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A glossary of relevant key terms and concepts to be used within the context of Article 8(j) and related provisions
Ad hoc technical expert groups
Ad hoc technical expert groups
Ad hoc technical expert groups: terms of reference, and roster of experts and proposal on a uniform methodology for their use
Addressing impacts of marine debris and anthropogenic underwater noise on marine and coastal biodiversity
Administration of the Convention
Advice on the application of relevant REDD+16 safeguards for biodiversity, and on possible indicators and potential mechanisms to assess impacts of REDD+ measures on Biodiversity
Advice on the report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on the Genetic Use Restriction Technologies
Advice on the review of implementation of the expanded programme of work on forest biological diversity
Agenda Item 3, 7.1 and 7.2
Agenda item 3.10: Terrestrial biological diversity
Agenda item 3.11: Economic valuation of biological diversity
Agenda item 3.12: Coastal and marine biological diversity
Agenda item 3.4: Practical approaches for capacity-building for taxonomy
Agenda item 3.5: Ways and means to promote and facilitate access to, and transfer and development of technology, including biotechnology
Agenda item 3.6: Knowledge innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities
Agenda item 3.7: Capacity-building for biosafety
Agenda item 3.8: The role of the clearing-house mechanism in promoting technical and scientific cooperation
Agenda item 3.9: Agricultural biological diversity, advisory statement
Agenda item 4: Modus operandi of the subsidiary body on scientific, technical and technological advice
Agenda item 4: Scientific, technical and technological aspects of the conservation and sustainable use of coastal and marine biological diversity: report of the first meeting of experts on marine and coastal biological diversity and consideration of a draft three-year work plan
Agenda item 5: Scientific, technical and technological advice on forest biological diversity, taking account of research and technical priorities previously identified
Agenda item 6: Draft provisional agenda of the third meeting of the SBSTTA
Agenda item 6: Review of ongoing activities on agricultural biological diversity
Agenda item 7.3: Current approaches to indicator development and recommendations for a preliminary core set of indicators of biological diversity, particularly those related to threats, and options for capacity-building in developing countries in the application of guidelines and indicators for subsequent national reports
Agenda item 8: Promotion of international technical and scientific cooperation: report on the implementation of the pilot phase of the clearing-house mechanism
Agenda items
Agricultural biodiversity
Agricultural biodiversity
Agricultural biodiversity: further development of the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Soil Biodiversity
Agricultural biological diversity: assessment of ongoing activities and priorities for a programme of work
Alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species
Alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species (Article8(h)): further consideration of gaps and inconsistencies in the international regulatory framework
Alien species: guiding principles for the prevention, introduction and mitigation of impacts
Alternative ways and means in which the Conference of the Parties could start the process of considering the components of biological diversity particularly those under threat and the identification of action which could be taken under the Convention
Application of the ecosystem approach
Approaches to identifying scientific and technical needs to support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, including its implications for the programmes of work of the Convention
Arctic biodiversity
Assessment and review (Article 35 of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety)
Assessment and review of the effectiveness of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Assessment and review of the effectiveness of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and mid-term evaluation of the Strategic Plan for the Protocol
Assessment and review of the effectiveness of the Nagoya Protocol
Assessment of the status and trends and options for conservation and sustainable use of terrestrial biological diversity: dryland, Mediterranean, arid, semi-arid, grassland, and savannah ecosystems
Assessment processes: progress report on ongoing assessments
Biodiversity and biofuel production
Biodiversity and climate change
Biodiversity and climate change
Biodiversity and climate change
Biodiversity and climate change
Biodiversity and climate change