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Doing the laundry for a family of four every week has always been tedious, but now it is burdened by knowing that almost every item we wash is releasing hundreds of thousands of tiny synthetic fibers into our waterways and the ocean beyond.
Emergency use of a product containing the chemical thiamethoxam has been authorised in England because of a virus which affects sugar beets.
A pesticide which reduces bee populations and was to be used in England’s sugar beet fields this year will not be used after recent cold weather killed off virus-transmitting aphids.
Plastic bags that claim to be biodegradable were still intact and able to carry shopping three years after being exposed to the natural environment, a study has found.
To start dealing with Australia's mounting plastic crisis, the federal government last week launched its first National Plastics Plan.The plan will fight plastic on various fronts, such as banning plastic on beaches, ending polystyrene packaging for takeaway containers, and phasing in microplast ...
The Pakistani city of Lahore was declared the most polluted city in the world by an air quality monitor on Wednesday, as residents choking in acrid smog pleaded with officials to take action.
Over the last 10 years, hundreds of sharks and rays have become entangled in plastic waste in the world’s oceans, U.K. researchers said.
Air pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil was responsible for 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, a staggering one in five of all people who died that year, new research has found.
Stinging eyes, an unrelenting cough and chronic lung disease have taken their toll on Bhajan Lal, an auto rickshaw driver navigating the Indian capital's chaotic roads and poisonous air.
As plastic debris weathers in aquatic environments, it can shed tiny nanoplastics. Although scientists have a good understanding of how these particles form, they still don't have a good grasp of where all the fragments end up.
You sort your recycling, leave it to be collected – and then what?
Peruvians are racing to save animals caught up in a devastating oil spill that has been blamed on a volcanic explosion near Tonga. Environment Minister Ruben Ramirez has said that some 6,000 barrels of oil were spilled in the incident, which has left oil on 21 beaches.
Brightly coloured plastic debris from the UK has been washing up along the coast of Maine in the US after a shipment bound for incineration fell into the sea.
A new study of sea turtles in three oceans and seas drove home the point, green campaigners said Wednesday, that the world's governments and corporations are not doing enough to reduce plastic pollution—and marine life is suffering as a result.
Disposable products have a detrimental impact on the natural environment, wildlife, human health, and vulnerable communities. Single use products, from packaging to food containers, to disposable cups and cutlery, are a key contributor to the 2 billion tons of waste that humans produce every year.
Harmful to ocean and aquatic life, microplastics make up the nearly three percent toxic pollutants in shallow, tropical waters where corals flourish. These toxic chemicals bring huge detrimental impact on reef health, and a new study reveals 4 million pounds of them may be stored in coral skelet ...
Debris on Cocos (Keeling) Islands was mostly bottles, cutlery, bags and straws, but also included 977,000 shoes, study says
United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP’s) report shows that plastic pollution leakage into aquatic ecosystems has grown sharply in recent years and is projected to more than double by 2030, with dire consequences for human health, the global economy, biodiversity and the climate.
Researchers from the University of Sydney examined the impact that pesticides are having on soil, the atmosphere and surface and groundwater across 168 countries.The data revealed that Asia houses the largest land areas at high risk of pollution, with China, Japan, Malaysia, and the Philippines ...
In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, countries are launching economic recovery programs to mitigate unemployment and stabilize core industries. Although it is understandably difficult to contemplate other hazards in the midst of this outbreak, it is important to remem ...
As the second Malta Sustainability Forum prepares to kick-start online later this month, Malta’s first-ever Ocean Ambassador Alan Deidun explains why fighting ocean plastic pollution should be at the top of humanity’s priorities list.
We have long known that the accumulation of plastic in the world’s landfills and oceans represents a growing environmental risk. More recently, we have come to understand that plastic poses an urgent – even deadly – threat to public health, too. And yet, global efforts to address the plastic cri ...
In just 10 years, the Isle of Man has rid its beaches of plastic and earned Unesco status as a world leader in ocean protection. So how did it do it?
The Lancet Planetary Health released the report, “Pollution and health: A progress update,” on 17 May 2022. The report finds that pollution is responsible for approximately nine million deaths per year, corresponding to one in six deaths worldwide, making it the world’s largest environmental ris ...
Lead has been detected in nesting native kākā chicks in Wellington, but unusually, the birds look to have developed a tolerance to the toxin, a study has found.
A new study has found nearly 80 percent of the plastic pollution in the oceans come from 1,000 rivers around the world. While it was first thought that a handful of large continental rivers were the main culprits, contributing the most in terms of plastic emissions, a new model has shown a mix o ...
Homeowners who rely on private wells as their drinking water source can be vulnerable to bacteria, nitrates, and other contaminants that have known human health risks.
Aerosols are fine particulates that float in the atmosphere. Many are natural, but those haven’t increased or decreased much over the centuries. But human-caused aerosols — emitted from smokestacks, car exhausts, wildfires, and even clothes dryers — have increased rapidly, largely in step with g ...
At the recently concluded 17th Ordinary session of the Africa Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), all 54 African countries committed to address the key environmental challenges of our time including climate change, land degradation, loss of biodiversity and plastic pollution.
"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry"—this famous paraphrase of Scottish poet Robert Burns sometimes sums up human ingenuity. That is exactly what happened when a county in Washington State decided to replace all of its county-owned streetlights with LEDs, at least partially in an ...
Food production, primarily the raising of livestock, causes poor air quality that is responsible for about 16,000 deaths a year in the United States, roughly the same number from other sources of air pollution, including transportation and electricity generation, according to research published ...
Researchers have found that aerosol particles in the atmosphere have a bigger impact on cloud cover than previously thought, despite a smaller effect on cloud brightness than expected.
Deaths attributable to PM 2.5 pollution in India have increased by 2.5 times over the last two decades, according to a new report by the Centre for Science and Environment.
The concentration levels of nitrogen dioxide, a primary air contaminant, have declined 64% in major Spanish cities after the implementation of measures to fight COVID-19. Levels have fallen most in Barcelona, with an 83% decline. In Madrid, levels have dropped 73% and 64% in València.
The far-reaching mobility restrictions at the beginning of the COVID pandemic in March 2020 created a unique situation for atmospheric sciences: "During the 2020 lockdown, we were able to directly investigate the actual effects of drastic traffic restrictions on the distribution of air pollutant ...
Premature deaths caused by fine particle air pollution have fallen 10 percent annually across Europe, but the invisible killer still accounts for 307,000 premature deaths a year, the European Environment Agency said Monday.
A new study shows that air pollutants from the smoke of fires from as far as Canada and the southeastern U.S. traveled hundreds of miles and several days to reach Connecticut and New York City, where it caused significant increases in pollution concentrations.
Air pollution is cutting short the lives of billions of people by up to six years, according to a new report, making it a far greater killer than smoking, car crashes or HIV/Aids.
Small increases in air pollution are linked to an increased risk of irreversible sight loss from age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a large UK study has found.
High levels of air pollution could raise the risk of dying from Covid-19, two studies suggest. Dr Maria Neira, of the World Health Organization (WHO), told BBC News countries with high pollution levels, many in Latin America, Africa and Asia, should ramp up their preparations.
Amid the smog, butterflies, bees and other insects are having a hard time smelling the flowers they so dutifully pollinate.
Freezing rain is a typical weather disaster in winter and early spring over many regions of the world, even tropical areas. It develops as supercooled water (below 0 °C) in the air and freezes immediately after depositing on cold surfaces. In southern China, freezing rain mainly happens in the m ...
In early 2020, data from satellites were used to show a decline in air pollution coinciding with nationwide lockdowns put in place to stop the spread of COVID-19. One year later, as lockdown restrictions loosen in some countries and regular activity resumes, nitrogen dioxide levels are bouncing ...
Exposure to air pollution significantly increases the risk of infertility, according to the first study to examine the danger to the general population.
Air pollution does not respect national boundaries and environmental degradation will lead to mass migration in the future, said a leading barrister in the wake of a landmark migration ruling, as experts warned that government action must be taken as a matter of urgency.
I’ve put my baby down for the night. He’s coughing, spluttering, feverish, and miserable. In the morning his eyelids will be stuck together, he’ll be apathetic and off his food. Diagnosis – bronchitis. Treatment – the red drops from the doctor. He’ll soon be over it but he’ll get it again and again.
Amazon is under pressure to reduce its plastic footprint, as shareholders prepare to vote on Wednesday on a resolution calling for it to disclose how much of its plastic packaging ends up in the environment.
With Southeast Asia awash with rubbish, from plastic-choked whales to trash-clogged canals, leaders are planning to push through a deal to fight maritime debris at a regional meeting this weekend.
The ocean holds hundreds of millions of tons of plastic, and none of it is going anywhere anytime soon.
Disposable plastic is terrible for the environment. Alternatives are needed – and they do exist. Plastic that’s more sustainable is being developed in Germany. The result is biodegradable packaging that decomposes without polluting nature.