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KUMASI, Ghana — The West African country of Ghana is known for having rich natural resources including vast tracts of rainforest. But its primary forest has all but vanished, with what remains generally relegated to reserves scattered throughout the country’s southern third.
Reducing emissions from deforestation and farming is an urgent global priority if we want to control climate change. However, like many climate change problems, the solution is complicated. Cutting down forests to plant edible crops feeds some of the world's hungriest people.
An area of Amazon rainforest roughly the size of a football pitch is now being cleared every single minute, according to satellite data.
Trees that help keep soils fertile could slow or stop deforestation in Brazil's "arc of destruction". A project using inga trees hopes to show smallholders that they can earn a decent living from the land. Inga trees, known as ice-cream bean trees, fix nitrogen into the soil, boosting productivi ...
:"Forests are at the core of our efforts to restore our relationship with the natural world," the UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed said at the UN Forum on Forests, a New York-based inter-governmental policy panel.
A catastrophic combination of heat, drought, storms, forest fires, beetle plagues and a fungi blight have so far this year destroyed swathes of German forest equivalent to more than 200,000 football fields.
Wearing a crown of cowry shells and traditional regalia, Hillary Mwatsuma intoned a prayer to the ancestors who have been laid to rest in Kaya Kauma, one of 45 sacred forested villages scattered along Kenya’s southern coast, since the 16th century. The thick canopy encircling the ancient kayas, ...
Eight new green spaces to be planted across Glasgow to help city celebrate upcoming Climate Summit, as ITV announces plans for major ramp up of climate coverage
Through land clearing for agricultural farming, logging for products such as timber and paper, urban expansion, and infrastructural development, humans are destroying one of Earth’s most important natural resources: forests.
The equivalent of 40 football fields-worth of tropical forests were lost every minute in 2017. Despite all the progress made by companies committed to reducing deforestation in their supply chains, commercial agricultural production of products such as palm oil, soy and beef remains the biggest ...
The world lost a Cuba-sized area of tropical forest in 2021, putting it far off track from meeting the no-deforestation goal by 2030 that governments and companies committed to at last year’s COP26 climate summit.
The discovery of ancient tree roots in the Catskills, near the town of Cairo, New York, suggests modern forests emerged earlier than scientists thought. Researchers described the 385-million-year-old root system in a new paper, published this week in the journal Current Biology.
From Maine to California and Florida to Alaska, America’s national forests encompass more than 188 million acres of woodlands, meadows, mountains, and rivers. Managed by the U.S. Forest Service, these lands are a national treasure, rich with ecological, social, cultural, and economic value that ...
Four famous giant sequoias were not harmed by a wildfire that reached the edge of Giant Forest in California's Sequoia National Park, authorities said.
The Earth’s forests are some of the richest and most biodiverse habitats we have. The Earth’s forests are some of the richest and most biodiverse habitats we have. Not only do they serve as important carbon sinks, but up to 350 million people living in or near them rely on their ecosystems for a ...
Let’s be frank. For those of us who care about deforestation, the last few years have not been good. The latest data tells us we’re losing more tropical tree cover than ever before. The biggest culprit is still commodity agriculture. This is exactly what we, in the Tropical Forest Alliance, are ...
To the uninitiated, mangroves might appear to be merely coastal cousins of inland forests, but these rich ecosystems support the planet and people in unique ways, from providing breeding grounds for fish to carbon storage, to protection against flooding.
There is no solution to the climate crisis without ending tropical deforestation. Over the next decade, protecting forests around the world is critical to reaching a 1.5C pathway, while also supporting sustainable development and enhancing biodiversity. Unfortunately, despite recent efforts to r ...
More than 500 scientists and economists implored world leaders last week to stop treating as emissions-free the burning of wood from forests to make energy and heat, and to end subsidies now driving the explosive demand for wood pellets. Both actions, they write, are causing escalating deforesta ...
Forest landscape restoration (FLR) has been hailed as one of the most critical and effective solutions to mitigate climate change, conserve and build biodiversity, reverse land degradation and restore and maintain sustainable livelihoods.
The Conservator-General, National Park Service, Dr Ibrahim Goni, said 60 per cent of Nigeria’s valuable forest estate have been lost to degradation.
La forêt sèche est une forêt située sur le flanc ouest de l’île, du nord au sud. Elle est essentielle sur l’île de part sa biodiversité exceptionnelle. Pourtant elle est menacée d’extinction. Depuis l’arrivée de l’homme sur l’île, elle a perdu 99% de sa superficie. Un projet européen baptisé Lif ...
The mountainous forests of northern Madagascar are biodiverse beyond measure, containing plant and animal species found nowhere else on the planet. Other forests in Madagascar have been lost in recent centuries and decades, but these have stood the test of time and remained relatively unscathed.
An area of forest larger than Madagascar has regrown around the world since 2000, concludes an analysis published by Trillion Trees, a joint conservation initiative between BirdLife International, WCS, and WWF. The regrowth, covering 58.9 million hectares and representing 22-25 billion trees, co ...
Costa Rican cloud forests may not readily have much in common with Philadelphia, but ongoing research connects these two environments more than you may think.
Evapotranspiration is the exchange of water vapor between land and the atmosphere, and it is hard to measure and model. A new study shows promise for its estimation over large, vegetated landscapes.
Jumar is no stranger to the presence of elephants. Having lived and farmed in the village of Pematang Pudu village in Bengkalis district, in Indonesia’s Riau province, for more than 20 years, he’s seen elephants wandering through his village and fields of sweet potato. And he has never become up ...
An international collaboration of hundreds of scientists—led in part by the Forest Advanced Computing and Artificial Intelligence (FACAI) Laboratory in Purdue's Department of Forestry and Natural Resources—has developed the world's first global map of tree symbioses.
Tropical forests play a fundamental role in storing carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. And while the Amazon rainforest is often top of mind when it comes to stores of CO2, there’s another ecosystem in Brazil that stashes away a much larger amount of carbon pe ...
Forests and forest-relevant policies in Europe face a wide array of challenges in a rapidly changing world. Issues such as Brexit, the new European Parliament and European Commission, and the recent European Green Deal proposal are certain to affect policymaking, as are the as-yet unknown impact ...
Newswise — A research team from the University of Helsinki has discovered a tree hyrax in the Taita Hills, Kenya, which may belong to a species previously unknown to science.The discovery, which was part of a study of the vocalisations of nocturnal animals in the Taita Hills, was published in mi ...
NAIROBI, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Africa's sustainable forestry management framework will be launched in early 2020 to guide the continent in sustainable exploitation of forest resources, an African Union (AU) official disclosed on Monday.
Deforestation must be stopped in tropical countries to tackle the existential threats of climate change and biodiversity loss. The vast majority of Earth’s species are in the tropics; forests there have taken in much of the carbon added to the atmosphere by human activities.
FAO marked the International Day of Forests today by announcing two new forestry education initiatives aimed at raising awareness among children and young people on the sustainable use and conservation of forests.
Tropical forests are well known for being the "lungs" of our planet. Through photosynthesis, the trees in these forests produce oxygen and remove enormous amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to mitigate global warming.
We need both carbon offsetting and deep decarbonization at source, not either/or, to make substantive progress with climate change.
Africa has enormous potential to derive more value from its forests without producing more wood, and could thus provide a good example of the possibilities of the circular bioeconomy, says Lauri Hetemäki, assistant director, European Forest Institute (EFI).
Le botaniste japonais, Akira Miyawaki est le précurseur de la création des micro-forêts natives qui sont 10 fois plus rapide, 30 fois plus dense, avec 100 fois de plus de biodiversité qu’une forêt traditionnelle. L’initiative est baptisée « MiniBigForest » où comment faire pousser 300 arbres sur ...
The Alberta government plans to create the largest contiguous protected boreal forest area in the world by expanding the Kitaskino Nuwenëné Wildland in the northeast part of the province. Under the plan, the wildland area would be expanded by 143,800 hectares, Premier Jason Kenney said Thursday ...
Chilean environmental scientist Jonathan Barichivich has been making waves in the dendrochronology community of late due to his study and findings regarding an alerce tree in Alerce Costero National Park—he believes the tree may be the oldest in the world.
Central and southern Brazil are facing their worst drought in almost a century, with many of the country’s giant hydroelectric power plants already operating at a fraction of full capacity, agricultural harvest forecasts being scaled down, and fears mounting that Amazon fires will be worse than ...
Trees cover 90 percent of land in Guyana, a country experts say can offer insights into protecting the world’s largest rainforest.
Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon topped 11,000 square kilometers for the first time since 2008 reports the Brazilian government.
Brazil has banned setting fires to clear land for 60 days in response to a massive increase in the number of fires in the Amazon rainforest.
MANAUS, Brazil — This year’s unusually severe fires in the Amazon have not only attracted widespread international attention, but also illuminated the effects of mounting deforestation in the region, from evaporating rains to rising carbon dioxide emissions. Yet one effect of forest loss in the ...
The Amazon rainforest has evolved over millions of years and even through ice ages. Yet today, human influences and global climate change put this huge ecosystem at risk of large-scale dieback—with major consequences for its capability as a global CO2 sink. New research published in Nature Geosc ...
Disturbance also led to a significant shift towards small-seeded species, which are more likely to be dispersed by smaller animals like birds and bats.
It is unbelievable that some political leaders do not understand or are far-removed from the realities which globalization brings about in this fast-paced world in which we live. Politicians are elected not only to serve a subset or special group interests. Politicians are elected to design and ...
A code red for humanity. These were the words of the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, summarizing the strong messages of the latest IPCC report on climate change. Among the most urgent messages is the unequivocal human influence on the climate system, the increased frequency and intensity ...
Four Asian countries—the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and India—aim to restore 47.5 million hectares of degraded land by 2030. This is roughly equal to the size of Sumatra, Indonesia's third biggest island.