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Twelfth Meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/CRm/77538 (2011-173)
To: GTI focal points

I am pleased to inform you that the twelfth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) will be held in Montreal, Canada, from 5 to 6 November 2011, immediately prior to the fifteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and Technological Matt ...

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Training workshops for the participants in COP-9

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/CV/62913 (2008-031)
To: All CBD, CHM and SBSTTA National Focal Points

The Secretariat, in cooperation with the Consortium of the Scientific Partners on Biodiversity and the Botanical Gardens of the University of Bonn, is pleased to announce the organization of four training workshops for the participants in the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-9 ...

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Tenth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative, 24 October 2010, Nagoya, Japan

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/73391 (2010-162)
To: CBD National Focal Points; SBSTTA Focal Points; GTI Focal Points; GTI Coordination Mechanism

I am pleased to inform you that the tenth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) will be held in Nagoya, Japan, on 24 October 2010 on the margins of the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10).

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South East Asia’s Capacity Building and Orientation of GTI National Focal Points on Species & Protected Areas Database Interfaces, 22 June 2011 - Manila, Philippines

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/75930 (2011-088)
To: The CBD National Focal Points and GTI Focal Points for the following countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, VietNam

I am pleased to inform you that a regional capacity building workshop for the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) National Focal Points in ASEAN countries will be held in Manila, Philippines on 22 June 2011. The workshop will be organized by Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, i ...

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Selected proposals for organizing the Global Taxonomy Initiative Training Courses in 2018

Reference: SCBD/SPS/DC/SB/JSH/VA/86843 (2018-021)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, Inter-Agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species, World Customs Organization, indigenous peoples and local communities, other relevant organizations and partners

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Selected Candidates for the Online Training Course on Rapid Identification of Invasive Alien Species for Achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 9

Reference: SCBD/SAM/DC/JSH/CE/85444 (2016-046)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

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Selected Candidates for the Global Taxonomy Initiative Training Course on Rapid Identification of Invasive Alien Species for Achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 9

Reference: SCBD/SAM/DC/JSH/CE/84194 (2015-020)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

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Rotation of the Membership in the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative

Reference: SCBD/STTM/RH/VA/55016 (2006-059)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

Pursant to decision V/9 and after consultation with the Bureau of the SBSTTA, I would like to inform you of the updated composition of the GTI Coordination Mechanism.

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Revised dates and modalities for the Global Taxonomy Initiative Forum 2020

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/JSH/VA/KM/88592 (2020-089)
To: CBD National Focal Points; SBSTTA Focal Points; GTI Focal Points; Consortium of Scientific Partners on Biodiversity; Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities and relevant organizations

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Review of the coordinates of the National Focal Points for the Global Taxonomy Initiative

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/JSH/VA/KM/89336 (2021-002)
To: CBD National Focal Points; Cartagena Protocol Focal Points; ABS Focal Points; SBSTTA Focal Points; GTI Focal Points; Consortium of Scientific Partners on Biodiversity; indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations

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Request for comments and further inputs to the draft Capacity-building Strategy for the Global Taxonomy Initiative

Reference: SCBD/STTM/DC/JSH/CRm/78446 (2011-237)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal points, GTI National Focal Points, GTI Coordination Mechanism members, relevant international organizations and Indigenous and Local Communities.

A draft Capacity-building Strategy for the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI), at global and regional levels that addresses the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, was developed in line with decision X/39 (paragraph 16) and presented to the fifteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tech ...

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Reminder and Extension of Deadline: Nomination of GTI Focal Points and Terms of Reference for such Focal Point

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/CRm/76541R (2011-154)
To: CBD and SBSTTA focal points

This Notification serves to inform Parties and Governments that notification 2011-126, sent on 21 June 2011, invited Parties to nominate their national focal points for the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI), as called for under the paragraph 3a of decision VIII/3. In order to allow for, and encou ...

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REMINDER: Subject: Call for nominations for the GTI Subregional Capacity-building Workshop to Address Invasive Alien Species and to Achieve Aichi Biodiversity Targets in East and South East Asia

Reference: SCBD/STTM/DC/JSh/aw/79830 (2012-084)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal points and GTI Focal Points in East and South East Asian countries: Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam, China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea

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REMINDER: Request for comments and further inputs to the draft Capacity-building Strategy for the Global Taxonomy Initiative

Reference: SCBD/STTM/DC/JSH/CRm/78446 (2012-005)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal points, GTI National Focal Points, GTI Coordination Mechanism members, relevant international organizations and Indigenous and Local Communities

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Project Development Seminar for Addressing Taxonomic Needs

Reference: SCBD/STTM/RH/VA/55956 (2006-107)
To: all CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA and GTI Focal Points specific organizations and donors institutions

Parties who wish to participate in this seminar are encouraged to provide to the Secretariat as soon as possible, copies of any assessments of taxonomic needs and any proposals that have been submitted as pilot projects under the GTI.

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Programme of the training workshops for the participants in COP-9

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/CV/62913 (2008-053)
To: All CBD, CHM and SBSTTA National Focal Points

Please refer to my earlier notification 2008-031 (Ref.: SCBD/STTM/JM/CV/62913) , dated 27 March 2008, concerning the training workshops for participants in the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-9) to be held from 19 to 30 May 2008 in Bonn, Germany.

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Postponement of the Global Taxonomy Initiative Forum and selected participants

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/SBG/JSH/VA/JM/AER/88592 (2020-031)
To: CBD National Focal Points; SBSTTA Focal Points; GTI Focal Points; Consortium of Scientific Partners on Biodiversity; relevant organizations; indigenous peoples and local communities

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Postponement of the Global Taxonomy Initiative Forum - Berlin, Germany, 7-9 April 2020

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/SBG/JSH/AER/88592 (2020-026)
To: CBD National Focal Points; SBSTTA Focal Points; GTI Focal Points; Consortium of Scientific Partners on Biodiversity; relevant organizations; indigenous peoples and local communities

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Nominations for the Global Taxonomy Initiative Training Course on Rapid Identification of Invasive Alien Species for Achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 9

Reference: SCBD/SAM/DC/JSH/JMQ/84194 (2014-141)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

In decision XII/17 the Executive Secretary was requested to facilitate, in line with paragraph 19 of decision XI/28, capacity building on identification of invasive and potentially invasive species, including rapid approaches, in support of the Capacity-building Strategy for the Global Taxonomy ...

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Nominations for the Global Taxonomy Initiative Training Course on Rapid Identification of Invasive Alien Species for Achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 9

Reference: SCBD/SAM/DC/JSH/CE/85444 (2016-025)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

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Nomination of GTI Focal Points and terms of reference for such focal points

Reference: SCBD/STTM/RH/GTI/VA/54650 (2006-026)
To: CBD National Focal Points With copy to the Heads of Delegations at COP-8

I would like to encourage Parties and other Governments to submit their nominations for GTI National Focal Points to the Secretariat no later than 30 September 2006. The current list of GTI National Focal Points is available at <a href=http://www.biodiv.org/doc/lists/nfp-gti.pdf>http://www.biod ...

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Nomination of GTI Focal Points and terms of reference for such focal points

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/cr/76541 (2011-126)
To: CBD and SBSTTA focal points

In paragraph 9 of decision VIII/3, the Conference of the Parties urged Parties and other Governments that have not done so to establish national focal points for the GTI so that they can contribute to the implementation of the programme of work at the national level (decision VIII/3, paragraph 9a).

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Ninth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative, 16 May 2010, Nairobi, Kenya

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/71393 (2010-060)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI Focal Points, GTI Coordination Mechanism

The purpose of this notification is to inform CBD National Focal Points, as well as SBSTTA and GTI Focal Points, about the ninth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative to be held on 16 May 2010 in Nairobi, Kenya, at the margins of the fourteenth meeting of the S ...

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Ninth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative, United Nations Environment Programme Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya 16 May 2010 - CHANGE OF THE VENUE

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/71393R (2010-094)
To: GTI Coordination Mechanism, SBSTTA focal points, GTI National Focal Points

The ninth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) will now be held at United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on Sunday 16 May 2010. The members of the Coordination Mechanism for GTI are advised to arrive at UNEP no later than 1:00 p.m. on Sunday 16 May 201 ...

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List of Selected Experts: Project Development Workshop for the Global Taxonomy Initiative in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 16-18 November 2009

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/69424 (2009-149)
To: CBD National Focal Points and SBSTTA Focal Points

In paragraph 15 of decision VIII/3, the Conference of the Parties requested the Executive Secretary to convene, with support from relevant organizations and donors, a project development seminar aimed primarily for those countries that have already identified taxonomic needs or that have submitt ...

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Invited Trainees for the Hands-on Training Course on Rapid Identification of Invasive Alien Species for Achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 9 in Guelph, Canada

Reference: SCBD/SAM/DC/JSH/CE/84194 (2015-054)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

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Invitation to the Global Taxonomy Initiative Forum on 16 November 2018 - Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/SBG/JSH/VA/87734 (2018-090)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points, GTI-Coordination Mechanism, Inter-Agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species, indigenous peoples and local communities, other relevant organizations and partners

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Invitation to comment on draft terms of reference for the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative and to nominate candidates for the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/RH/JSH/75785 (2011-081)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

I am pleased to invite you to provide your comments on the draft terms of reference for the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI), prepared in response to the report of the tenth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the GTI.

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Independent mid-term review of the GEF Resource Allocation Framework (RAF)

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JS/64588 (2008-098)
To: SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

The GEF Evaluation Office is currently conducting an online survey as part of the mid-term review of the RAF. I am pleased to forward to you herewith a message from the GEF Evaluation Office, which contains a link to the online survey (http://www.surveymk.com//s.aspx?sm=aEMrnMQ2Q38exsvL_2fuE0vg ...

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Global Taxonomy Initiative Capacity-building Workshop towards Achieving Aichi Biodiversity Targets 9 and 19 in Western and Central Africa, Dakar, Senegal, 4 to 7 March 2013

Reference: SCBD/STTM/DC/JSH/VA/81092 (2012-154)
To: CBD National Focal Points for Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sao Tome and Principe, Togo

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Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) Symposium: "Taking Stock of the Renaissance in Taxonomy: Post 2010 Capacity Building in taxonomy for the Convention on Biological Diversity" at the World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, 15-16 May 2010

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/71019 (2010-048)
To: CBD and SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points and relevant organizations, cc: GTI Coordination Mechanism Members

I am pleased to inform Parties, governments, international organisations, donors, indigenous communities, and scientific the community that the CBD Secretariat will host a Global Taxonomy Initiative Symposium: “Taking Stock of the Renaissance in Taxonomy: Post 2010 Capacity Building for the Conv ...

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Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) Symposium: "Taking Stock of the Renaissance in Taxonomy: Post 2010 Capacity Building in taxonomy for the Convention on Biological Diversity" United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya, 15-16 May 2010 - CHANGE IN VENUE

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/71019R (2010-093)
To: CBD and SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points and relevant organizations, Cc: GTI Coordination Mechanism Members

The symposium will now take place at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Nairobi, Kenya on 15-16 May 2010 and will start at 9:00 a.m.The address of the venue is as follows: <br> United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) <br> United Nations Avenue, Gigiri <br> Nairobi, Kenya <br> Te ...

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GBIF Capacity Enhancement Support Programme – 2016 Call for Proposals

Reference: SCBD/SAM/DC/RH/JSH/CE/85447 (2016-023)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

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Eighth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative, 31 May 2008, Bonn, Germany

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JS/lj/63260 (2008-050)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI Focal Points

The purpose of this notification is to inform CBD National Focal points, as well as SBSTTA and GTI Focal Points, about the eighth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative to be held on 31 May 2008 in Bonn, Germany, at the margins of the ninth meeting of the Confer ...

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EXTENSION OF DEADLINE: Nominations for the Global Taxonomy Initiative Training Course on Rapid Identification of Invasive Alien Species for Achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 9

Reference: SCBD/SAM/DC/JSH/CE/84194 (2015-006)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

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EXTENSION OF DEADLINE: Nominations for the Global Taxonomy Initiative Training Course on Rapid Identification of Invasive Alien Species for Achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 9

Reference: SCBD/SAM/DC/JSH/CE/85444 (2016-034)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

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DATE CHANGE AND REMINDER for the Regional Workshop for Group of Latin American Countries of the CBD Programme of Invasive Alien Species and Taxonomy

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/CRm/77335 (2011-172)
To: CBD and GTI focal points for Latin America

Please refer to my earlier notification of 23 August 2011, Ref.: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/CRm/77335, regarding the regional training workshop for Parties from Latin America, with special focus on invasive alien species and taxonomy which was to have taken place from 3-4 November 2011 in Montreal, Canada ...

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Call for nominations for the Global Taxonomy Initiative Forum, 7 to 9 April 2020 - Berlin, German

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/SBG/JSH/AER/88592 (2020-016)
To: CBD National Focal Points; SBSTTA Focal Points; GTI Focal Points; Consortium of Scientific Partners on Biodiversity; indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant organizations

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Call for Proposals on the Global Taxonomy Initiative Training Courses to be hosted in Developing Countries in 2018

Reference: SCBD/SPS/DC/SBG/JSH/FS/86843 (2017-110)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI Focal Points and GTI Coordination Mechanism

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Call for Proposals and nominations 2014: Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Reference: SCBD/SAM/DC/RH/JSH/83512 (2014-069)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points and GTI National Focal Points; relevant organizations

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African Sub-Regional Workshop to Strengthen Capacity for the CBD Programmes of Work relevant to Invasive Alien Species

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/CRm/77545 (2011-197)
To: CBD National Focal Points for: Botswana, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Somalia, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe

I am pleased to inform you that, with the generous financial support of the Government of Japan, a regional workshop will be held on 6-9 December 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya, in an effort to strengthen capacity for the CBD programmes of work relevant to invasive alien species (IAS). The workshop is o ...

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Reference: (2000-018)

Letters from the Executive Secretary to the National Focal Points regarding to Decision IV/1/d (further development of the Global taxonomy initiative) and Decision V/9 (establishment of a Global Taxonomy Initiative coordination mechanism)


Reference: SCBD/STTM/IC/va (2000-020)

Letter from the Executive Secretary to the National Focal Points reiterating the request made in his last April 19 letter about the further development of a Global Taxonomy Initiative (12 September, 2000)

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Reference: SCBD/STTM/IC/va (2000-033)

Letter from the Executive Secretary to the National Focal Points including the list of members of the Global Taxonomy Initiative Coordination Mechanism and other information related to the First GTI Coordination Meeting

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Reference: SCBD/STTM/CL/17466 (2001-029)

Notification from the Executive Secretary to all National Focal Points reiterating the need for Governments to designate national Global Taxonomy Initiative focal points. A set of proposed functions of the GTI focal point is presented in the notification (see also <a href="/doc/letters/es-2000-0 ...

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Reference: SCBD/STTM/LR/43056 (2004-029)
To: National Focal Points for the GTI, National Focal Points for the CBD

Review of the Implementation of the Programme of Work for the GTI

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Reference: SCBD/STTM/LR/va/44236 (2004-054)
To: GTI National Focal Points and CBD National Focal Points

Deadline extension for submission of Global Taxonomy Initiative reports

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Reference: SCBD/STTM/LR/va/42215 (2004-062)
To: CBD National Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points and CHM National Focal Points

Establishment of a Memorandum of Cooperation with BioNET-INTERNATIONAL

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Reference: SCBD/STTM/LR/44307 (2004-073)
To: CBD National Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points

Further to <a href="/decisions/default.aspx?m=COP-06&id=7182&lg=0">decision VI/8</a>, the Executive Secretary wishes to suggest to national focal points specific actions for promoting implementation of the programme of work for the Global Taxonomy Initiative.

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Results for: (Notifications) AND ("Global Taxonomy Initiative")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme