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The Convention on Biological Diversity, signed by 193 countries, explicitly recognizes that biodiversity is the foundation of economic productivity, prosperity, sustainable development, and ultimately, poverty eradication. It calls for ecosystem services to be incorporated into national account ...
Biodiversity and livelihoods are inextricably linked and provides for the needs for over 400 million people in south Asia alone. The linkages between biodiversity and poverty are complex and not fully understood due to their free availability as public goods, undervaluation, not considered as ex ...
This event will create a platform for senior representatives of the three regional development banks for Africa, Asia and Latin America to present their perspectives on mainstreaming biodiversity in their operations and in supporting countries in their regions within the framework of the 2011-20 ...
The event includes presentations by Royal Bank of Scotland and some of their NGO partners of their work done in the space of providing sustainable livelihoods to communities that are located in the buffer zones or corridors of our wildlife protected areas and so, dependent on their resources. Th ...
The Indigenous Women's Biodiversity Network (IWBN) will share their experiences and lessons learned as stewards of traditional knowledge.
Forests are a natural resource of global concern. They offer a range of ecosystem services including carbon sequestration having benefits that cross borders. Forests have been an issue of priority for international and national policy and a subject of much debate and discussion for the past 20 y ...
The event examines the possibility of measuring community wellbeing as a measure of progress integrating contextual concerns (relating to development and resource availabilities) and global objectives.The event will highlight methodological approaches to capture community wellbeing within socio- ...
The event will feature Indigenous leaders from India and other experts as panelists to present the issues and challenges being posed to indigenous peoples by mining, mega-dams, privatization of water and rapid loss of biodiversity in indigenous territories. The event will also highlight issues o ...
The interlinkages between biodiversity and health are well recognized. However, the need and potential of strengthening traditional understanding and practices related to health at the community level is an area that has not been sufficiently addressed in planning processes. Unlike mainstream he ...
Follow up on Parties' responses to online an questionnaire on mainstreaming biodiversity into poverty eradication and development processes
Brazil has one of the highest rates of biodiversity and is considered one of the mega-diverse countries. Currently, the country is experiencing a time of economic stability and growth, where development policies are a priority of the current government. Discussions on the new Forest Code, the li ...
Global Canopy Programme presentation on the revised `Little Biodiversity Finance Book`
Summary of answers that Parties provided to a questionnaire on mainstreaming biodiversity into poverty eradication and development.
The evidence from many parts of the world shows how the push for biofuels and biomass for energy is having serious, often irreversible impacts on indigenous peoples, local communities and biodiversity. Furthermore biofuels incur a carbon debt at a time when we should sharply reduce emissions and ...
An information session about safeguards initiatives of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility; the UN REDD Programme; and the REDD+ Social and Environmental Standards
Partners of the Global Tiger Initiative will take stock of the commitments made by tiger range countries and the international community at the September Tiger Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. The World Bank, with President Robert B. Zoellick, would report on this flagship initiative and its En ...
The Mesoamerican region is known as one of the biodiversity hotspots of the World. The countries of the region have undertaken multi-year processes to identify the priority areas, strategies, and financing needs required to ensure the ecological representation and effective management of biodiv ...
May 22nd this year provided a unique opportunity for the world to reflect on the particular role biodiversity plays for poverty alleviation. The fact that CBD selected “Biodiversity, Development and Poverty Alleviation” as the theme of International Day for Biological Diversity 2010 was not a me ...
Discussions on REDD and other payments for ecosystem services (PES) are showing the need for a holistic approach to forest management. For example, it is now widely accepted that REDD efforts can only be successful if they are built on a strong foundation of good forest governance in resilient a ...
Japanese approaches (experiences and techniques) for harmonizing development and biodiversity will be presented to formulate agreements on the Revised Strategic Plan of the Convention. Japan has experienced environmental problems caused by rapid development, and has solved them through various ...
In 1992, the governments of the six countries that host the Mekong River formed the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program, a platform for promoting investments in key priority sectors through stronger economic integration. As with economic development challenges, threats to biod ...
The side event will focus on mechanisms to advance self reliance in health and nutritional security at a local community level. Case studies will be used to demonstrate how available biological resources and specific knowledge within communities can be utilized for this purpose, through a proce ...
The US Agency for International Development (USAID) invests more than $US 200 million per year in biodiversity conservation in approximately 60 countries. For more than 30 years, USAID has supported projects that promote conservation of species and habitats in ways that reduce poverty and impro ...
Effective and equitable governance is critical in helping to ensure that protected areas (PAs) meet their conservation objectives, while enhancing livelihood security of local people. Governance is an important element in the realization of CBD objectives, in particular within the Programme of W ...
OISCA International, has approximately 50 years experience as the NGO involves an international cooperation and rural development in the Asia-Pacific region. Among the OISCA experience, especially the rural development of sustainable agriculture and human resources development with training of o ...
Governance and rights security have significant implications for biodiversity conservation effectiveness and for the livelihoods of people relying on resources within and outside of protected areas. These linkages are recognized in numerous Articles, Programmes of Work, and Guidelines of the CBD ...
WWF projects in Sumatra contain a variety of fundamental elements for biodiversity conservation. During this seminar style event, we address governmental efforts, WWF plan for protected area network, community development, sustainable financing based on our ongoing projects experience
The main objectives of this side event are to, following the submission of an elaborated Multi-Year Plan of Action for South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development to COP 10 under agenda item 4.9, by Yemen on behalf of the G-77, provide Parties, regional agencies, relevant organizatio ...
Please join the CBD Secretariat, FAO, CIFOR, and CIC to learn more about the Liaison Group on Bushmeat’s recommendations towards a more sustainable use of bushmeat. The recommendations will be addressed by COP 10 as part of the review of implementation of Article 10 of the Convention (Sustainab ...
This side event will present a new volume of the CBD Technical Series dedicated to an analysis of the systemic character of global change, biodiversity and human development, and the relationships between them. The papers describe and evaluate the complicated relationships and dynamics between h ...
Timeless and resilient practices and new initiatives presented by indigenous communities and their partners to achieve agrobiodiversity and food security
This session explores key findings from the TEEB for National and International Policy Makers report. The panel will include national policymakers and is supported by examples of best valuation practice in Japan for the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Innovative policy measures and local actions are key to promoting biodiversity/ecosystem service conservation and sustainable use of biological resources for environmental sustainability and human well-being. Panellists address key factors for driving innovation through enhanced macro-policy and ...
"Sato-umi" is a coastal zone where the livelihood of human-beings and the blessings of nature coexist in harmony with coastal area eco-systems. The objective of this side event is to promote a better understanding of the Sato-umi concept and of the significance of Sato-umi creation. Experts will ...
Presentations and panel discussion by multistakeholders for promoting the implementation of post-2010 target, including the discussion of "UN Decade on Biodiversity".
The GEF has been working with the local and indigenous communities on many of its projects and programs. The side event will be a forum to have an interactive dialogue with the indigenous peoples on biodiversity issues, including introduction of the GEF’s experience on projects and approaches r ...
The UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP), established in 1992, has implemented more than 6,500 biodiversity projects at the community level in 120 countries worldwide. The side event will profile a joint initiative of the SGP and UNDP/GEF to capture and profile the portfolio of biodiversity-bas ...
A gathering of professionals, practitioners and supporters of Landcare international initiatives. Landcare is a a community-based approach to natural resouce management, based on broad partnerships between communities, governments and the private sector to address key NRM and livelihood challen ...
During this International Year of Biodiversity, UNDESA/UNCRD intends to address the nexus of Biodiversity and Human Security in the context of Regional Development. In many developing countries, people’s livelihood directly depend on natural resources generated from biodiversity and ecosystem ...
The main objective of the proposed side event is to discuss how we can incorporate the concept of biodiversity conservation to the REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), namely as REDD+ or REDD ++ which is now key issue for the protection of pristine forest particula ...
Since 2008 UNU-IAS has been undertaking an assessment of the preparation, content, adequacy and effectiveness of national biodiversity strategies and action plans. One of the objectives of this project is to provide COP, Parties and others with an assessment of the extent to which objectives 3.1 ...