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Reference: SCBD/IMS/NP/ET/AP/DM/91293 (2023-107)
To: CBD national focal points, ABS focal points, Cartagena Protocol focal points, SBSTTA national focal points, CHM focal points, indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/IMS/NP/JC/MC/91153 (2023-076)
To: CBD national focal points, Cartagena Protocol focal points, ABS focal points, SBSTTA focal Points
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/ET/AP/SM/88637 (2022-013)
To: CBD and CHM National Focal Points
23 November 2021, Online
Reference: SCBD/IMS/ET/SM/88637 (2020-061)
To: CBD and CHM National Focal Points
9 July 2020, Online
Reference: SCBD/IMS/ET/SM/88637 (2020-018)
To: CBD and CHM National Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/ET/AR/DM/88533 (2019-112)
To: CBD, ABS and CPB National Focal Points
26 November 2019, Montreal, Canada
17 - 19 June 2019, Montreal, Canada
14 - 18 April 2019, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/SM/87106 (2018-098)
To: CBD and CHM National Focal Points, CHM Informal Advisory Committee
24 November 2018, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/SM/87106 (2018-071)
To: CBD and CHM National Focal Points
10 - 11 July 2018, Montreal, Canada
5 - 9 March 2018, Cairo, Egypt
Reference: SCBD/OES/CPP/AR/87202 (2018-028)
To: All National Focal Points, United Nations organizations, intergovernmental organizations non-governmental organizations, indigenous peoples and local communities organizations, business organizations, educational organizations
29 January - 2 February 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
Reference: SCBD/IMS/ET/SM/87118 (2018-011)
To: CBD and CHM NFPs of: Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Yemen
Reference: SCBD/ITS/CHM/ET/ODM/SM/87106 (2018-010)
To: CBD and CHM National Focal Points
7 - 8 December 2017, Montreal, Canada
Reference: SCBD/IMS/ET/ODM/SM/87005 (2017-127)
To: CBD and CHM NFPs of: Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, Cyprus, Indonesia, Lao, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste , Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and Yemen
14 - 16 November 2017, Montreal, Canada
Framework for a communications strategy
Web strategy for the Convention and its Protocols
Additional information on the web strategy for the Convention and its Protocols
Provisional Agenda (Unedited version)
Reference: SCBD/IMS/RS/ODM/SM/86319 (2017-047)
To: CBD and CHM National Focal Points, and CHM-IAC Members
Reference: SCBD/IMS/RS/ODM/86319 (2017-015)
To: CBD & CHM National Focal Points and CHM-IAC Members
Report of the meeting
Reference: SCBD/IMS/RS/ODM/84721 (2016-146)
To: CBD & CHM National Focal Points; cc CHM-IAC Members & CHM Award Jury Members
I am pleased to share with you the outcome of the first CHM award process which culminated at the ceremony held on 9 December 2016 at the margins of COP 13. At this ceremony, six Parties were granted an award and 14 Parties were delivered a certificate of achievement.
English11 December 2016, Cancun, Mexico
3 December 2016, Cancun, Mexico
Stocktaking Summary of the Technical and Scientific Cooperation Needs of Parties, Previous Work Carried Out under the Convention and Initiatives Relevant to the Bio-Bridge Initiative
Bio-Bridge Initiative Action Plan 2017-2020 and Report on Progress towards the Implementation of the Initiative
Progress Report on the Clearing House Mechanism
Progress report on the Clearing-House Mechanism
Additional Information on the Web Strategy for the Convention and Its Protocols
Additional information on the web strategy for the Convention and its Protocols
Annotations to the provisional agenda