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More than 1,200 species globally face threats to their survival in more than 90% of their habitat and “will almost certainly face extinction” without conservation intervention, according to new research.
A team of Australian and German researchers has discovered a novel pathway that plants can use to save water and improve their drought tolerance.
"Big John", 66 million years old and the largest triceratops skeleton ever unearthed at eight metres long, goes up for auction in Paris on Thursday.
Taking advantage of 'big data' - massive, open-access information resources in research - can help forecast how plant life will fare on an increasingly human-dominated planet.
A region of cooling water in the North Atlantic Ocean near Iceland, nicknamed the "Blue blob," has likely slowed the melting of the island's glaciers since 2011 and may continue to stymie ice loss until about 2050, according to new research.
The UK has lost more than 90% of the lush seagrass meadows that once surrounded the nation, research has found. Scientists described the decline as catastrophic, but the latest analysis also shows where the flowering plants could be restored.
Climate change increasingly threatens communities all over the world. News of fires, floods and coastal erosion devastating lives and livelihoods seems almost constant. The latest fires in Queensland and New South Wales mark the start of the earliest bushfire season the states have ever seen.
Remote recording devices used to 'eavesdrop' on a reintroduced population of one of New Zealand's rarest birds have been heralded as a breakthrough for conservation.
University of Exeter scientists examined how Trinidadian guppies reacted to stress—did they freeze or flee?—and also measured their hormonal responses.
Scientists studying sharks off New Zealand have discovered that three deep-sea species glow in the dark – including one that is now the largest-known luminous vertebrate.
Fungus farming is a fascinating symbiosis that has evolved multiple times in social insects: once in ants, once in termites, and several times in weevils (beetles) from the subfamilies Scolytinae and Platypodinae.
"Ibiza is different." That is what the hundreds of standard-bearers of the "hippie" movement who visited the Pitiusan Island during the 60s thought, fascinated by its climate and its unexplored nature. What they did not imagine was that the most unique feature of the island was in its inhabitant ...
Studies of ancient beaches and fossilised coral reefs suggest sea levels have the potential to rise far more quickly than models currently predict, according to geologists who have been studying past periods of warming.
Current UK conservation policies fail to protect important insect species such as bees which "are vital for our everyday lives and future existence," according to new research from the University of Aberdeen.
Palaeontologist Tim Ewin is standing in a quarry, recalling the calamity that's written in the rocks under his mud-caked boots. "They tried to protect themselves, adopting the stress position of pulling their arms in," he continues. "But it was all in vain; you can see where their arms got snagg ...
Swinburne scientists are using a football field-sized synchrotron light facility to examine individual grains of rice to help enhance global food security, nutritional value and the food safety of cereal grains.
If you ask someone to imagine an orchid, chances are pots of moth orchids lined up for sale in a hardware store will spring to mind, with their thick shiny leaves and vibrant petals.
The 2020 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement - often described as the 'Nobel Prize for the Environment' - has been awarded to conservation biologist Gretchen C. Daily, and environmental economist Pavan Sukhdev, both pioneers in illuminating and quantifying the economic value of our natural ...
Sir James Bevan expected to warn later today that England faces a ‘silent spring’ without action on nature loss. The boss of the Environment Agency, Sir James Bevan, is to deliver a speech later today warning how the biodiversity crisis poses an existential threat to the human race if left unadd ...
Imagine constantly living with mice. Every time you open a cupboard to get linen, clothes or food, mice have been or are still there. When you go to sleep they run across your bed and, in the morning, your first job is to empty traps filled with dead mice. And the stench of dead mice fill the st ...
A new paper, published today in the journal Frontiers in Plant Science, outlines a new botanical discovery in the genus Victoria, the famous giant waterlily genus named after Britain's Queen Victoria in 1852.
Record heat and drought across Australia delivered the worst environmental conditions across the country since at least 2000, with river flows, tree cover and wildlife being hit on an “unprecedented scale”, according to a new report.
New work led by Carnegie's Petra Redekop, Emanuel Sanz-Luque, and Arthur Grossman probes the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which plants protect themselves from self-harm. Their findings, published by Science Advances, improve our understanding of one of the most-important biochemical proc ...
New research has revealed the fascinating adaptation of some Australian sea snakes that helps protect their vulnerable paddle-shaped tails from predators.
Australian Institute of Botanical Science researchers are working with the University of Queensland to figure out world-first ways to store wild and cultivated macadamia genetic material and ultimately ensure the long-term survival of the species.
A new, internet-connected lighting system for greenhouses could sharply reduce a farmer's electrical bill, according to a study by University of Georgia researchers.
“In the wee hours of the morning … we weren’t too excited to be spooning poo,” reef ecologist Dr Vincent Raulot says. But that’s exactly what he and a team of researchers did to calculate out how much poop was excreted by an estimated 3 million sea cucumbers on the 20 sq km Heron Island coral re ...
Antibiotic-Resistant Genes (ARGs) that were first detected in urban India have been found 8,000 miles away in one of the last 'pristine' places on earth, a new study has shown.
"Sustainable" is one of gardening's trendiest buzzwords, yet it carries a range of definitions. Just what does it mean in practical terms, and how important is it to the average gardener?
As global carbon emissions continue to rise despite warnings from the scientific community, there's been increased interest in a controversial method to potentially mitigate the rise in Earth's temperature: Geoengineering.
The EU is not on track to meeting the vast majority of environmental targets for 2020—and the outlook for 2030 and 2040 is even bleaker. This is the devastating verdict of the groundbreaking State of the Environment Report 2020 published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA).
For more than 40,000 years, Indigenous communities in Borneo have hunted and eaten bearded pigs—huge, nomadic animals that roam the island in Southeast Asia. These 100kg creatures are central to the livelihood and culture of some Bornean peoples—in fact, some hunters rarely talk of anything else.
Corals lurking in deeper, darker waters could one day help to replenish shallow water reefs under threat from ocean warming and bleaching events, according to researchers.
Researchers have created a plant-based, sustainable, scalable material that could replace single-use plastics in many consumer products.
Chris Lowe is no longer surprised when he sees drone footage of juvenile white sharks cruising near surfers and swimmers in southern California’s ocean waters.
Traditional white-striped bodypainting practiced by indigenous communities mimics zebra stripes to reduce the number of potentially harmful horsefly bites a person receives by up to 10-fold, according to new research published Wednesday.
Together with an international team, Senckenberg scientists have described three new frog species from the northern Amazon region. The animals from the genus Synapturanus spend their lives buried underground and are therefore still virtually unexplored.
The first comprehensive comparison of 'degrowth' scenarios with established pathways to limit climate change highlights the risk of over-reliance on carbon dioxide removal, renewable energy and energy efficiency to support continued global growth - which is assumed in established global climate ...
Climate change is an issue that affects everyone on the planet but women and girls are the ones suffering its effects the most. Why? Because women and girls have less access to quality education and later, job opportunities. These structural disadvantages keep them in poverty. In fact, women mak ...
The first hatchery-raised sea urchins outplanted in Kāneʻohe Bay are 10-years-old, and the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit (PCSU) and the State of Hawaiʻi Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) are celebrating the milestone anniversary.
What species and ecosystems are most likely to be adversely affected by climate change, and why? What are the impacts of international trade on fisheries and marine biodiversity loss? How should urban development be handled so that its impacts on biodiversity are minimized?
Tropical regions contain many of the world's species and scientists consider them hotspots due to their immense biological diversity.However, due to limited sampling our knowledge of tropical diversity remains incomplete, making it difficult for researchers to answer the fundamental questions of ...
In a new study, an international research team led by Sebastian Stumpf from the University of Vienna describes an exceptionally well-preserved skeleton of the ancient shark Asteracanthus. This extremely rare fossil find comes from the famous Solnhofen limestones in Bavaria, which was formed in a ...
At least 18 of the 20 gorillas at Atlanta's zoo have now tested positive for COVID-19, an outbreak that began just days before the zoo had hoped to obtain a veterinary vaccine for the primates, officials said Tuesday.
Two flowering plants have been multiplying rapidly in Antarctica as the climate crisis has warmed the summers, a study found.
Imitation is the most sincere of flattery, and for years, humans have been using animals as inspiration for everything from fashion to architecture. In the engineering world, this is called biomimicry. And you may be surprised by how many inventions have truly been inspired by animal design and ...
The fossil of a 290-million-year-old shark with petal-shaped teeth was found in China for the first time, according to Gai Zhikun, an associate researcher at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Petalodus teeth were found i ...
Estimates some 3 billion animals were killed or misplaced by the 2019-20 mega-fires in Australia have been confirmed—with a breakdown by animal type for the first time—in a conclusive Sydney-led report commissioned by WWF.
What did Earth look like 3.2 billion years ago? New evidence suggests the planet was covered by a vast ocean and had no continents at all. Continents appeared later, as plate tectonics thrust enormous, rocky land masses upward to breach the sea surfaces, scientists recently reported.
By generating 3-D images of bumblebees' compound eyes, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered how bumblebees differ in their vision. The results could contribute to increased knowledge about the pollination process—once researchers are able to determine which flowers different ...