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The Pan-European Ecological Network (PEEN) provides the governments of the countries of the Pan-European Region with a political framework for action at all levels – local, regional, national and international – enabling them to provide sustainable socio-economic development in their respective ...
A number of different agencies are currently involved in assessments of the benefits and costs of Protected Areas to communities living in and around these areas using a range of newly developed methodologies. This effort addresses the concern that evidence of the positive and negative impacts o ...
Presentation of Case studies from tourism and sustainable financing in World Heritage sites in Europe and Latin America
Presentation of the activities carried out by the Regional Agency for Parks of the Lazio Region (Italy) to support the establishment of a comprehensive system of Protected Areas, including the identification of under-represented ecosystems and irreplaceable areas, the establishment of a monitori ...
Introduction to TEMATEA, the UNEP/IUCN project on issue-based modules on the coherent implementation of biodiversity relevant Conventions and information about related capacity building activities. Presentation of the new module on protected areas.
Monitoring vegetation in Italian protected areas: this is the aim of the project La Mappa della Primavera (Map of Spring), supported by and with the patronage of the Italian Ministry for Environment and Safeguarding of Territory and Sea, and carried out by Federparchi, Legambiente and Coldiretti ...
The Earth’s biodiversity is disappearing at an alarming rate, and while some of the ramifications of this loss have been explored in other works, Sustaining Life is the first to examine the full range of potential threats that diminishing biodiversity poses to human health. At this side event, j ...
Presentation of the results of a trial run of a report card developed by WWF’s Protected Areas for a Living Planet programme. The card aims to give a rapid assessment of national implementation of the programme of work on protected areas. The results will be presented to participating countries ...
This side event will illustrate the trends in financing for protected areas including current needs and gaps. It will also explore opportunities and barriers to securing a diversified set of funding, including financial mechanisms based on extraction of natural resources (royalties, severance fe ...
The side event will include presentations by Indigenous Peoples' representatives on protected areas in countries like Tanzania, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Uganda and Paraguay, which have been established on Indigenous lands. Is protected area management legitimate if the territorial rights of Indige ...
This side event will review the implementation of provisions from the CBD Programme of Work relevant to indigenous and local communities' rights and participation in protected areas through case studies from Bangladesh, Uganda, Thailand and Suriname (and possibly other countries). The discussion ...
Presentation of the new guide: Managing Protected Area:A global guide, which for the first time brings together state of the art thinking from around the world on the issue of managing protected areas. Ceremony for the signature of the city of Rome of the Countdown 2010 declaration and discussio ...
As part of the Program of Work on Protected Areas, the CBD has mandated national protected area gap analyses to assess how well protected areas conserve biodiversity, and where the highest priorities are for expanding and reinforcing existing protected areas. As 2010 approaches governments may ...
Presentation and discussion of recent Brazilian experiences in the management and financing of protected areas, including the mechanism of environmental compensation, the national database on protected areas and the management strategies of the Amazon protected areas project (ARPA)
WGPA1 called for regional workshops to strengthen knowledge sharing and capacity for implementing the Programme of Work on Protected Areas. In response, a series of 9 regional workshops involving over 450 protected area practitioners were delivered in 2008. It is clear that a more comprehensive ...
The Arguments for protection series aims to identify, and where possible quantify, a wide range of the benefits derived from protected areas in order to increase support for protection and strengthen management strategies. This side event presents the series so far and introduces a new tool for ...
This side event will feature a discussion about factors that have proven crucial for enabling implementation of the PoW in a number of countries, including national multi-stakeholder coalitions, action grants, multi-country voluntary commitments, and regional catalyzing workshops. It will also p ...
Although protected areas provide a vast amount of goods and services to the people, specially to the poor; they are greatly undervalued by markets, politicians, and the by general public. As a result, they are extremely under-funded, overlooked and face constant threats. Based on recommendations ...
The side event will illustrate different views on FAO’s work on and support for the establishment, management and monitoring of both terrestrial and marine protected areas. Thematic issues to be illustrated and discussed will cover in situ activities highlighting local actions, with a particular ...
El Sistema Internacional de Categorías de Areas Protegidas hace poca referencia respecto a los territorios indígenas que constituyen áreas protegidas, por lo que no existe un adecuado reconocimiento de los aspectos de la gobernanza indígena en estos territorios. La UICN conjuntamente con el For ...
Ecoregional based Conservation is an approach promoted by WWF worldwide to identified Priority areas and strategy for biodiversity. In the last years, WWF Italy and several partners, has developed two processes for definition of Biodiversity Vision in Central Mediterranean and Alps Ecoregions. ...
This side event will present case studies about MPA implementation in several countries, from a small-scale fisheries perspective. A film, Right to Survive, on turtle conservation and fisheries livelihoods will also be screened. The event will highlight ways in which conservation initiatives can ...
Review of progress on the implementation of the Islands Biodiversity Programme of Work through GLISPA, and support for new and additional commitments
Thanks to the variety of points of view and experiences that Federparchi and the other partner PAs have contributed with, a vast series of elements have emerged that have allowed the project to identify the “ingredients” that make the difference between a thriving PA and a PA trying to survive. ...
THE FUTURE OF FINANCING FOR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION A round table discussion of the future of financing for biodiversity conservation, with the participation of speakers from the CBD Secretariat, FAO, GEF, IUCN, the German Ministry for the Environment, TNC, and WWF. The discussion will be b ...
This event will feature a discussion among governments and support organisations of the potential of multi-country voluntary commitments to dramatically catalyze protected area conservation on a national and regional scale. Progress being made by the Micronesian Challenge will share the experien ...
The side even will present the above mentioned project, running since July 2007. The project is providing grants to countries, focusing on SIDS and LDCs, to support the implementation of critical PoWPA activities. The presentation will describe the grant making / review process, eligibility requ ...
Although protected areas provide a vast amount of goods and services to the people, specially to the poor; they are greatly undervalued by markets, politicians, and by the general public. As a result, they are extremely under-funded, overlooked and face constant threats. During this side event, ...
I'm delegate of my country ,my ngo SOCIETE ET VIE send me to learn at this big meeting .i'm very happy to be one of delegate come from africa
Presentation of progress and lessons learned from Protected Areas for a Living Planet - a WWF programme aimed at supporting implementation of the Programme of work on protected areas in 28 countries in Europe, Central Asia and West Africa.
The side event, organized by IUCN’s TILCEPA (a joint Theme of IUCN Commissions WCPA and CEESP) will review the concept and practice of governance of protected areas — one of the less understood and more useful entry points for a successful implementation of the CBD Programme of Work on Pro ...
Presentation of/discussion on the LifeWeb Initiative for enhanced designation and financing of protected areas. The initiative aims at gathering voluntary commitments of Parties and will be launched at the COP 9/CBD High Level Segment.
This side event will present an analysis of the Global Study of Management Effectiveness of Protected Areas including information on assessments of over 6300 protected areas in more than 100 countries. We will review progress that countries have made towards meeting the CBD Programme of Work tar ...