> | KB | > | Results |
8 - 11 July 2010, Niort, France
1 - 30 September 2010, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
5 June 2010, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
13 - 14 November 2010, Gijón, Spain
7 - 12 March 2010, Auckland, New Zealand
31 July - 13 August 2010, Instanbul, Türkiye
6 June 2010, Yopougon, Côte d'Ivoire
19 May 2010, Alger, Algeria
20 - 21 November 2010, Madrid, Spain
21 - 22 May 2010, Tlaxcala, Mexico
11 - 14 August 2010, Londrina, Brazil
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/70606 (2010-027)
To: CBD National Focal Points
It is with great pride that the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity highlights the remarkable achievement accomplished in its first month of global celebrations of the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity. The IYB report on global celebrations can be found at http://www.cbd ...
English3 August 2010, Dover, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
18 June - 31 July 2010, Bogota, Colombia
8 May 2010, Fayoum, Egypt
4 - 6 June 2010, Dakar, Senegal
21 July 2010, Aycliffe, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
7 - 12 June 2010, Colle di Val d'Elsa, Italy
22 May 2010, Scotland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
22 April - 1 May 2010, Zvolen, Slovakia
7 - 21 March 2010, Montreal, Canada
22 May 2010, Puerto Madryn, Argentina
5 - 9 October 2010, Montego Bay, Jamaica
29 - 30 May 2010, Dublin, Ireland
24 - 28 May 2010, Montevideo, Uruguay
13 - 18 June 2010, Dublin, Ireland
17 July 2010, Par, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
17 November 2010, Cardiff, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
20 January 2010, Paris, France
23 May 2010, Cottingham, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2 - 8 May 2010, Oxford, New Zealand
25 - 27 June 2010, Huntsville, Canada
22 May 2010, Zagreb, Croatia
16 - 17 November 2010, Malmö, Sweden
22 - 24 September 2010, Brussels, Liege, Genk, Belgium
16 September 2010, Yerevan, Armenia
15 September 2010, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
21 May 2010, Puerto Ayora, Ecuador
22 May 2010, Puerto Ayoras Isla Santa Cruz, Ecuador
22 May 2010, Vidzeme, Latvia
30 October - 4 December 2010, Horw, Switzerland
3 November 2010, Olomouc Moravia, Czechia
22 April 2010, geneva, Switzerland
Montreal, 12 January 2010 – Launching the International Year of Biodiversity in Berlin yesterday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged the world to take the necessary steps to protect the biological diversity of the Earth.
16 - 19 September 2010, Silver City, United States of America
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/ar/70359 (2010-010)
To: All Focal Points of the CBD
It gives me great pleasure to inform you that a special issue of the flagship magazine devoted to the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity is now available on the Convention’s website at: http://www.cbd.int/doc/newsletters/gincana/cbd-gincana-07-en.pdf
English3 - 7 May 2010, Paris, France