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Report of the meeting
Stocktaking Summary of the Technical and Scientific Cooperation Needs of Parties, Previous Work Carried Out under the Convention and Initiatives Relevant to the Bio-Bridge Initiative
Bio-Bridge Initiative Action Plan 2017-2020 and Report on Progress towards the Implementation of the Initiative
Progress report on the Clearing-House Mechanism
Additional information on the web strategy for the Convention and its Protocols
Revised short-term action plan on capacity-building
Annotations to the provisional agenda
Report of the meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-House Mechanism (Montreal, Canada, 30-31 October 2015)
Information note for participants (COP 13)
Framework for a communications strategy
Web strategy for the Convention and its Protocols
Proposed work programme for the clearing-house mechanism in support of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020
Report of the regional workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Western Asia on the clearing-house mechanism (Belgrade, Serbia, 4-8 April 2016)
Report of the regional workshop for the Pacific on the clearing-house mechanism (Nadi, Fiji, 13-17 June 2016)
Report of the meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-House Mechanism (Montreal, Canada, 1 May 2016)
Provisional agenda