> | KB | > | Results |
Reference: SCBD/OES/CPP/JMF/87868 (2019-008)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/SSSFD/ML/OH/VA/87855 (2019-006)
To: CBD, CPB and ABS National Focal Points, relevant stakeholders, organizations and initiatives
Reference: SCBD/CP/DC/MA/MW/87888 (2019-007)
To: Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points of the Anglophone Africa region, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB focal points have not yet been designated) and relevant organizations, cc: Biosafety Clearing-House National Focal Points of the Anglophone Africa region
Reference: SCBD/ITS/JMF/ET/CP/87755 (2019-005)
To: CBD, ABS, CPB National Focal Points, IPLCs, relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/JS/MLS/87830 (2019-004)
To: CBD, TK, and ABS National Focal Points, indigenous and local community organizations, non-governmental organizations, academics, and international organizations
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/LC/MC/86437/87532 (2019-003)
To: CBD National Focal Points and Resource Mobilization Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/ML/GD/87836 (2019-002)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, and ABS Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/OES/CPP/DC/87832 (2019-001)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points and relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/OES/DC/87787 (2018-104)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/CP/DC/MA/MW/87791 (2018-103)
To: CBD National Focal Points, relevant organizations, and indigenous peoples and local communities, cc: SBSTTA National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points, Nagoya Protocol Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/SM/87106 (2018-098)
To: CBD and CHM National Focal Points, CHM Informal Advisory Committee
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/ET/CP/86365 (2018-099)
To: CBD, ABS and CPB Focal Points, other Governments, IPLCs
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/ET/CP/86365 (2018-100)
To: Relevant organizations, women organizations, youth organizations
Reference: SCBD/OES/DC/WY/87783 (2018-101)
To: CBD, CPB and ABS National Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/OES/DC/RH/KNM/87538 (2018-102)
To: CBD National Focal Points, CPB Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, relevant organizations.
Reference: SCBD/IMS/ET/CPo/CPa/87767 (2018-097)
To: CBD, ABS and CPB National Focal Points, and relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/ITS/JMF/ET/SM/CP/87755 (2018-096)
To: CBD, ABS, CPB National Focal Points, IPLCs and relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/SSSF/BSPG/AS/JL/JA/87674 (2018-093)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Marine and Coastal Biodiversity National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, International Coral Reef Initiative, Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security, and other relevant global and regional organizations/initiatives
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/ET/CP/86365 (2018-094)
To: Relevant organizations, women organizations, youth organizations
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/ET/CP/86365 (2018-095)
To: CBD, ABS and CPB Focal Points, other Governments, IPLCs
Reference: SCBD/OES/CPP/87743 (2018-092)
To: CBD Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, Nagoya Protocol Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/SBG/JSH/VA/87734 (2018-090)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, GTI National Focal Points, GTI-Coordination Mechanism, Inter-Agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species, indigenous peoples and local communities, other relevant organizations and partners
Reference: SCBD/OES/CPP/DC/CE/87388 (2018-091)
To: CBD National Focal Points, CPB and ABS Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/OES/DC/VN/MD/RKi/AC/87682 (2018-089)
To: ABS National Focal Points (CBD National Focal Points where ABS National Focal Points have not yet been designated)
Reference: SCBD/OES/CPP/DC/CE/87388 (2018-088)
To: CBD National Focal Points, CPB and ABS Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/OES/JBF/DC/WS/NS/GT/87709 (2018-084)
To: CBD National Focal Points of: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, Cyprus, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, New Zealand, Niue, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, State of Palestine, Syrian Arab Republic,, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Viet Nam and Yemen.
Reference: SCBD/OES/DC/RH/LC/86437 (2018-085)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points, GSPC National Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/SPS/AS/JS/MLS/87388 (2018-087)
To: CBD National Focal Points, TK Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local community organizations, and other relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/OES/CPP/DC/VA/87723 (2018-086)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, CPB Focal Points, other Governments, indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/SPS/AS/MPM/VN/KG/PD/PS/87660 (2018-082)
To: National Focal Points to the Cartagena and the Nagoya Protocols CBD National Focal Points (where CPB and ABS NFPs have not yet been designated)
Reference: SCBD/OES/CPP/DC/87388 (2018-081)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, UN Organizations and Specialized Agencies, IGOs, NGOs, indigenous people and local communities, and other stakeholders
Reference: SCBD/MCO/AF/NP/OH/87604 (2018-083)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol NFPs, ABS NFPs, UN Organizations and Specialized Agencies, IGOs, NGOs, indigenous peoples and local communities
Reference: SCBD/SPS/AS/VN/JS/MLS/87388 (2018-079)
To: CBD National Focal Points, TK Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local community organizations, and other relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/SPS/AS/MPM/AB/87678 (2018-078)
To: BCH and Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/SPS/AS/JL/JA/JMQ/87674 (2018-080)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Marine and Coastal Biodiversity National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant global and regional organizations/initiatives
Reference: SCBD/SPS/AS/SBG/CRm/87681 (2018-077)
To: CBD National Focal Points and SBSTTA Focal Points of the following countries: Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Laos, Brunei
Reference: SCBD/SPS/AS/VN/JS/MLS/87644 (2018-076)
To: CBD, ABS, TK Focal Points, and indigenous people and local community organizations
Reference: SCBD/OES/CPP/DC/87388 (2018-075)
To: CBD National Focal points, ABS Focal Points and Cartagena Protocol Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/OES/CPP/WDY/87388 (2018-074)
To: National Focal Points of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/FK/87606 (2018-073)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, and Nagoya Protocol Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/MCO/ML/DAIN/JH/87609 (2018-072)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, Nagoya Protocol Focal Points, UN Organizations and Specialized Agencies, IGOs, NGOs, and indigenous people and local communities, and other stakeholders
Reference: SCBD/IMS/JMF/SM/87106 (2018-071)
To: CBD and CHM National Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/SPS/DC/SBG/MK/87587 (2018-068)
To: CBD National Focal Points and SBSTTA Focal Points, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities and relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/SPS/AS/MPM/MW/87584 (2018-069)
To: Cartagena Protocol Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/MCO/AF/NP/OH/87585 (2018-070)
To: CBD National Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/OES/CPP/DC/87388 (2018-067)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, UN Organizations and Specialized Agencies, IGOs, NGOs, indigenous people and local communities, and other stakeholders
Reference: SCBD/MCO/AF/ML/GD/87532 (2018-065)
To: CBD National Focal Points and Resource Mobilization Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/MCO/AF/YX/GD/87542 (2018-066)
To: CBD National Focal Points and relevant stakeholders
Reference: SCBD/OES/DC/RH/KNM/87538 (2018-063)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/OES/WDY/moc/87536 (2018-064)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, ABS Focal Points and relevant international organizations