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The Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP) will launch its latest report, "The Future of the Bornean Orangutan: Impacts of a Changing Climate and Land Use," which models scenarios to project the losses of population and habitat faced by orangutans in Borneo. Produced in collaboration with Liver ...
To show the importance of PA systems as an integral part of climate change strategies through the presentation of results of the project “Building resilience of the Amazon biome: Protected areas as an integral part of climate change adaptation” implemented by RedParques (Latin American Regional ...
Climate change is one of the most important global environmental Issues impacting natural ecosystems and socioeconomic systems. For instance, climate change affects forest ecosystems primarily in three ways: firstly, forest ecosystems through land use change contribute about 20% of the global C0 ...
The event will look at the impact of depletion of biodiversity as one result of climate change, which is ultimately causing hazards/disaster situations, grossly affecting the Dalits who live in vicarious settlements, and subjected to caste based discrimination in disasters. It also would cover a ...
This event will discuss the linkage between climate change, agriculture biodiversity and food security. The major focus of the discussion will be how climate change has been affecting agriculture biodiversity and hence food security. It will seek answers to some pressing questions such as: Are t ...
The sacred sites and the associated traditional knowledge may become indispensable when the communities try to find sustainable solutions for adapting to climate change. One of the most important stakeholder group in this process is the youth, who will witness the results of the present efforts. ...
Climate change mitigation and adaptation projects can potentially deliver benefits for biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, in some instances, for example, where afforestation leads to the establishment of monocultures or the introduction of exogenous trees, climate projects may have ne ...
This workshop will discuss the experiences of the Indigenous Peoples' Biocultural Climate Change Assessment initiative in developing community-based biodiversity and climate change assessments to create local mitigation and adaptation responses in the context of food security and livelihoods, wi ...
Global environemental assessments, whether for biodiversity or climate change, should be based on the best avaialble knowledge. Today there is broad recognition that indegenous and local knowledge must be part of that core data set. We provide an update on recent efforts to bring indigenous an ...
The purpose of this meeting is to show the processes and mechanisms developed to involve the population in mitigating environmental and socio impacts against climate change. From local experience, develop national and subregional partnerships to address these changes. Manu National Park was dec ...
Dams, Hydroelectric projects, diversions and unregulated water abstraction have majorly affected aquatic, riparian, estuarine and coastal biodiversity in South Asia, specifically in India. Dams have a multi-pronged impact on biodiversity by submerging forests, changing the natural hydro graph of ...
Blue carbon refers to the carbon sequestered and stored in coastal vegetated ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrass or tidal salt marshes. This carbon can build up over millenia, but is then be susceptible to oxidation and significant release into the atmosphere if habitats are degraded. Maintai ...
The event will feature the presentation of a new report on the do's and don'ts of supporting Indigenous and community initiatives to conserve and restore forests. It will discuss how appropriate support to Indigenous territories and community conserved areas (ICCAs) can contribute to sustainable ...
The event will offer very concrete examples of how farmer-led experimentation and resilience strategies are helping farmers to build seed security, feed their families, and stay on their lands, despite unpredictable and challenging climate events. If we are to build food security in vulnerable ...
How can we design better conservation projects to protect tropical biodiversity in the face of climate change? This event will present the results of a multi-institutional study of climate change vulnerability assessments and adaptation planning projects in South America, the Caribbean, Africa, ...
This high level event will address how political efforts are needed in order to implement the provisions of two of the most important MEAs. Counting on the participation of developed and developing countries participants, the discussion will include the kind of commitments necessary to reduce th ...
The respectfully requested CBD COP 10 side event aims at informing about the new Pacific Ocean 2020 Challenge Initiative which was kick-started in July 2010. Seven Governments (California, Fiji, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vietnam) participated in the founding meeting. Governo ...
Contribution of artificial satellites to biodiversity survey and climate change monitoring (the second part). Current plan on the topic is as followed: Lecture on highlighting the contribution of artificial satellites to climate change and water circulation monitoring and global, regional and Lo ...
Event provides for discussion of new application of the ecosystem approach to move from current preservation of species/habitats/systems as they are now and “always” to focus on building resilience for terrestrial and marine ecosystems to address challenge of management through change and under ...
This event will showcase the work of the BDA (Biotechnology for Development in Africa) Foundation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The BDA approach of creating 'ecopreneurs' who can capitalize on the medicinal products of cultivated trees shows a unique and effective way of creating soc ...
Presentation of the results of recent and on-going work that has examined the projected impacts of climate change on the distribution of birds and other biodiversity throughout Africa and Asia, and the resilience of the network of Important Bird Areas across the two regions. An Adaptive Manageme ...
This side event aims to share information on actions by leading companies to ‘neutralise’ their residual environmental impacts and to introduce the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme. It seeks feedback from CBD delegates on what Parties and others can do to stimulate more companies to ...
India has setup Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) as a tool to prevent mis-appropriation/bio-piracy of its Traditional Knowledge at International Patent Offices. TKDL contains information in 34 million pages in a patent application format in five International languages i.e. English, ...
The Mesoamerican region is known as one of the biodiversity hotspots of the World. The countries of the region have undertaken multi-year processes to identify the priority areas, strategies, and financing needs required to ensure the ecological representation and effective management of biodiv ...
A major outcome of the World Climate Conference - 3 was the proposal for the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). The side-event will describe the GFCS and how the biological diversity could benefit from it.
Small islands are especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change on ecosystems, protected areas, economies, tourism and the communities that live there. While global attention has been brought to bear on this issue, there remains a critical communications challenge: how to effectively en ...
We want to show climate disaster pictures of Bangladesh that is, see what we see and we want to let the world know about Bangladesh and their duties for climate that is, hear what we say...
Global climate change is predicted to have profound effects upon ecological systems and human society. The conservation of biodiversity and its sustainable use are also challenges of great importance for mankind as means of addressing global climate change. To slow down global climate change and ...
Presentation and Interpretation on treatment of invasive alien species in Japan (The first part; Experts tell and interpret participants a story illustrated with picture cards about treatment of invasive alien species in Japan. The second part; Each sector of Experts (ex. mammals, birds, reptile ...
Global climate change is expected to transform the world’s biodiversity, with major impacts on livelihoods of indigenous and local communities. While scientists struggle to predict climate change outcomes at global and regional scales, indigenous communities grapple with assessing impacts on the ...
Employing adaptive management principles and techniques, this side event discusses opportunities to use national legal and regulatory frameworks to adapt biodiversity management to climate change and strengthen resiliency in biodiversity governance. The Environmental Law Institute will release f ...
Biodiversity in China is under immense pressure. Loss of biodiversity is much worse than previously expected due to the cumulative impact of human disturbance and climate change. To achieve sustainable development and tackle climate change, biodiversity and carbon are vital for policy forming of ...
This side event will showcase the different food cuisines from rice, ranging from hors d’ vors, appetizers, main course and desserts that are so delicious and tempting that one cannot imagine living without rice. The different rice varieties and food cuisines will be exhibited to the negoti ...
Presentation of community based management of agricultural biodiversity from different regions. Special focus on Community Seed Banks, and a launch of a report on Community Seed Banks.
Worldwide, specific agricultural systems and landscapes have been created, shaped and maintained by generations of farmers and herders based on diverse natural resources, using locally adapted management practices. These systems have resulted in the maintenance and adaptation of globally signifi ...
This side event will launch a new publication from UNDP/GEF/CBD that highlights current trends in protected areas, and provides recommendations for managing protected areas to sustain livelihoods, maintain ecosystem services and promote climate adaptation and resilience. The lessons are drawn fr ...
Achieving a viable balance between human use of marine living resources and conservation of marine biodiversity and habitats is essential to secure long-term ecosystem service delivery, including healthy and productive fish populations. This side event will present a report prepared by FAO,UNEP ...
Several recent initiatives are exploring the benefits for biodiversity, climate and livelihoods of conserving and restoring wetlands. This event includes presentations from experts involved in the science, practice and financing of wet carbon projects, including on-going work by IUCN and its par ...
Indigenous peoples and local communities are gaining increasing international recognition of their roles in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity under the CBD. At the same time, they struggle to retain similar rights under UNFCCC REDD. This side event brings together community re ...
Facing climate change threats to ecosystems and species is a major challenge for the conservation of Protected Areas. This side event aims to share Mexico’s experience in developing the Climate Change Strategy for Protected Areas as well as the project “Pilot Programs for Climate Change Adaptati ...
This talk will cover water, carbon and biodiversity benefits, and ties in with the focus of the EU biodiversity policy.
Discussion and presentations from countries and institutions in the Western Indian Ocean (islands of the Indian Ocean and coastal areas of East Africa) hosted by the Global island partnership. Will including the environmental and climate change needs and threats and how to address these through ...
*In October 2009, the UN agencies etc. (including UNEP) published a report, in which notes that “Out of all the biological carbon (or green carbon) captured in the world, over half (55%) is captured by marine living organisms – not on land – hence it is called blue carbon.”. In CO2 absorption by ...
Climate change mitigation measures can potentially deliver co-benefits, such as biodiversity conservation and the maintenance of ecosystem services in addition to emissions reductions. Jointly organised by BfN and UNEP-WCMC, this side-event will present planning tools collaboratively developed w ...
Twelve MEAs and UNEP are developing a joint portal called "InforMEA" to provide a gateway to MEA knowledge. InforMEA is able to harvest and aggregate information from MEAs and on international environmental law from a variety of different sources. With seed funding, a prototype of the InforMEA p ...
Ocean acidification, as a direct consequence of increased carbon dioxide, presents a serious concern for marine and coastal biodiversity and habitats globally. An emerging body of research suggests that the effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms and ecosystems will be variable and co ...
Separately, climate change and invasive species are two of the greatest threats to biodiversity and the ecosystem services upon which humanity relies. Combined their impacts will be compounded, potentially resulting in negative feedback loops with increasingly dire consequences. Fortunately, we ...
The main objective of the proposed side event is to discuss how we can incorporate the concept of biodiversity conservation to the REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), namely as REDD+ or REDD ++ which is now key issue for the protection of pristine forest particula ...