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Drawing example from India, the side event will present how TEEB implementation at national and sub-national levels could support countries towards achieving Aichi Biodiversity Targets. A presentation on the TEEB India Initiative (TII) and National Biodiversity Targets 2020 will be made, follow ...
LIFE Certification is an international tool for businesses concerned with the increasing risks of global ecological thresholds and the negative impacts to Natural Capital. With reliable, transparent and independent audits, a LIFE certified business can more effectively communicate its voluntary ...
Biodiversity and Business: economic value for companies
The event will feature the good business practices of biodiversity management by Indian companies. The key note would be addressed by Mr. Hem Pande, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India. A case study report will be released covering business initi ...
Presentation of Thai business and private sector’s engagement regarding the business case in support of the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem service that lead to the successful implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Targets, wh ...
Throughout the world, non-extractive uses of biodiversity such as Ecotourism, diving and the like generate billions of dollars in revenues and provide millions of direct and indirect jobs, a significant amount of which in developing countries. However, the non-extractive businesses have very rar ...
Rice paddy fields are important habitat for wild species. Three speakers from different sectors(scientific society, government organization and business) will report on practical approaches to conserve biodiversity in rice paddy fields. <p></p> Programme <br> 13:15 Greetings <br> 13:20 Presentat ...
The topic of business and biodiversity is progressing all over the world. Different kinds of platforms, initiatives, organizations, and of course governments are striving to integrate the private sector in the implementation of the CBD goals and targets as well as national strategy plans for bio ...
The Brazilian Initiative on Business and Biodiversity was recently launched during Rio + 20 by the joint efferts from the Confederation of Industries - CNI, the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development CEBDS, LIFE Institute and the Business Movement for Biodiversity - MEB. One of t ...
Biodiversity conservation activities have been driven until recently by an imperative to manage global public goods associated with biologically rich ecosystems. In the next decade, biodiversity conservation will need to take place in the context of rapid human population growth, increased loca ...
A side event, highlighting South Africa’s experience regarding the Nagoya protocol, business and biodiversity and trade issues. The event provides the opportunity for the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs to sign the MOU with Vietnam and the People’s Republic of China in the field of ...
Over 50,000 medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP) species are used globally for health, food and cosmetics, providing an important source of income generation for many national economies and rural communities. At the same time, one-fifth of MAP species are threatened due to over-harvesting and lan ...
Business has an impact on biodiversity in the course of their business operations as they use natural resources for production or consumption of products. The ecosystem is being impoverished by unsustainable activities. Currently there is much concern over the increasing impact of our business a ...
With an economy closely linked to its natural resource based and climate sensitive sectors, India is poised with the challenges of poverty eradication, sustaining the rapid economic growth and dealing with the global threat of climate change, biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation. All bu ...
This event will describe the role of International Finance Institutions (IFIs) and their ability to influence biodiversity management practices of the private sector through the implementation of Environmental and Social Standards and compliance requirements. The main focus will be on the Inter ...
This event will allow delegates to COP 11 to get a better understanding of the Global Partnership, how it interacts with the various national and regional initiatives for business and biodiversity, and the longer term goals of the Partnership.
Biodiversity is a key indicator of sustainable development. Companies rely on many of the ecosystems services which biodiversity provides. Mismanagement of biodiversity by themselves or by others poses a lot of risks to the sustainability of businesses. The way companies respond to these risks a ...
This side event aims to further the discussions on the role of the private sector in biodiversity conservation from CoP 10 to CoP 11. It will bring together Japanese corporations with Indian and international corporations to share the experiences. Presentations will include those from leading In ...
We live in a world transformed by business activities. Companies have prospered by providing products and services to people everywhere, and play a key role in economic development. For nature, however, the price of development and business success has been very high. Demonstrating the economic ...
Presentation on implementations of the business sector in Thailand on regarding the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in accordance with the objectives of Convention on Biological Diversity.
The challenge of mobilizing resources for biodiversity has led to proposals for market mechanisms to generate funding. But the questions remain. Should biodiversity be turned into a tradable asset? Wouldn’t this simply lead to the privatisation and commodification of biodiversity? What about the ...
The event is designed to present the LIFE Certification - history, methodology, concepts and application.
In order to develop products and services that are friendly to biodiversity, what kind of ideas are more effective? In this session we will share ideas about · Variety ideas from marketing perspective. · Building better index for biodiversity friendly consumers. Introduction(10min) Presentat ...
The evidence from many parts of the world shows how the push for biofuels and biomass for energy is having serious, often irreversible impacts on indigenous peoples, local communities and biodiversity. Furthermore biofuels incur a carbon debt at a time when we should sharply reduce emissions and ...
Leading companies from around the world, who are dynamically engaged in protecting biodiversity by conscientiously adapting business practices, will present their efforts at this side event. Participants will be able to hear from and interact directly with business members of the Business and B ...
By presenting some case studies on how Brazilian companies are responding to the CBD, the side event aims at disseminating good practices in Brazil regarding the relationship between business, society and biodiversity. We believe that the business sector needs to become a bigger part of the solu ...
The event will present views, experiences and recommendations from the private sector actors on how to advance towards effectively engaging business in supporting the implemetation of the three objectives of CBD, in particular in the use of BioTrade approaches.
Nikkei BP's EcoManagement Forum (EMF) is a consortium of 170 large corporations which work hard on biodiversity. EMF is also partnered with Nikkei Ecology. a leding Japanese magazine of environmental issues in business. The member companies present many cases of their approach to biodiversity an ...
Business meets biodiversity in a real way. The all-new best practises manual “Corporate Biodiversity Management” is here. The handbook will be presented by the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) together with Business and Biodiversity Initiative members. It represents the consolidated efforts o ...
This side event will showcase European examples of partnerships with the private sector including the EU Business and Biodiversity Platform, the European Business and Biodiversity Campaign, the Nordic countries business and biodiversity example and will discuss the involvement of the business se ...
This side event aims to share information on actions by leading companies to ‘neutralise’ their residual environmental impacts and to introduce the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme. It seeks feedback from CBD delegates on what Parties and others can do to stimulate more companies to ...
If biodiversity and ecosystems are to be conserved, it is crucial to realize their true value. Yet, some of the most vital ecosystem services are also among the most difficult to bring to market. While the economic value of some ecosystem services is obvious, the value of other services is less ...
Concepts of well being are defined differently in different worldviews, although they eventually aim to reach a level of welfare. Building on research and practices undertaken by the different partners, the side event will focus on the development and roles of bio-enterprises through endogenous ...
Japanese approaches (experiences and techniques) for harmonizing development and biodiversity will be presented to formulate agreements on the Revised Strategic Plan of the Convention. Japan has experienced environmental problems caused by rapid development, and has solved them through various ...
The World Ocean Council is the international, cross-sectoral industry leadership alliance on ocean sustainability that is tackling the single most important factor affecting marine biodiversity - the way business is done in the marine environment. The ocean supports a wide range of uses - shippi ...
The Global Reporting Initiative, UNEP WCMC and CREM release research and development publication on Ecosystem Services and Sustainability Reporting. The publication is designed to support existing producers of sustainability reports and to support future GRI Working Groups seeking to devleop sec ...
The primary objective of this side event is to demonstrate how existing biofuel guidelines and standards address ways and means to promote the positive and minimize the negative impacts of the production and use of biofuels on biodiversity. Additional objectives are to discuss the linkages to ot ...
The event will focus on what are the risks and opportunities related to biodiversity in the building material sector. The Biodiversity Management System, which has been proposed for Holcim by the IUCN-Holcim Independent Expert panel will be presented, followed by an interactive discussion on the ...
In light of the deliberations of the Parties on innovative financial mechanisms, this side event will explore how a GDM could generate additional funding from the private sector in support of biodiversity and development. A high-level panel will discuss the case for further consultation and work ...
In response to the emerging reality of natural resource limits, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss, business must anticipate new and changing policies and regulatory frameworks to be developed and deployed by governments to address these pressing environmental challenges. However, busin ...
1) Debate on the ITTO/IUCN Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests. 2) Report on the ITTO/IUCN/CBD Conference on Biodiversity Conservation in Transboundary Tropical Forests (Quito, Ecuador)
Exchanges and cooperation between biodiversity stakeholders are crucial to comply both with business needs and research needs. The French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity and Orée, an organisation for companies, territories and environment, act as a science-society interface through the ...
This session presents key findings and recommendations for Local Policy and Business including Japanese best practices and other findings based on the “policy studies of environmental economics” program of MOE-J. It includes responses from the public and private sector and highlights practical n ...
ILCs working with the private sector and in particular the Aromatic, Flavourings and Cosmetics Industry and representative of the industry will discuss good practices in the light of the IR ABS.
Leading businessmen in China will show cases of their action on biodiversity. Blive will introduce its platform role in promoting biodiversity protection work in China.
Trade, if managed under sustainable practices, can enable biodiversity conservation. This is what UNCTAD BioTrade Initiative and its partners are promoting. Creating an enabling environment for developing sustainable businesses and fostering public-private sector engagement, while establishing S ...
In 2008, MAFF started to recommend the utilization of a voluntary eco-label called the “living creature mark”. It applies to agriculture, forestry and marine products produced by the measures which conserve local living creatures. (e.g. rice with oriental white stork mark.). These brands may hel ...
The UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP), established in 1992, has implemented more than 6,500 biodiversity projects at the community level in 120 countries worldwide. The side event will profile a joint initiative of the SGP and UNDP/GEF to capture and profile the portfolio of biodiversity-bas ...
Launching ceremony of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative with partners including national governments, international organizations, and NGOs. The Minister of the environment of Japan is expected to participate in the side event.
A selection of countries will show-case their Business and Biodioversity-related activities and share both challenges and lessons learned. This will be an excellent opportunity to understand the current state of play for mainstreaming biodiversity, to develop networks and to facilitate partnerships.