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4 December 2016 - Ministers from around the world committed to working together to save biodiversity and take urgent action to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and backed this with a host of specific commitments.
4 - 17 December 2016, Cancun, Mexico
1 December 2016 – At a critical meeting opening tomorrow, the United Nations will call on decision makers from more than 190 countries to step up efforts to halt the loss of biodiversity and protect the ecosystems that support food and water security and health for billions of people.
Reference: SCBD/OES/BD/AR/85855 (2016-108)
To: CBD, CPB, ABS, SBSTTA Focal Points, International and Non-Governmental Organizations, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities and relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/OES/BD/AR/85855 (2016-093)
To: CBD, CPB, ABS, SBSTTA Focal Points, International and Non-Governmental Organizations, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities and relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/OES/DC/moc/85746 (2016-072)
To: CBD, CPB and ABS National Focal Points
The first meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 1) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) came to a close on 6 May 2016 in Montreal, Canada. Delegates from around the world advanced attention on national action by recommending tools and approaches for implementing the S ...
The first meeting of the new Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI-1) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will open today, focusing on increasing efforts related to strengthening the review process and enhance on-the-ground implementation at global, national, sub-national and local ...
Reference: SCBD/OES/BD/DC/CE/85588 (2016-053)
To: All CBD, ABS, CPB National Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/OES/BD/DC/85427 (2016-044)
To: International and non-governmental organizations, indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders
Reference: SCBD/OES/BD/DC/85427 (2016-036)
To: All CBD, ABS, CPB National Focal Points
21 - 23 March 2016, Bogis-Bossey, Switzerland
21 March 2016, New York, United States of America
8 - 11 February 2016, Geneva, Switzerland
Reference: SCBD/OES/BD/DC/85353 (2016-015)
To: CBD National Focal Points and relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/MPO/AF/DS/DI/85246 (2015-148)
To: CBD National Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/BS/ET/DA/85253 (2015-147)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points
11 December 2015, Rome, Italy
5 December 2015, Rome, Italy
Reference: SCBD/RMCS/MR-H/85220 (2015-137)
To: CBD National Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/SAM/DC/RH/SS/VA/85178 (2015-131)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points and relevant organizations
16 - 20 November 2015, Lima, Peru
4 November - 4 December 2015, Rome, Italy
2 - 6 November 2015, Engelberg, Switzerland
1 - 5 November 2015, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
31 October - 1 November 2015, Montreal, Canada
20 - 22 October 2015, Washington, United States of America
12 - 23 October 2015, Ankara, Türkiye
6 - 10 October 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia
5 - 6 October 2015, Avarua, Cook Islands
28 - 30 September 2015, Apia, Samoa
12 August 2015, New York, United States of America
9 August 2015, New York, United States of America
2 - 6 August 2015, Montpellier, France
28 - 29 July 2015, Ordos City, Mongolia