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The biotrade initiative: A new approach to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development
Item 20.2 of the Provisional Agenda <br> Proposed Budget of the Trust Fund for the Convention on Biological Diversity
Draft Provisional Agenda
Report of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice on the Work of its Second Meeting
Agreement between the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Government of Canada concerning the headquarters of the Convention Secretariat
The role of botanical gardens in implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity
Future programme of work for terrestrial biological diversity: Relevants sections of the report of the third session of the Commission on Sustainable Development
Information paper on knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities
Report of the Eight Meeting of the Inter-agency Committee on the Sustainable Development
Convention on Wetlands: Startegic Plan 1997-2002
Submissions received by the Executive Secretary concerning on incentive measures
Forests and Biological Diversity
An ecosystem approach to the management of northern coniferous forests
Traditional forest-related knowledge and the Convention on Biological Diversity
Report of the Asian preparatory meeting for the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Strategy and activities in the field of coastal and marine biological diversity in relation to Decision II/10 of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Wetlands and biological diversity: Cooperation between the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as waterfowl habitats (RAMSAR, Iran, 1971) and the Convention on Biological Diversity
Access to microbial genetic resources
Report on the international technical conference on plant genetic resources
Report of the state of the world's plant genetic resources
The Global Strategy for the management of farm animal genetic resources: Links to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Submissions received by the Executive Secretary concerning the Clearing-house Mechanism
Annual report of the Global Environment Facility
Quarterly report of the Global Environment Facility
Intellectual property rights in Germany
Factors affecting transfer of environmentally-sound technology
Environment and the TRIPs agreement
Submissions received by the Executive Secretary concerning biological diversity and forests
Integrating biological diversity into agricultural development
Special session of the General Assembly for the purpose of an overall review and appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21
Submissions received by the Executive Secretary concerning the possible influence that intellectual property rights may have on the implementation of the Convention
Submissions received by the Executive Secretary concerning ways and means to promote and facilitate access to and transfer and development of technology
Submissions received by the Executive Secretary concerning knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities
Submissions received by the Executive Secretary concerning the "Draft memorandum of understanding between the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Council of the Global Environment Facility regarding the institutional structure operating the Financial Mecha ...
Submissions received by the Executive Secretary concerning guidelines for the review of the effectiveness of the Financial Mechanism
Item 5 of the Provisional Agenda <br> Operation of the Clearing-House Mechanism to Promote and Facilitate Technical and Scientific Co-operation
Evolution of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Memorandum of Cooperation Between the Secretariat and the Secretariat of the Convention on the Conseravtion of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (BONN Convention)
Memorandum of Cooperation Between the Secretariat and the Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Memorandum of Cooperation Between the Secretariat and the Bureau of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat (RAMSAR)
Regional Meeting on the Convention on Biological Diversity in Latin America and Caribbean Countries<br>Implementation of the Convention and Preparation for the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties
African Preparatory Meeting for the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Regional Meeting on the Convention on Biological Diversity in Central and Eastern European Countries<br>Implementation of the Convention and Preparation for the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties
Status of Ratifications of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Countries having submitted names for the Roster of Experts on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity
Compilation of International Guidelines Concerning Indigenous and Local Communities
Biological diversity and intellectual property rights: Issues and considerations
List of National Focal Points of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Clearing House Mechanism
Report of the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Part 3)
Report of the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Part 2)