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  • Side Events (5)



  • Dry and Sub-Humid Lands Biodiversity (5)

Aichi Targets


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5 Results
Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 5

Side Event
COP 11

Asian cold deserts: unique biodiversity and ecosystem services

Asia covers the largest area of cold desert in the world covering partly/fully ten countries viz., Afghanistan, China, India, Iran, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia and Tajikistan. This ecoregion harbors some unique biodiversity (e.g., snow leopard, Marco Polo sheep, yak and a large ...

Side Event
COP 12

Beyond Tigers

Beyond Tigers would highlight the manner in which tigers promote (and could further promote) CBD objectives, particularly Aichi Targets 11 and 12. The event will highlight how tiger conservation efforts have mobilized funds which protect the wider ecosystems in which the species is found, thus a ...

Side Event
COP 11

Conserving Dryland Biodiversity: supporting the environmental services of mobile pastoralists and other indigenous peoples

Discussion of the recommendations from the recent IUCN-UNCCD-UNEP/WCMC publication "Conserving Dryland Biodiversity". Dryland Biodiversity is globally and locally valued, but some dryland subtypes are poorly represented in terms of protected area coverage. However, indigenous and local communiti ...

Side Event
COP 12

Realizing the Borneo Elephant Sanctuary (This is a case study on the collaboration between the Asahiyama Zoo, the Borneo Conservation Trust (BCT), BCT Japan and businesses , revealing how the Borneo Elephant Sanctuary was built and how future conservation work will be shared among the participating parties. )

In October 2013, The Borneo Elephant Sanctuary held its inaugural opening in Sabah Malaysia on the island of Borneo. It was built through the efforts and collaboration among several companies, the Asahiyama Zoo in Japan, BCT, and BCT Japan. Each party has played different roles and the project t ...

Side Event
COP 11

Water Harvesting and its importance to Dry Lands and relevance to biodiversity sustenance.

The A.P. State Biodiversity Board and the A.P. State Ministry for Minor Irrigation wishes to impress the need for the conservation and use of the Rain Water which should be harvested for sustaining agriculture and in maintaining biological diversity in Dry Land areas.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 5
Results for: ("Side Events") AND ("Dry and Sub-Humid Lands Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme