alien species.
Over 50,000 medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP) species are used globally for health, food and cosmetics, providing an important source of income generation for many national economies and rural communities. At the same time, one-fifth of MAP species are threatened due to over-harvesting and lan ...
Presentación de Perú con panel internacional de expertos
Sharing and showcasing efforts and actions of Young India for Biodiversity.
World Wide Views on Biodiversity was the first-ever global citizen consultation on Biodiversity. 3,000 citizens from 25 countries, chosen to reflect the demographic diversity in their country/region, participated in day-long meetings at 34 sites around the world on September 15, 2012. They delib ...
This event will outline the process being made towards the achievement of a World Flora online by 2020, to support the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) and its national implementation. The event will highlight recent initiatives, including the formation of an international consorti ...
The value of rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing individual wild animals back into their ecosystem is often undervalued in the conservation debate. At the side event some outstanding examples contributing to the conservation of biodiversity will be presented and participants are invited to di ...
Tropical agroforests are characterized by great diversity among and within tree species that is of immense value to smallholders. This event, organized by the World Agroforestry Centre, highlights the role of this diversity in promoting the health and nutrition of local people, through the provi ...
Wetlands, inland as well as coastal, provide a range of ecosystem services to support human well-being , yet are one of the most rapidly degrading ecosystems. Fragmentation of hydrological regimes and ineffective integration in water management planning and decision making are one of the major d ...
The A.P. State Biodiversity Board and the A.P. State Ministry for Minor Irrigation wishes to impress the need for the conservation and use of the Rain Water which should be harvested for sustaining agriculture and in maintaining biological diversity in Dry Land areas.
Over last 40 Years, since the adoption of UNESCO's Convention of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 962 properties have been inscribed as the World Heritage of which 188 are inscribed as Would Natural Heritage. First ever serial nomination of 39 sites in India in the the Western Ghats - consi ...
As a follow up of the Biodiversity Session at the World Summit of Legislators in Rio de Janeiro in 2012, exemplary biodiversity policies and laws will be presented as well as training materials for legislators and policy-makers for future just biodiversity policies and laws.
There is now a growing interest in the economic benefits of biodiversity and ecosystems. Since the launch of the TEEB reports at CBD-COP10 in Nagoya, initiatives to promote the “value of nature” have steadily increased in many areas of the world. The ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), the Un ...
Presentations by FEJI, Panos South Asia, National Biodiversity Authority on the need for following biodiversity issues in India; guides on how to do so; answering questions by the media on biodiversity issues. A chance for COP11 panelists to interact directly with the media.
The world is increasingly urban. By 2050, another three billion people will inhabit the world’s cities—this equals to adding one new city of one million people every ten days for the next 89 years. 70% of the human ecological footprints are marked by cities. Despite only representing 2% of th ...
Universities and Scientific community are having both the expert knowledge and technical capacity to develop, and promote, effective actions for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. They are the platforms for dissemination of knowledge towards implementation of policy directives ...
A Revised Compilation of Views on Article 10 with a Focus on Article 10©
Recommendations Arising from the Ninth and Tenth Sessions of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Report of the meeting on Article 10 with a focus on Article 10(c), as a major component of the programme of work on Article 8(j) and related provisions of the Convention
Review of Implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization (Addendum)
United Nations Decade on Biodiversity 2011-2020: Draft strategy and summary of activities during 2011
Multi-Year Plan of Action for South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development
Report on Collaborative Work on Biodiversity and Agriculture
Cooperation With Other Conventions: Supplementary Information on Working Arrangements
Activities that Support Technology Transfer and Scientific and Technological Cooperation of Relevance to the Convention: Compilation of Activities and Gap Analysis
A Review of Barriers to the Sharing of Biodiversity Data and Information, With Recommendations for Eliminating Them
Discussion Paper: Safeguards for Scaling-Up Biodiversity Finance and Possible Guiding Principles
Resource Mobilization: Compilation and Consolidation of Data Provided by Parties through the Preliminary Reporting Framework
Best Policy Guidance for the Integration of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Standards
Draft Report of the First Meeting of the Global Biodiversity Outlook 4 Advisory Group
Engagement of Stakeholders and Major Groups: Results Report on World Wide Views on Biodiversity
Report on How the International Union for Conservation of Nature Is Supporting the Achievement of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011 2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets
The Biodiversity Indicators Partnership and the Strategic Plan For Biodiversity 2011-2020
Report: Agreement between the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Government of Parana State, Brazil – Second Phase – 2010 to 2012
Workshop on Financial Mechanisms Supporting Conservation and the Integral and Sustainable Management of Biodiversity in Bolivia and South America
Tourism and Biodiversity: Review of the Implementation of the Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development
Views from Parties and Organizations on Collaboration with the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Preliminary Stocktake of Existing National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) Support Initiatives and Capacity Needs Assessment for the Revision and Implementation of New Generation NBSAPs
Progress Report on the Contribution of the United Nations System to the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity (2011-2020) Prepared by the UN Environment Management Group (EMG)
An Initiative of the Group on Earth Observations and Its Biodiversity Observation Network to Enhance Global Biodiversity Observations for Monitoring Progress Towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets
The LifeWeb Initiative: A Review of Progress and Options for the Future
Qualified Bodies or Agencies, whether Governmental or Non- Governmental, which have informed the Secretariat of their Wish to be represented as Observers at the Eleventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Recent Cooperation Agreements in Support of the Implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020
Progress Report on the Singapore Index on Cities’ Biodiversity
The Bern Convention’s Contribution to the Implementation of Relevant CBD Decisions at European Level
The Environment-Gender Index
2012 Interim Status Report on the OSPAR Network of Marine Protected Areas
Cooperation with International Organizations, Other Conventions, and Initiatives: Report on the activities of the United Nations Environment Programme in the area of biological diversity
Development of Poverty-Biodiversity Indicators and Their Eventual Application