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  • Side Events (21)


  • WG8J 8 (21)


Aichi Targets


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21 Results
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Result 1 to 21

Side Event
WG8J 8

'Customary sustainable use: developing a community-based monitoring system to track implementation of Article 10(c)'

Networking and sharing ideas and initiatives on the plan of action on customary sustainable use This week the Working Group on Article 8(j) discusses the new (draft) plan of action on customary sustainable use (CSU) (Article 10c), as a new major component of the revised programme of work on Ar ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

All you should know about market-based schemes and non-market based schemes for the conservation of biodiversity and traditional knowledge, and the prevention of climate-related disasters

The event will elaborate on the advantages and disadvantages of different market-based and non-market based approaches to conserve biodiversity and mitigate and adapt to climate change, including Payments for Environmental Services, REDD+, redirecting perverse incentives that promote drivers of ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

Building Synergies between the Revised Programme of Work on Article 8(j) and the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol

This event will survey potential areas of synergy between the implementation of Article 8(j) and the Nagoya Protocol on ABS based on ongoing CISDL research on the governance of traditional knowledge and assuring the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities.

Side Event
WG8J 8

Building synergies between traditional and scientific knowledge systems – a Multiple Evidence Approach

Traditional knowledge systems are increasingly recognized and brought forward as sources of understanding on ecosystem dynamics and sustainable practices, a potential that often has not informed decision making on ecosystem management beyond the local level. As a follow up on the theme for the I ...

Side Event
WG8J 8


Una Mesa redonda donde dos expertos del Proyecto GEF/PNUD y un Funcionario del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente expondrán las experiencias en la utilización de los conocimientos tradicionales que durante años se acumulan en las comunidades costeras, pueden convertirse en bases ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

Community Based Monitoring and Information Systems and Indicators Work for TK

The side event is co-organized by Tebtebba, International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity - Working Group on Indicators, and Forest Peoples Programme (FPP). The side event will share updates on IIFB work on Indicators and CBMIS development to monitor indicators.

Side Event
WG8J 8

Connecting across knowledge systems - in support of CBD implementation, biological and cultural diversity and human well-being

With the joint side event the organizers ibn, SRC, SCBD, IIFB and FFP want to contribute to the in-depth dialogue on "Connecting traditional knowledge systems and science, such as under the IPBES, including gender dimensions". As a basis for further discussion, results of the international Vilm ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

Critical view on the implementation of the Akwé: Kon Guidelines - The example of the Hammastunturi wilderness area in the Saami homeland in Finland.

Finland is the first country to apply Akwé: Kon guidelines in practice. The presentation will take a critical look on the strengths and weaknesses of the Akwé: Kon guidelines based on lessons learned from the Finnish Hammastunturi wilderness area. We will discuss the role the Akwe: Kon guideline ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

Current situation of local communities and the Plan of Action for Customary Sustainable Use ,towards possible future roadmap.

Local communities in the context of the CBD, are gradually taking center stage in key aspects, based on the document and the Desicion XI/14B paragraphs 17-21 of the Eleventh Conference of the Parties, held in Hyderabad, India. Your participation in aspects related to the provisions of Article 10 ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

El Caso hoazin: continuacion de la apropiacion indebida

El hoazin ( Ophistocomus Hoazin ) es una ave amazónica, con distribucion en toda la region, las comunidades locales y pueblos indígenas , conocen de sus hábitos y etnoecología,compartiendo esta informacion con investigadores en los años noventa.Es una de las dos ave completamente folivoras,(solo ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

Engagement with Indigenous Peoples: GEF Principles and Guidelines, and its implementation

As the financial mechanism of the CBD and other multilateral environmental agreements, the Global Environment Facility has acknowledged the important role that Indigenous Peoples play in GEF policy, program and process development as key partner and stakeholder. In 2012, the GEF has reaffirmed ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

Free, Prior and Informed Consent in Practice

Free, Prior and Informed Consent is an important tool in implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) program of work on the implementation of Article 8 (j) and related provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity. This side event will explore the different ways in which e ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

Gathering and Use of Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge for Polar Bear Management and Decision Making in Canada

The proposed side-event will be co-hosted by Environment Canada and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (Canada's National Inuit organization). Broadly, the event will provide an overview of how Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge (ATK) is used in management of polar bear in Canada, and ways in which ATK can ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

Launch of the most recent publication in the IUCN Best Practice in Protected Areas Series: Governance of Protected Areas: From understanding to action

SCBD, IUCN, UNDP-GEF SGP, GIZ and the ICCA Consortium are pleased to launch the most recent publication in the IUCN Best Practice in Protected Areas Series: Governance of Protected Areas: From understanding to action.

Side Event
WG8J 8

Local and indigenous knowledge in global assessments, such as IPBES

During this side-event, the panelists will discuss their work in developing procedures for recognizing indigenous and local knowledge and building synergies with science to achieve the objectives of IPBES and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, particularly target 18.

Side Event
WG8J 8

Nagoya Protocol

Nagoya Protocol- status of ratifications and its importance and contribution to conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and achieving sustainable development.

Side Event
WG8J 8

Responsibilities of government agencies for national implementation of articles 8(j) and 10(c) – Swedish on-going work as a case study

An effective national implementation of articles 8(j) and 10(c) as a crosscutting issue is a backbone for biodiversity conservation and human wellbeing alike. Its realisation might be challenging, but it is badly needed and also contains rich possibilities for synergies and cooperation across s ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

The repatriation of traditional knowledge including genetic resources. How it does work? Relation with the Nagoya Protocol on ABS.

During this side-event, indigenous and local community organizations and experts will share their experience on repatriation of traditional knowledge and genetic resources. After they discuss how it will complement or not the effective implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. They will share infor ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

Understanding and Protecting Biocultural Heritage Innovations

Sui generis systems have tended to focus on protecting, preversing and promoting traditional knowledge, rather than innovations and practices. Traditional knowledge based innovations - or Biocultural Heritage innovations - are new ways of doing things (ie. practices) which are based on TK. To da ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

WIPO's work on TK and GRs: The IGC, the Draft WIPO TK Documentation Toolkit and the Draft IP Guidelines for ABS

An overview of WIPO's work on TK and GRs will be provided. Special emphasis will be placed on the status of the negotiations at the IGC (WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore) and on 2 recently published drafts: the ...

Side Event
WG8J 8

World Indigenous Network (WIN) – Connecting Indigenous People and Local Community Land and Sea Managers

Introduction and overview of the recently created World Indigenous Network (WIN) and its transition to the United Nations Development Programme – Equator Initiative. WIN will help local and indigenous communities share stories, cultural experiences and ideas to better manage ecosystems, protect ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 21
Results for: ("Side Events") AND ("WG8J 8")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme