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Biodiversity and human health have inextricable links, as biodiversity can offer critical health-supporting ecosystem services and benefits. It is also increasingly acknowledged that public health arguments are an opportunity for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Anthropogeni ...
The sucess stories of "Biodiversity Conservation leading to enhanced livelihoods" case studies will be presented by indigenous communities at the grass root level.This will enable the participants to directly interact with the field level conservers to gain first hand information coming from the ...
Brazil has one of the highest rates of biodiversity and is considered one of the mega-diverse countries. Currently, the country is experiencing a time of economic stability and growth, where development policies are a priority of the current government. Discussions on the new Forest Code, the li ...
Co-conveners: BirdLife International, Wild Bird Society of Japan, Bombay Natural History Society, Nairobi Convention Secretariat, Convention on Biological Diversity Secretariat, The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence Since 2005 BirdLife has been working to c ...
The Mangroves for the Future Small Grants projects in the Gulf of Mannar (India and Sri Lanka) have undertaken a detailed survey of seagrass beds and dugong presence. Results will be shared and a strategy for joint conservation discussed with all stakeholders (fishing communities, state and nati ...
Mangroves are extraordinary ecosystems that offer countless goods and services to the human population. Their importance and value both economically and ecologically are largely known; despite this nearly all mangrove nations have experienced net losses in mangrove cover in recent decades as a r ...
This side event is a joint side event between the National Biodiversity Centre in Bhutan, CEBPOL in India, Natural Justice og FNI. The topic is to explore a two step contractual approach for making ABS provide fair benefits from speedy access. The newly developed policy on ABS in Bhutan will be ...
This will be a session dedicated to explaining the Nagoya Protocol with reference to the business community, including expected obligations, legal framework, IP issues, and the differences (and overlap) between ABS and Fairtrade.
At this side event will be presented some activities developed in the region in supporting the Aichi Biodiversity Targets implementation. A reference about the Amazon Observatory defined by the ACTO Member Countries will be also presented.
Envi Quiz 2012 with focus on Bio Diversity for school students
As of August 1, the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI) comprises 117 various members working on maintaining and rebuilding socio-ecological production landscapes around the world. At this event, some IPSI members will give some presentations to share the outcome of the ...
The event will showcase progress in meeting the ambitious commitments made by Wet African countries at COP10 to expand their protected area systems and promote benefits to local people. The Nagoya commitments were followed-up with a donor roundtable meeting in 2011 with the Lifeweb Initiative an ...
The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, in its tenth meeting, requested the Executive Secretary to collaborate with FAO, UNEP, regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs), IUCN-CEM-FEG, and other relevant organizations, processes, and scientific groups, o ...
An international meeting comprising of farmers and pastoralists from Western Africa, South Asia and South-East Asia to discuss the global challenges and threats facing indigenous knowledge systems and traditional farming and pastoralist communities, and the tools that can be employed in order to ...
Depletion of Agrodiversity has reduced the food basket available for the community. This had serious impacts on the food security and nutritional security of the people. With changing climate the risk of crop failures are increasing. There is urgent need to bring back agrodiversity into the ce ...
During this event, we will provides a review of current MPA coverage (July 2012), showing dramatic increases in recent years. While this gives the impression that the 10% MPA target might be attainable, we revisit such information in the light of the Aichi Target 11 which introduces important n ...
Biodiversity and Food Security
This is organised to disseminate the biodiversity of tamil nadu for devising suitable genetic improvement programmes
Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network was established in 2009 as a regional network of GEO BON. In 2011, the implementation plan of AP BON was drafted following the implementation plan of GEO BON. In the side event, we will introduce the organization and implementation plan of AP BON, an ...
Asia covers the largest area of cold desert in the world covering partly/fully ten countries viz., Afghanistan, China, India, Iran, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia and Tajikistan. This ecoregion harbors some unique biodiversity (e.g., snow leopard, Marco Polo sheep, yak and a large ...
There is nothing for developing for survival but to produce destruction of ecology... That is the cause of crisis of biodiversity today. Most of Rainforest holding terrestrial biodiversity exists in developing countries. In these areas, growth of economy at higher speed is desired. But it is app ...
The Convention on Biological Diversity, signed by 193 countries, explicitly recognizes that biodiversity is the foundation of economic productivity, prosperity, sustainable development, and ultimately, poverty eradication. It calls for ecosystem services to be incorporated into national account ...
The purpose of this meeting is to show the processes and mechanisms developed to involve the population in mitigating environmental and socio impacts against climate change. From local experience, develop national and subregional partnerships to address these changes. Manu National Park was dec ...
This event will serve to inform participants to the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD about the achievements of Swiss and other European cities to enhance the understanding of the relationship between urban biodiversity, and its ecological, social values and economic value ...
This workshop will discuss the experiences of the Indigenous Peoples' Biocultural Climate Change Assessment initiative in developing community-based biodiversity and climate change assessments to create local mitigation and adaptation responses in the context of food security and livelihoods, wi ...
Ensuring the effective implementation of articles 8(j) and 10 (c ) is critical for achieving the CBD objectives at local level. Traditional knowledge and customary use are closely inter-linked, and are themselves dependent on biodiversity, landscapes, customary laws and cultural and spiritual va ...
Conservation of biodiversity cannot be achieved without the active participation and support from civil society. Students, Decision Makers, Business Professionals and others need to understand the key underlying issues involved in biodiversity conservation and the way development affects this. F ...
The interlinkages between biodiversity and health are well recognized. However, the need and potential of strengthening traditional understanding and practices related to health at the community level is an area that has not been sufficiently addressed in planning processes. Unlike mainstream he ...
This will be a joint presentation by UNEP-WCMC and SCBD on the latest phase of their work analyzing the biodiversity and ecosystem service provisions of standards and certification schemes, addressing gaps and the best ways of creating convergence around common terminologies and approaches, and ...
Climate change mitigation and adaptation projects can potentially deliver benefits for biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, in some instances, for example, where afforestation leads to the establishment of monocultures or the introduction of exogenous trees, climate projects may have ne ...
WGRI4 requested the Executive Secretary to undertake "a review of the short- and long-term impacts of disasters and conflicts on biodiversity and ways and means to take actions for implementing the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets under such ...
Biodiversity and livelihoods are inextricably linked and provides for the needs for over 400 million people in south Asia alone. The linkages between biodiversity and poverty are complex and not fully understood due to their free availability as public goods, undervaluation, not considered as ex ...
To discuss about the wise use of mangrove wetlands for their conservation
A new publication aims to share information and improve public knowledge of biodiversity values, functions, status and trends, main threats and societal responses in Central Asia. The publication has been supported by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
The event will feature Indigenous leaders from India and other experts as panelists to present the issues and challenges being posed to indigenous peoples by mining, mega-dams, privatization of water and rapid loss of biodiversity in indigenous territories. The event will also highlight issues o ...
This event will present the most recent mounting evidence for harms to both terrestrial and marine (algae) ecosystems biodiversity resulting from escalating demands for bioenergy feedstocks. The policies and supports driving these will also be critiqued including assessment of the performance of ...
This three day workshop aims to establish a framework and action plan to systematically map human relationships to nature and biodiversity. This will provide tools for use by policy makers at community, national and international level, in various important areas. Through increased understandin ...
Regional Centre National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board (RCNAEB), North East Hill University (NEHU) and Iora Ecological Solutions intend to invite leading conservation and development professional, members of indigenous, tribal, and local communities, representatives of governmental and ...
Brazilian´s and UK´s Government and Partners will present its experiences on the Aichi Targets implementation - Brazilian´s presentations: The process and results on Biodiversity Dialogues (civil society) Government Action Plan (in course) PainelBio - tool for monitoring; UK´s presentations: ...
Documentation of breeds, Profiles of livestock keepers,creation of database /register of individuals and communities conserving local livestock breeds ,best practices / value addition , Recognition through cash awards and future Institutionalisng the event .
Bt Cotton web around Food, Farming and Livestock Systems CONTINENTAL PERSPECTIVES FROM AFRICA AND ASIA
The way modern science and technology is usually backed by outside powers in Asia, Africa and Latin America has unfolded in a manner that it has created a negative environment for the nurturance and continuity of plants diversity. The undermining has been very severe and comprehensive, and most ...
Presentation on implementations of the business sector in Thailand on regarding the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in accordance with the objectives of Convention on Biological Diversity.
The topic of business and biodiversity is progressing all over the world. Different kinds of platforms, initiatives, organizations, and of course governments are striving to integrate the private sector in the implementation of the CBD goals and targets as well as national strategy plans for bio ...
Biodiversity is a key indicator of sustainable development. Companies rely on many of the ecosystems services which biodiversity provides. Mismanagement of biodiversity by themselves or by others poses a lot of risks to the sustainability of businesses. The way companies respond to these risks a ...
With an economy closely linked to its natural resource based and climate sensitive sectors, India is poised with the challenges of poverty eradication, sustaining the rapid economic growth and dealing with the global threat of climate change, biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation. All bu ...
The Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP) is the unique alliance of member nations, UN agencies, research institutions, conservation organizations and private supporters that works to conserve great apes in Africa and Asia. By focusing on gorilla conservation in Cameroon, Cong and DR Congo, G ...
Time and again, ‘citizen scientists’ – members of the public who voluntarily help scientific studies have made a real difference to research, for example by meticulously collecting data. With a planned project, and a strong leader who can ensure that volunteers are productive, citizen science ca ...
This side event will focus on options and constraints for civil society engagement in GEF and the CBD. The GEF-NGO Network will highlight the current mechanism to ensure civil society engagement in the implementation of GEF programmes and projects. Experience in CSO engagement through the Small ...