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This event will highlight findings of a comprehensive CISDL report on National and Regional ABS Legislation funded by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and provide insights for countries looking to implement the Nagoya Protocol.
While international negotiations on certain aspects of the Nagoya Protocol are still going on, part of the focus of the ABS community has moved to national implementation. One of the challenges for those in charge is to communicate effectively and efficiently with a broad variety of stakeholders ...
Screening of the movie "Rooibos Robbery: A Story of Bioprospecting in South Africa" (by Laurence Dworkin). The movie shows the case of Nestlés patent applications on the use of Rooibos and Honeybush that - as research done by Natural Justice and Berne Declaration revealed - are in conflict with ...
This side event will present the results of text mining 11 million patent documents for 6 million species name to identify biodiversity in the patent system as a contribution to mapping commercial research and development involving genetic resources. The event will also consider the use of scien ...
The IUCN Environmental Law Centre and the IUCN Global Policy Unit are currently developing an Explanatory Guide to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity. This ...
The Nagoya Protocol brought several new concepts and approaches into the international ABS debate: the type of intended utilization will decide about the applicability of the Protocol's rules, the idea of strict separation of user and provider countries is abandonded, all Parties to the Protocol ...
The result of the International Symposium on Domestic Measures to Implement Obligations under the Nagoya Protocol held 8 March in Tokyo will be presented. In addition, some ideas for effective implementation of the Protocol will be presented to seek any other ideas, opinions and inputs. Expect ...
This side-event aims at presenting early efforts undertaken in India to implement the Nagoya Protocol. GEF-UNDP-Government of India project on mainstreaming conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants diversity in three Indian State will serve as case study to examine innovative acces ...
Update on the progress in the implementation of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing and the Benefit-sharing Fund of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
A Global System For Research And Development On Genetic Resources. Researchers, Industry, governments, indigenous peoples and NGOs are preparing for the introduction of the Nagoya Protocol. The updated ABS-MT has been extensively revised to assist these providers and users of genetic resources ...
The Biological Diversity Act (2002) and Rules (2004) provide specific provisions for dealing with commodity trade. The provision allows commodity trade through a ''Normally Traded Commodity" (NTC) component. Recent developments within India and across the world on issues related to ABS in the co ...